Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Minor Thesis/Project

Credit Points: 36.00


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


140H Computer Science & Information Technology


Sem 1 2006,
Sem 2 2006,
Sem 2 2007,
Sem 2 2008,
Sem 1 2009,
Sem 2 2009,
Sem 1 2010,
Sem 2 2010,
Sem 1 2011,
Sem 1 2012,
Sem 1 2013,
Sem 2 2015,
Sem 2 2016


City Campus


171H School of Science


Sem 1 2017,
Sem 2 2017,
Sem 1 2018,
Sem 2 2018,
Sem 1 2019,
Sem 2 2019,
Sem 2 2020,
Sem 1 2021


City Campus


175H Computing Technologies


Sem 2 2022,
Sem 1 2023,
Sem 2 2023,
Sem 1 2024,
Sem 2 2024,
Sem 1 2025


RMIT University Vietnam


175H Computing Technologies


Viet2 2024

Course Coordinator: Dr Hai Dong

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 3736

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: 14.10.10

Course Coordinator Availability: By appointment, by email

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

Recommended Prior Study

You should have satisfactorily completed or received credit for the following course/s before you commence this course:

If you have completed prior studies at RMIT or another institution that developed the skills and knowledge covered in the above course/s you may be eligible to apply for credit transfer.

Alternatively, if you have prior relevant work experience that developed the skills and knowledge covered in the above course/s you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning.

Please follow the link for further information on how to apply for credit for prior study or experience.

Assumed Knowledge

In order to be eligible to do the minor thesis/project option, you must have a Grade Point Average of 3.0 or above.

Course Description

This course is the masters by coursework minor thesis/project.

A minor thesis is a substantial work of supervised research or development, requiring the equivalent of about four months full-time work from start to finish. A thesis involves identifying a task or problem, searching and reviewing relevant literature, a proposed, implemented, and critically analysed solution to the task or problem, and a written report describing the problem, the relevant literature, the solution, and its relation to other work in the area.

Note: This course includes a work integrated learning experience in which your knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a real or simulated workplace context and where feedback from industry and/ or community is integral to your experience.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

Program Learning Outcomes

This course contributes to the program learning outcomes for the following program(s):

MC208 - Master of Information Technology
MC271 - Master of Artificial Intelligence

PLO1 Enabling Knowledge:

You will gain skills as you apply knowledge with creativity and initiative to new situations. In doing so, you will:

- demonstrate mastery of a body of knowledge that includes recent developments in computer science and information technology
- recognise and use research principles and methods applicable to computer science and information technology.

PLO2 Critical Analysis:

You will learn to accurately and objectively examine, and critically investigate computer science and information technology (IT) concepts, evidence, theories or situations, in particular to:

- analyse and model complex requirements and constraints for the purpose of designing and implementing software artefacts and IT systems
- evaluate and compare designs of software artefacts and IT systems on the basis of organisational and user requirements.

PLO3 Problem Solving:

Your capability to analyse complex problems and synthesise suitable solutions will be extended as you learn to:

- design and implement software solutions that accommodate specified requirements and constraints, based on analysis or modelling or requirements specification.

PLO4 Communication:

You will learn to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences through a range of modes and media, in particular to:

- interpret abstract theoretical propositions, choose methodologies, justify conclusions and defend professional decisions to both IT and non-IT personnel via technical reports of professional standard and technical presentations.

PLO5/6 Responsibility:

You will be required to accept responsibility for your own learning and make informed decisions about judging and adopting appropriate behaviour in professional and social situations. This includes accepting the responsibility for independent life-long learning and a high level of accountability. Specifically, you will learn to:

- effectively apply relevant standards, ethical considerations, and an understanding of legal and privacy issues to designing software applications and IT systems.

PLO6/7 Research and Scholarship:

You will have technical and communication skills to design, evaluate, implement, analyse and theorise about developments that contribute to professional practice or scholarship, specifically you will have cognitive skills:

- to demonstrate mastery of theoretical knowledge and to reflect critically on theory and professional practice or scholarship
- to plan and execute a substantial research-based project, capstone experience and/or piece of scholarship.

Upon successful completion of this course you should be able to:

  1. Identify a task or problem relevant to computer science and/or IT
  2. Search and review of the relevant literature
  3. Propose a solution to the task or problem
  4. Develop a software and/or algorithmic solution to the task or problem
  5. Implement solutions to meet high quality requirements developed by the supervisor
  6. Carry out research under supervision
  7. Present the research in a written form like that used for published papers
  8. Present the research in an oral seminar

Overview of Learning Activities

A minor project is a substantial work of supervised research or software development. You will choose an academic staff member as your supervisor to work on a research project. To successfully complete the course, you must demonstrate research skills: ability to undertake research under supervision, ability to analyse, develop, and present the research in a written form like that used for published papers, and ability to present the research in an oral seminar.

In this course, you are expected to carry out research activities including implementing a complete solution to the problems identified by the supervisor, critical analysis of results, and completing a written thesis. The major deadline for this course is the delivery of the minor thesis by the end of the semester.

Overview of Learning Resources

For extra support with study organisation, assignment planning or learning skills you may wish to contact any of the following:

Study and Learning Centre:
To make appointments or just drop-in for learning support, see location, times, and contact details, as well as self-help learning support resources, via:

Overview of Assessment

You must satisfactorily complete each of the following assessment tasks for this course:

  • research project comprising an implemented and critically analysed solution to the task or problem
  • written report (final thesis) describing the problem, the relevant literature, the solution, and its relation to other work in the area
  • seminar on your research (of 20 minutes) soon after your thesis is submitted.

The minor thesis is assessed on its merits as a research publication. Each thesis is examined by two academics, usually from within the School; neither examiner is a supervisor of the student.

If you have a long-term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more.