Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Introduction to Advertising

Credit Points: 12.00


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


335H Applied Communication


Sem 1 2006,
Sem 2 2006,
Sem 1 2007,
Sem 2 2007,
Sem 1 2008,
Sem 2 2008,
Sem 1 2009,
Sem 2 2009


City Campus


345H Media and Communication


Sem 2 2010,
Sem 2 2011,
Sem 1 2012,
Sem 2 2012,
Sem 1 2013,
Sem 2 2013,
Sem 1 2014,
Sem 2 2014,
Sem 1 2015,
Sem 2 2015,
Sem 1 2016,
Sem 2 2016,
Sem 2 2017,
Sem 2 2018,
Sem 2 2019,
Sem 1 2020,
Sem 1 2022,
Sem 2 2022,
Sem 1 2023,
Sem 2 2023,
Sem 1 2024,
Sem 2 2024,
Sem 1 2025


Hong Kong Management Associatn


335H Applied Communication


Offsh 4 08


RMIT University Vietnam


335H Applied Communication


Viet1 2009,
Viet2 2009,
Viet3 2009


RMIT University Vietnam


345H Media and Communication


Viet1 2010,
Viet2 2010,
Viet3 2010,
Viet1 2011,
Viet2 2011,
Viet3 2011,
Viet1 2012,
Viet2 2012,
Viet3 2012,
Viet1 2013,
Viet2 2013,
Viet3 2013,
Viet1 2014,
Viet2 2014,
Viet3 2014,
Viet1 2015,
Viet2 2015,
Viet3 2015,
Viet1 2016,
Viet2 2016,
Viet1 2017,
Viet2 2017,
Viet1 2018,
Viet3 2018,
Viet1 2019,
Viet2 2019,
Viet3 2019,
Viet1 2020,
Viet2 2020,
Viet3 2020,
Viet1 2021,
Viet2 2021,
Viet3 2021,
Viet1 2022,
Viet2 2022,
Viet3 2022,
Viet1 2023,
Viet2 2023,
Viet3 2023,
Viet1 2024,
Viet2 2024,
Viet3 2024,
Viet1 2025


Singapore Inst of Management


345H Media and Communication


Offsh4 17,
Offsh3 19,
Offsh3 20,
Offsh3 21,
Offsh3 22,
Offsh3 23,
Offsh3 24


RMIT Vietnam Hanoi Campus


345H Media and Communication


Viet3 2019,
Viet1 2020,
Viet2 2020,
Viet3 2020,
Viet1 2021,
Viet2 2021,
Viet3 2021,
Viet2 2022,
Viet3 2022,
Viet1 2023,
Viet2 2023,
Viet3 2023,
Viet1 2024,
Viet2 2024,
Viet3 2024

Flexible Terms

Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


345H Media and Communication


UGRDFlex18 (All)


City Campus


345H Media and Communication


UGRDFx2019 (All)


City Campus


345H Media and Communication


UGRDFlex22 (B219),

UGRDFlex22 (All)


City Campus


345H Media and Communication


UGRDFlex23 (B219),

UGRDFlex23 (All)

Course Coordinator: Tram Phan

Course Coordinator Phone: Please email

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: Building 9 Level 4

Course Coordinator Availability: Email Course Coordinator for appointment

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

Program Learning Outcomes

This course contributes to the following BP354 Bachelor of Professional Communication program learning outcomes: 

  • PLO3: Employ intellectual agility, knowledge, and skills to develop creative solutions for an unpredictable world and to adapt to professional and personal change.
  • PLO5: Establish and continue to grow communication knowledge and skills by applying disciplinary and interdisciplinary expertise in real world contexts.

If you are taking this course as an option course or as part of a minor, this course will complement the learning outcomes you are developing in your program.

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to give you an overview of the advertising, its functions, practices, and an appreciation of its role within the broader communications industry.

In the course, you will examine advertising theory, practice, and explore the processes involved in creating effective communication campaigns. You will also review the role of advertising agencies, professional roles within advertising agencies, the importance of clients, target audiences, message and media strategy and creative thinking.

As part of this course, you will undertake learning activities/assessment to engage and connect you with industry relevant to your current studies.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Investigate the role of Advertising in society.
  2. Examine advertising and how it works in conjunction with the full range of communication tools.
  3. Identify and analyse the principles and practices in the creation, production, and evaluation of advertising campaigns.
  4. Explore Professional roles and technologies involved in the advertising industry.

Overview of Learning Activities

Your learning experiences will include interactive studios, and team-based activities. You will have the opportunity to study the theories underpinning this course and explore key concepts through exercises and discussion.

There will be both individual and team exercises in your weekly studio to further develop ideas. Local and international advertising examples will be presented and discussed. Self-directed learning (such as pre work for your studio) is also an important component for the successful achievement of the objectives of this course.

Overview of Learning Resources

RMIT will provide you with resources and tools for learning in this course.

A list of recommended learning resources will be provided on Canvas, including books, journal articles and on-line resources.

You will also be expected to seek further resources relevant to the focus of your own learning. The University Library has extensive resources for Advertising students. The library has produced a subject guide that includes quality online and print resources for your studies:
The library provides guides on academic referencing: and subject specialist help via your Liaison Librarian.

Overview of Assessment

You will be assessed on how well you meet the course’s learning outcomes and on your development against the program learning outcomes. Assessment may include essays, reports, reflective papers, creative projects and presentations, individually and in groups. Assessment will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of your learning.

Feedback will be given through canvas on all assessment tasks.

Assessment Tasks
Assessment Task 1: Online Quiz, 30% CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 and CLO4
Assessment Task 2: Report, 40%, CLO1 and CLO2
Assessment Task 3: Campaign Presentation and Submission, 30% CLO3 and CLO4

Feedback will be given on all assessment tasks.

If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more.

Your course assessment conforms to RMIT assessment principles, regulations, policies, procedures and instructions.