Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Issues in Corporate Governance

Credit Points: 12.00

Course Coordinator: Benedict Sheehy

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 5714

Course Coordinator Email:

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

Introduction to the Australian Legal System and Legal Methods
Australian Company Law


Course Description

This course examines corporate governance and the legal issues which arise in relation to directors’ duties and corporate governance best practice; particular emphasis will be placed on important recent developments relevant to corporate governance. Selected legal areas will be examined in order to develop an awareness of the legal context in which directors operate. This course reflects the growing awareness of the business community to give increasing recognition to the importance of corporate governance, in an overall understanding of the corporate and financial environment.


Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

See learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

1. demonstrate and advanced and integrated knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings of corporate governance including the role and functions of ASIC and ASX in relation to corporate governance and the nature of regulation in Australia and the reasons for and the major issues raised by the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Principles and various other codes and statements of corporate governance best practices;
2. critically evaluate current policy issues and how these may affect existing corporate law;

3. analyse and research complex problems relating to corporate governance and make reasoned and appropriate choices amongst alternatives;
4. demonstrate sophisticated cognitive and creative skills in approaching legal issues relating to corporate governance and generate appropriate responses.


Overview of Learning Activities

To achieve the objectives listed above this course requires you to participate in various learning activities. These activities comprise the following:

* Leading class discussion on legal problems and policy issues.
* Engaging in legal research by traditional means but also using electronic legal data bases and internet searching,
* Participation in class discussion

Overview of Learning Resources

Students will be advised of the prescribed text for this course and other reading materials upon enrolment.

Distributed Learning System (DLS)
This course is supported online using the Learning Hub of the DLS. The DLS gives access to important announcements; staff contact details, the teaching schedule, assessment timelines and a variety of important teaching and learning materials. The Learning Hub of the DLS can be found at


Overview of Assessment

Generally, the assessment involves preparation of a journal, case studies, class presentation, a legal research paper and an end of semester examination.