Part A: Course Overview
Course Title: PhD Research (12cp)
Credit Points: 12.00
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Course Coordinator: Prof Jiming Ye
Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 7419
Course Coordinator Email:
Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities
You are expected to successfully complete a research methods course in the first semester of your program. You should consult your supervisory team before enrolling in any elective research techniques courses.
Course Description
This course is for candidates enrolled in DR226 in the School of Health Sciences. In this course, you are required to undertake independent self-directed work. The direction of this course will be under the general guidance of your supervisors who have knowledge of the area of study and substantial research experience.
Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development
You will undertake a program of independent supervised study that produces significant and original research outcomes culminating in a thesis, thesis by publication or project and exegesis for independent examination by at least two external expert examiners of international standing.
Overview of Learning Activities
You should meet with your supervisors on a regular basis to plan and discuss the progress and direction of your study. Your progress in your research project is monitored formally via the candidature milestones.
Overview of Learning Resources
Your research project will be designed and approved based on the availability of the appropriate facilities and resources. More information about support for candidates can be found here.
Overview of Assessment
During your time as a research candidate you are graded as ‘NEX’. This means that the grades are withheld until such time that your work is examined, recommended for a pass and the final archival copy of your thesis or project is accepted as having met all requirements for the degree. For more information about the assessment of your thesis or project refer to the Higher Degrees by Research Policies.