Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Aviation Professional Experience PG

Credit Points: 12.00


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


172H School of Engineering


Sem 1 2025

Course Coordinator: TBA

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925

Course Coordinator Email:

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities


Course Description

This course includes a Work Integrated Learning experience in which your knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a real workplace context and where feedback from industry is integral to your experience.    You will participate in pre- and post-placement workshops at RMIT and write a logbook during your placement that will be reviewed by your RMIT supervisor. Pre-placement workshop will help develop your skills to find work and be successful in the workplace. Logbook will help you reflect on your success and challenges in the workplace, and learn from your experience. Post-placement workshop will help you reflect on your placement and identify evidence of your skills that will enhance your future job seeking.   It is your task to find your work placement position. This task helps you develop a critical career skill: to look for suitable roles and perform well in the application process.   You will work for at least 10 weeks full time (or 50 days in several blocks or 370 hours part time) in industry, under the supervision of a qualified aviation practitioner, undertaking aviation work, to develop industry relevant skills, knowledge, and attributes.   Aviation Professional Experience is normally undertaken in the summer vacation between the penultimate and final year of study, but can be undertaken earlier.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

This course contributes to the following Programs Learning Outcomes:

Needs, context and systems:

  • Exposit legal, social, economic, ethical and environmental interests, values, requirements and expectations of key stakeholders

Problem-solving and design:

  • Develop creative and innovative solutions to problems
  • Anticipate the consequences of intended action or inaction and understand how the consequences are managed collectively by your organisation, project or team
  • Develop and operate within a hazard and risk framework appropriate to industry activities

Professional Practice

  • Understand the scope, principles, norms, accountabilities and bounds of contemporary industry practice in the specific discipline
  • Demonstrate effective team membership and team leadership
  • Communicate in a variety of different ways to collaborate with other people, including accurate listening, reading and comprehension, based on dialogue when appropriate, taking into account the knowledge, expectations, requirements, interests, terminology and language of the intended audience
  • Display a personal sense of responsibility for your work
  • Demonstrate orderly management of self, and professional conduct.

Upon successful completion of this course you should be able to:

  1. Acquire new knowledge and skills when necessary,
  2. Apply aviation knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to professional aviation work,
  3. Effectively communicate with professionals and other stakeholders across all modes: listen, speak, write and draw,
  4. Conduct yourself in a professional and ethical manner.

Overview of Learning Activities

You are required to: Perform work related to any aviation field, supervised by a qualified industry professional. You will undertake a pre- and post-placement workshops and reflect on your experiences through a dynamic logbook and an evaluation report.

Overview of Learning Resources

Learning resources include:

  • Work Experience Guideline
  • Template for Final Evaluation Report
  • Template for Logbook

Overview of Assessment

The overall grade for this course is pass grade only (PX).
This course does not contribute to your GPA calculation.
There are no hurdle requirements in this course.


Assessment tasks

Assessment Task 1 Evaluation Report
Weighting: 40%
This assessment task supports all CLOs. 

Assessment Task 2 Evidence of Employment
Provision of endorsed evidence of your professional experience.
Weighting: 10%
This assessment task supports CLO4. 

Assessment 3: Logbook
Weighting: 50%
This assessment supports all CLOs 


A detailed guide is available to students about the three assessment tasks. A template is available for the Evaluation Report, Evidence of Employment and logbook.

The Assessments are submitted through inPlace and the LMS. Feedback is provided through the LMS.

Learning outcomes are equivalent across all locations (City, Singapore, HK) and the same assessments are completed in each campus. Mode of delivery is the same in each location, as remote fieldwork.

The assessable tasks for this course should not be submitted for accreditation in any other course/s at RMIT, and assessments for other courses should not be submitted for this course. For example, work undertaken as part of the RIIERP program will not be accredited for work experience in this course.


No prior or current work experience or employment can be utilised as credit for this course. That is, this course is intended to give students new experiences during their study.