Part A: Course Overview
Course Title: Investigation Analysis and Analytical Writing Techniques
Credit Points: 12.00
Flexible Terms
Course Code |
Campus |
Career |
School |
Learning Mode |
Teaching Period(s) |
OENG1199 |
City Campus |
Postgraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
PGRDFx2019 (ZZZZ) |
OENG1199 |
City Campus |
Postgraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
PGRDFlex21 (GC21) |
OENG1199 |
City Campus |
Postgraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
PGRDFlex22 (ZZZZ) |
OENG1199 |
City Campus |
Postgraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
PGRDFlex23 (STEM) |
OENG1199 |
City Campus |
Postgraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
PGRDFlex24 (STEM) |
OENG1199 |
City Campus |
Postgraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
PGRDFlex25 (All) |
Course Coordinator: Wim Verhagen
Course Coordinator Phone: +61 450 826 874
Course Coordinator Email:
Course Coordinator Location: B057-03-25C
Course Coordinator Availability: by appointment
Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities
Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities: It is expected students enrolled in this course have completed or are enrolled in the Investigation Readiness course.
Course Description
This course is intended to provide participants / learners with a range of knowledge and skills to analyse evidence collected as part of a transport safety investigation. This includes identifying significant contributing factors and formulating appropriate recommendations and safety actions.
The first part of the course will focus on knowledge and skills to perform incident/accident analysis including safety concepts, reasoning concepts, data interpretation, safety factors analysis, risk analysis, and safety actions development.
The second part of the course will focus on skills to develop an investigation report.
Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development
This course contributes to the following Program Learning Outcomes for Graduate Certificate in Transport Safety Investigation
1. Needs, Context and Systems
• Describe, investigate and analyse complex systems and associated issues (using systems thinking and modelling techniques)
2. Problem Solving and Design
• Develop creative and innovative solutions to problems
• Develop and operate within a hazard and risk framework appropriate to industry activities.
3. Analysis
• Comprehend and apply advanced theory-based understanding of engineering fundamentals and specialist bodies of knowledge in the selected discipline area to predict the effect of industry activities.
4. Professional Practice
• Understand the scope, principles, norms, accountabilities and bounds of contemporary industry practice in the specific discipline
• Apply systematic approaches to the conduct and management of industry projects
• Communicate in a variety of different ways to collaborate with other people, including accurate listening, reading and comprehension, based on dialogue when appropriate, taking into account the knowledge, expectations, requirements, interests, terminology and language of the intended audience
5. Research
• Demonstrate professional use and management of information
• Acknowledge (clearly) your own contributions and the contributions from others and distinguish contributions you may have made as a result of discussions or collaboration with other people.
Upon completion of this course you should be able to:
- Explain safety and analysis terms and concepts.
2. Organise and interpret incident / accident evidence, including evidence about the sequence of events.
3. Identify and scope further work on safety factor hypotheses.
4. Formulate and test safety factor hypotheses to produce findings.
5. Analyse the risk of safety issues and facilitate effective safety actions.
6. Organise and produce evidence and analysis within an investigation report to support findings.
Overview of Learning Activities
The primary learning mode will be pre-recorded lectures, supported by in-class activities, assignments, and progressive assessment (e.g., quizzes/tests). As a complementary form of acquisition of knowledge in the different topics, students will be exposed to practical activities replicating real industry scenarios by resorting to selected case-studies and/or techniques/procedures identical to those used in a real working context.
Some topics will require students to review the course material prior to the lecture, then allowing more time for group discussions, presentations and analysis of selected cases.
Course notes and other supporting material will be provided on the course Learning Management System (Canvas), which is accessed through myRMIT. This can include lecture material, tutorials and references.
This course includes a Work Integrated Learning experience in which your knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a real or simulated workplace context and where feedback from industry and/or community is integral to your experience.
Examples include:
● simulations and role plays using industry case studies and processes
Overview of Learning Resources
Course-related resources will be provided on the Learning Management System (LMS), which is accessed through myRMIT. This can include lecture materials, tutorials and references.
Overview of Assessment
This course has no hurdle requirements.
Assessment tasks
Assessment tasks 1: Quiz
Weighting 20%
This assessment task supports CLOs 1
Assessment Task 2: Online timed assessment over a 24 hour window
Weighting 40%
This assessment task supports CLOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Assessment Task 3: Individual Assignment
Weighting 40%
This assessment task supports CLOs 4, 6