Part A: Course Overview
Course Title: Web Programming Studio A
Credit Points: 12.00
Course Coordinator: Falk Scholer
Course Coordinator Phone: Please email for appointment
Course Coordinator Email:
Course Coordinator Location: Please email for appointment
Course Coordinator Availability: Please email for appointment
Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities
Enforced requisites: Course ID 054988 COSC3044 Web Programming Bootcamp
Course Description
Web Programming Studio A is an intermediate studio-based course that builds upon fundamental learning and skills acquired in Web Programming Bootcamp and focusses on the further acquisition and development of technical and professional skills for IT.
The studio-based approach provides an authentic problem setting. Theory and practice are blended in the application of learning centred on the development of web applications. In this course you will develop programming principles, skills and practices for modern web design, development and deployment, continuing the study of design, development and testing from previous courses.
These learning outcomes will be achieved by developing a client-side application following reactive design principles.
Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development
On successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
CLO 1: Construct program, access, and manipulate data through the adoption of accepted standards, mark-up languages and client-side programming.
CLO 2: Design and implement an interactive web site(s) with regard to issues of usability, accessibility and internationalisation.
CLO 3: Design and implement a client-side focused internet application that accommodates specific requirements and constraints, based on analysis, modelling or requirements specification.
CLO 4: Demonstrate skills for self-directed learning, reflection and evaluation of your own and your peers work to improve professional practice.
CLO 5: Demonstrate adherence to appropriate standards and practice of Professionalism and Ethics.
This course contributes to Program Learning Outcomes for the following programs:
- BP162O, Bachelor of Information Technology
PLO1: Knowledge - Apply a broad and coherent set of knowledge and skills for developing user-centric computing solutions for contemporary societal challenges.
PLO2: Problem Solving - Apply systematic problem solving and decision-making methodologies to identify, design and implement computing solutions to real world problems, demonstrating the ability to work independently to self-manage processes and projects.
PLO3: Cognitive and Technical Skill - Critically analyse and evaluate user requirements and design systems employing software development tools, techniques, and emerging technologies.
PLO4: Communication - Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, employing a range of communication methods in interactions to both computing and non-computing personnel.
PLO5: Collaboration and Teamwork - Demonstrate effective teamwork and collaboration by using tools and practices to manage and meet project deliverables.
PLO6: Responsibility and Accountability - Demonstrate integrity, ethical conduct, sustainable and culturally inclusive professional standards, including First Nations knowledges and input in designing and implementing computing solutions.
Overview of Learning Activities
This course uses highly structured learning activities to guide your learning and prepare you to complete the assessment tasks. These activities consist of both synchronous and asynchronous combination of individual, peer-supported and facilitator-guided activities, and where possible project-led, with opportunities for regular feedback.
Authentic and industry-relevant learning is critical to this course as you will be expected to critically evaluate current thinking and practice within this discipline. You will apply your thinking by producing relevant real-world assessment tasks and engage with scenarios and case studies.
Social learning is another important component and you are expected to participate in class and group activities, share drafts of work and resources and give and receive peer feedback. You will be expected to work efficiently and effectively with others to achieve outcomes greater than those that you might have achieved alone.
The learning activities enable you to understand course learning resources and apply that learning to improve your own practice, for example by producing real-world artefacts and engaging in scenarios and case studies.
Overview of Learning Resources
The learning and teaching approaches used in this program may include webinars, problem-based learning and case studies.
The activities and tasks are designed to facilitate the application of theory and encourage peer learning in a collaborative, open manner using online tools and interactive discussion forums. Assessment is integrated throughout the program to ensure that you graduate with a set of applicable skills and knowledge.
There are services available to support your learning via the RMIT University Library. The Library provides guides on academic referencing and subject specialist help as well as a range of study support services.
RMIT Online provides support and equal opportunities for students with a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition and primary carers of individuals with a disability. If you need assistance, please speak to your Program Manager or contact the Equitable Learning Services (ELS).
At RMIT you can apply for credit so your previous learning or experience counts toward your RMIT Online program. For further information on how to apply for credit, please click here.
Please view the Assessment and Assessment Flexibility Policy for further information regarding applying for an extension, special consideration, equitable assessment arrangements and supplementary assessment.
Overview of Assessment
You will be assessed on how well you meet the course learning outcomes and on your development against the program learning outcomes.
This course has no hurdle requirements.
Assessment Tasks:
Assessment Task 1
Programming Log
Weekly development log maintained by every student team, demonstrating progress on project deliverables and learning goals in class activities.
Weighting: 10%
CLOs: 1, 4, 5.
Assessment Task 2
Web Application Project proposal
Design and implementation of a small sized application (teamwork) focusing on integrating design and client-side technologies.
Weighting: 20%
CLOs: 3, 4.
Assessment Task 3
Web Application Prototype
Prototype of small sized software application (teamwork) integrating client-side focused principles and appropriate web development frameworks.
Weighting: 30%
CLOs: 2, 3, 5.
Assessment Task 4
Final Web Application Project
Final delivery of small sized web application (teamwork) integrating design and client-side focused technologies.
Weighting: 40%
CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Feedback will be given on all assessment tasks.
Your course assessment conforms to RMIT assessment principles, regulations, policies, procedures and instructions.