Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Physiotherapy Work Integrated Learning 1

Credit Points: 12.00

Course Coordinator: Doa El-Ansary

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925

Course Coordinator Email:

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

Recommended Prior Study 

It is recommended to have satisfactorily completed the following course/s before you commence this course: 

Alternatively, if you have the equivalent skills and knowledge covered in the above course/s you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning.  

Please contact your course coordinator for further details.   

Recommended Concurrent Study 

It is recommended to undertake the following course/s at the same time as this course as it contains areas of knowledge and skills which are implemented together in practice. 

Alternatively, if you have the equivalent skills and knowledge covered in the above course/s you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning.  

Please contact your course coordinator for further details.     

Course Description

This course incorporates work-integrated learning activities in physiotherapy, providing you with opportunities to explore, experience, and actively participate in the physiotherapy industry. You will have the chance to apply and evaluate your theoretical knowledge and skills within real or simulated workplace environments across different healthcare settings, spanning various stages of life. Consequently, feedback from professionals in the industry and/or the community plays a crucial role in enhancing your learning experience. In particular, you will develop and demonstrate competencies in patient/client interview and measures relevant health indicators and outcomes in order to perform safe and effective physical assessment procedures. 

You will also be challenged to formulate, justify, perform, evaluate and progress evidence-based Physiotherapy interventions, relevant to your clinical scenarios. You will be expected to set and professionally communicate health goals in collaboration with your patients/clients and stakeholders whilst upholding  ethical,  legal and culturally sensitive practice. 

You must demonstrate fitness to practice and comply with pre-clinical requirements (e.g., University and external/industry inherent requirements) prior commencing this work integrated learning course. If there are concerns raised related to your fitness to practice whist undertaking this course, you must gain full medical clearance prior to or during your placement. 

Work Integrated Learning: 

Work Integrated Learning activities will be integrated into this course to align with RMIT Career Development Learning (CDL) that prepares graduates for work readiness through a pedagogy to Explore, Engage and Experience: 

Students enrolled in this course will be required to be WIL passport ready to undertake placement as part of the assessment of the course.  A number of requirements must be met by students to ensure eligibility for placement.  Further details on each of these are available in Part B of the Course Guide.  

  • Police check
  • Working with Children Check  
  • Annual TB screen, Influenza vaccination and STEM student immunisation form COVID vaccination certificates    
  • RMIT student deed (annual requirement)  
  • SHBS authorisation form   
  • NDIS worker screening check   

There is no flexibility with these requirements.  It is your responsibility to ensure these requirements are completed.  Any student who has not provided this information in full by the specified date will not be able to attend placement and will receive a fail grade for the placement course. A fail grade for the course will result in a delay in your program progression.  

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

Program Learning Outcomes 

This course contributes to the program learning outcomes for MC287  Master of Physiotherapy: 

PLO1:  Apply the advanced body of knowledge in physiology, anatomy, and biomechanics to inform and guide the application of physiotherapy practice. 

PLO2:  Employ evidenced-based physiotherapy skills to assess, treat and manage individuals safely and competently in accordance with legislative frameworks and ethical code of conduct across diverse health settings. 

PLO3:  Evaluate and apply innovations in digital health and technology to support, advocate and advance physiotherapy practice. 

PLO4:  Develop solutions using interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in business and entrepreneurship to innovate and advance physiotherapy practice. 

PLO5:  Execute research and critically appraise literature; interpret, analyse and synthesis findings for innovation and translation in physiotherapy practice.  

PLO6:  Implement communication strategies that support collaborative and interdisciplinary decision making, and facilitate education and behaviour change for improved health outcomes. 

PLO7:  Integrate a person-centred philosophy while embracing and respecting cultural identity and values to effectively manage First Nations peoples and individuals from diverse backgrounds in healthcare. 

PLO8:  Apply leadership skills to advance person-centred care; professionally "Lead Self," and collaborate effectively within interdisciplinary teams. 

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:  

  1. Proficiently apply knowledge of patient/client rights and consent through effective professional and culturally sensitive verbal and non-verbal communication techniques.
  2. Apply evidence-based assessment and intervention to responsibly manage First Nations peoples and individuals from diverse backgrounds across the lifespan in healthcare 
  3. Apply skills and competencies in digital health within the context of advancing personalised care and physiotherapy practice 
  4. Evaluate health outcomes and findings to set realistic short- and long-term goals with patient/client that includes Physiotherapy management progression and discharge planning
  5. Apply interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in business and enterprise to problem solve and innovate solutions in physiotherapy and health
  6. Demonstrate professional leadership skills to advance patient/client care by working collaboratively within an interdisciplinary team 

Overview of Learning Activities

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional practice. As a student enrolled in this program you will:  

  • Undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional practice. 
  • Interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities 
  • Complete these activities in real work contexts or situations 

You will undertake a Work Integrated Learning experience in which your knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a real workplace context. The Physiotherapy Work Integrated Learning experience will be supervised by AHPRA-registered physiotherapists who will be responsible for feedback provision and examining your clinical competencies. 

You will undertake a Work Integrated Learning experience in which  your knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a real workplace context. The Physiotherapy Work Integrated Learning experience will be supervised by AHPRA-registered physiotherapists who will be responsible for feedback provision and examining your  clinical competencies. 

This Work Integrated Learning course will be approximately 160 hours long (e.g., four full-days per week over five weeks as per the clinical supervisor's discretion). This Work Integrated Learning experience will be simulated and/or face-to-face placement at various Physiotherapy settings such as acute and subacute hospitals and community Physiotherapy settings which include private practice which clinical cases across lifespan in order to meet the requirements set by the Physiotherapy Board of Australia and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).  

Several requirements must be met by you to ensure eligibility for the WIL Placement component. You will be responsible for all expenses associated with attending the professional placement. These requirements may include but are not limited to the following:  police check application, working with children check, uniform, first aid training, NDIS check, hand hygiene certificate, travel, accommodation and vaccinations. Further details on each of these are available on your Physiotherapy Work Integrated Learning course manual. 

You will receive feedback during Physiotherapy Work Integrated Learning unit on their clinical competencies using the Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice - a nationally benchmarked and validated measurement tool that sets the Physiotherapy entry-to-practice standard. 

You are encouraged to be proactive and self-directed in your learning, asking questions of your lecturer and/or peers and seeking out information as required, especially from the numerous sources available through the RMIT Library, and through links and material specific to this course that is available through RMIT My Course 

Overview of Learning Resources

Each learning module contains core resources such as journal articles, videos, podcasts and other readings that you will require to complete the course successfully. Learning resources within this course will be clearly marked as ‘essential’ or ‘supplementary’. If the teaching team finds additional resources during course delivery that could be of interest for the cohort, this will be made available during the teaching period. 

RMIT will provide you with resources and tools for learning in this course through RMIT My Course

There are services available to support your learning through the University Library. The Library provides guides on academic referencing and subject specialist help as well as a range of study support services. For further information, please visit the Library page on the RMIT University website and the RMIT My Course. 

Overview of Assessment

All Hurdle assessments are required to be completed for a pass mark in this course. This clinical course awards a pass or fail mark. 

All hurdle requirements for this course are indicated clearly in the assessment regime that follows, against the relevant assessment task(s) and all have been approved by the College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Teaching).  

Hurdle requirements are required in order to provide evidence of safe practice and compliance with professional standards of the accrediting organisation, the Australian Physiotherapy Council.  

Assessment Task 1: Preplacement WIL passport documentation requirements 

The pre-placement WIL passport documentation is required for students to go on placement 

Satisfactory Pass (PX) / Unsatisfactory (NH) (HURDLE) 

Assessment Task 2: 160 hours validated by Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice Tool - formative (interim) and summative (final) assessment 

Satisfactory Pass (PX) / Unsatisfactory Fail (NN) (HURDLE)  

This assessment task supports CLO 1-6 

If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more.