Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Global Health and Sustainable Healthcare

Credit Points: 12.00


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


Bundoora Campus


173H School of Health and Biomed


Sem 1 2025

Course Coordinator: Elisio Pereira

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925

Course Coordinator Email:

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

Recommended Prior Study:

You should have satisfactorily completed or received credit for the following course/s before you commence this course:  

Alternatively, if you have the equivalent skills and knowledge covered in the above course/s you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning.  

Please contact your course coordinator for further details.   

Recommended Concurrent Study:

It is recommended to undertake the following course/s at the same time as this course as it contains areas of knowledge and skills which are implemented together in practice. 

Alternatively, if you have the equivalent skills and knowledge covered in the above course/s you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning.  

Please contact your course coordinator for further details.     

Course Description

This course will enable you to critically reflect and apply physiotherapy knowledge and skills to chronic conditions, mental health, population health and global health care in the context of United Nations sustainability goals. You will be challenged to contextualise complex medical, psychosocial, geographical and environmental factors in the management and prevention of chronic disease as advocates of sustainable physiotherapy practice.  

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

Program Learning Outcomes 

This course contributes to the program learning outcomes for  MC287 Master of Physiotherapy: 

PLO1:  Apply the advanced body of knowledge in physiology, anatomy, and biomechanics to inform and guide the application of physiotherapy practice. 

PLO3:  Evaluate and apply innovations in digital health and technology to support, advocate and advance physiotherapy practice. 

PLO4:  Develop solutions using interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in business and entrepreneurship to innovate and advance physiotherapy practice. 

PLO6:  Implement communication strategies that support collaborative and interdisciplinary decision making, and facilitate education and behaviour change for improved health outcomes. 

PLO7:  Integrate a person-centred philosophy while embracing and respecting cultural identity and values to effectively manage First Nations peoples and individuals from diverse backgrounds in healthcare. 

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:  

  1. Apply knowledge of chronic conditions, to inform generation of Physiotherapy collaborative goals to ameliorate disease burden and improve long term health outcomes. 
  2. Evaluate the application of responsible practice, encompassing mental health, population health, and global healthcare perspectives within the framework of United Nations sustainability goals, to the discipline of physiotherapy
  3. Critically appraise and effectively articulate health promotion strategies and contemporary digital health frameworks for effective and evidence informed physiotherapy management of people with chronic conditions
  4. Identify potential areas for advances in physiotherapy practice relating to complex medical, psychosocial, geographical and environmental factors in alignment with United Nations sustainability goals  

Overview of Learning Activities

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional practice. As a student enrolled in this program you will:  

  • Undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional practice. 
  • Interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities 
  • Complete these activities in real work contexts or situations 

You  will be actively engaged in a range of online and face-to-face learning activities such as lectorials, tutorials, practicals, simulated clinical laboratories, seminars, project work, class discussion, individual and group activities.  

You  are encouraged to be proactive and self-directed in your learning, asking questions of your lecturer and/or peers and seeking out information as required, especially from the numerous sources available through the RMIT library, and through links and material specific to this course that is available through RMIT My Course

Overview of Learning Resources

Each learning module contains core resources such as journal articles, videos, podcasts and other readings that you will require to complete the course successfully. Learning resources within this course will be clearly marked as ‘essential’ or ‘supplementary’. If the teaching team finds additional resources during course delivery that could be of interest for the cohort, this will be made available during the teaching period. 

RMIT will provide you with resources and tools for learning in this course through RMIT My Course

There are services available to support your learning through the University Library. The Library provides guides on academic referencing and subject specialist help as well as a range of study support services. For further information, please visit the Library page on the RMIT University website and the RMIT My Course. 

Overview of Assessment

Assessment Task 1: Individual Quiz 

Weighting: 30% 

This assessment task supports CLO1-4 


Assessment Task 2: Group Assignment 

Weighting: 40% 

This assessment task supports CLO1-4 


Assessment Task 3: Group Presentation 

Weighting: 30% 

This assessment task supports CLO1-4 

If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more.