Part A: Course Overview
Course Title: Evolutionary Computing
Credit Points: 12.00
Course Coordinator: Dr Xiaodong Li
Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 9585
Course Coordinator Email:
Course Coordinator Location: 14.8.14B
Course Coordinator Availability: by appointment
Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities
Course Description
Evolutionary computation is concerned with the use of simulated biological evolution to solve problems for which it can be difficult to write the programs using traditional methods. This course examines different models of evolutionary computation and the kinds of problems to which they can be applied.
Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development
For more information on the program learning outcomes for your program, please see the program guide.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles and techniques of genetic algorithms, genetic programming and swarm intelligence;
- Demonstrate an understanding of how to apply techniques of genetic algorithms, genetic programming and swarm intelligence to optimisation problems and problems that require machine learning;
- Compare different approaches to solve problems;
- Read and comprehend research papers in the area; and
- Lead discussion on current research issues.
Overview of Learning Activities
You will be actively engaged in a range of learning activities such as lectorials, tutorials, practicals, laboratories, seminars, project work, class discussion, individual and group activities. Delivery may be face to face, online or a mix of both.
You are encouraged to be proactive and self-directed in your learning, asking questions of your lecturer and/or peers and seeking out information as required, especially from the numerous sources available through the RMIT library, and through links and material specific to this course that is available through myRMIT Studies Course.
Overview of Learning Resources
RMIT will provide you with resources and tools for learning in this course through myRMIT Studies Course.
There are services available to support your learning through the University Library. The Library provides guides on academic referencing and subject specialist help as well as a range of study support services. For further information, please visit the Library page on the RMIT University website and the myRMIT student portal.
Overview of Assessment
The assessment for this course consists of written summaries of reading material, an evaluation of participation in class discussions, a review paper and a programming assignment.
For standard assessment details, including deadlines, weightings, and hurdle requirements relating to Computer Science and IT courses see:
Note: This course has no hurdle requirements. There is no exam.
The assessment for this course comprises:
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Task 1: Summaries of Weekly Readings
Weighting 10%
This assessment task supports CLO 1
Assessment Task 2: Participation and Leadership of Discussion
Weighting 10%
This assessment task supports CLOs 4 & 5
Assessment Task 3: Written Assignment
Weighting 5%
This assessment task supports CLOs 2 & 3
This early assessment will provide you with feedback on your progress to help you identify improvements necessary.
Assessment 4: Project Proposal
Weighting 20%
This assessment supports CLOs 2 & 3
Assessment 5: Project Presentation and Report
Weighting 55%
This assessment supports CLOs 1, 4 &