Part A: Course Overview

Program: C4429 Certificate IV in Youth Work

Course Title: Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

Portfolio: Vocational Education

Nominal Hours: 85

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Important Information:

This course is delivered and assessed as a stand-alone unit. 


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


535T Social Care and Health

Face-to-Face or Internet

Term2 2024,
Term1 2025

Course Contact: Dianne Mackay

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 99254454

Course Contact Email:

Course Description

 In this course, you will be developing the skills and knowledge required to work with people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless, including woman and children experiencing family violence.  

You will be focusing on some of the structural issues that affect people in relation to homelessness so that in your role as a youth worker you will be able to support clients experiencing or at risk of being homeless

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities


National Competency Codes and Titles

National Element Code & Title:

CHCSOH013 Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness


1.1. Reflect on own personal values and attitudes regarding homelessness and take these into account when planning and implementing work activities. 1.2. Identify barriers in accessing safe and secure housing for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. 1.3. Provide opportunities for people to participate in service planning and support activities. 1.4. Assess personal safety of people experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless and report and refer those in unsafe situations according to organisational policies and procedures and legislative requirements. 1.5. Assess issues impacting on person's homelessness risk and situation and modify approach to service delivery. 1.6. Work with person to identify and discuss potential solutions to complex issues raised, including referral to key agencies, services and personnel. 1.7. Provide advice and assistance on housing options.

2.1. Advocate and negotiate for services in conjunction with person according to person's needs. 2.2. Support person to advocate and negotiate on their own behalf and deal with discrimination. 2.3. Negotiate and create access pathways to support services and social and private housing providers. 2.4. Select and use advocacy techniques appropriate and sensitive to cultural background, age and gender. 2.5. Advocate within the community to facilitate addressing issues on behalf of people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless.

Learning Outcomes

 In this course, you will be developing the skills and knowledge required to work with people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless, including woman and children experiencing family violence.  

You will be focusing on some of the structural issues that affect people in relation to homelessness so that in your role as a youth worker you will be able to support clients experiencing or at risk of being homeless

On successful completion of this course, you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency 

Overview of Assessment

This course is delivered and assessed as a stand-alone unit. 

Students are given two (2) attempts for each assessment to demonstrate the required skills. A third (3rd) attempt can only be offered after discussions between teacher and the Program Coordinator and is not automatic. Resubmissions beyond two (2) attempts are at the discretion of the teacher and/or coordinator.