Key statistics

At RMIT, teaching, research, and engagement are central to making an impact and creating life-changing experiences for our students.

Student Enrolments HE and VE (headcount)


1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Higher Education 10,875 13,837 26,306 31,604 39,301 53,350 62,138 77,015
Vocational Education 17,293 16,481 16,804 23,911 22,357 20,554 15,179 14,558
Total 28,168 30,318 43,110 55,515 61,658 73,904 77,317 91,573

Student Enrolment by Sector/Entity (headcount)


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Higher Education (HE) 75,361 77,012 78,830 74,914 74,852
Vocational Education (VE) 15,750 14,558 14,146 12,772 14,585
Open Universities Australia (OUA) 2,459 2,180 1,915 1,692 346
ELICOS 2,281 1,253 536 596 875
Foundation Studies (FS) 1,344 1,119 672 512 626
Total RMIT 97,195 96,122 95,913 90,287 91,284

Student Load (EFTSL/EFTS)

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Higher Education (HE) 54,004 52,486 53,696 51,574 51,821
Vocational Education (VE) 9,999 9,064 8,684 8,232 9,302
Open Universities Australia (OUA) 686 578 529 492 150
Foundation Studies (FS) 970 793 469 334 425
ELICOS 364 214 77 81 101
Total 66,023 63,135 63,455 60,713 61,799

Note: EFTS as Equivalent Full Time Student is a VE measurement of a standard load based on SCH/720. SCH - Student Contact Hours



2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
HE Domestic 40,202 42,242 44,239 41,091 38,484
HE International Onshore 18,901 16,884 14,529 12,585 14,643
HE International Offshore 8,470 8,133 7,946 6,847 6,648
HE Vietnam 7,732 9,345 11,884 14,192 15,077
VE Domestic 13,857 13,074 13,113 12,034 13,670
VE International Onshore 1,797 1,417 1,011 731 911
VE International Offshore 96 67 22 7 4


2023 Onshore Offshore Total
STEM College 19,453 3,065 22,518
College of Design and Social Context 17,412 4,328 21,740
College of Business and Law 13,383 13,221 26,604
College of Vocational Education 16,314 446 16,760
2022 Onshore Offshore Total
STEM College 19,421 3,048 22,469
College of Design and Social Context 17,373 4,321 21,694
College of Business and Law 13,231 13,160 26,391
College of Vocational Education 16,303 446 16,749

Note: Total for COVE will not match the sector total for VE

Level of Education

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Doctorate by Research 2,237 2,249 2,211 2,273 2,399
Master's by Research 222 232 235 185 159
Master's by Coursework 12,478 12,175 11,288 9,411 10,076
Other Postgraduate 3,300 4,982 5,065 3,987 3,377
Bachelor 50,399 51,200 54,197 54,393 54,394
Other Undergraduate 13,252 12,851 12,712 11,143 11,552
Enabling Courses 30 39 36 34 40
Other 2,285 1,842 1,011 1,127 824
Non Award Courses 1,372 1,076 936 200 350
Certificates I and II (AQF 1-2) 301 157 114 101 212
Certificates III and IV (AQF 3-4) 5,235 4,767 5,171 4,832 6,054

Level of Education (EFTSL/EFTS)

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Doctorate by Research 1,554 1,510 1,510 1,573 1,670
Master's by Research 126 125 129 107 98
Master's by Coursework 8,074 7,708 6,647 5,341 5,957
Other Postgraduate 1,264 1,791 1,606 1,252 1,196
Bachelor 38,944 37,790 40,466 40,407 40,131
Other Undergraduate 9,890 9,123 8,878 8,057 8,363
Enabling Courses 7 9 8 7 9
Other 542 517 331 167 118
Non Award Courses 471 336 197 75 137
Certificates I and II (AQF 1-2) 157 66 56 48 108
Certificates III and IV (AQF 3-4) 2,974 2,577 2,552 2,774 3,337

Broad Discipline Group (EFTSL/EFTS)

2023 HE VE Total
Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies 279 97 376
Architecture and Building 3,217 1,191 4,408
Creative Arts 8,198 1,553 9,751
Education 880 315 1,195
Engineering and Related Technologies 7,855 1,290 9,145
Health 2,602 1,057 3,659
Information Technology 4,389 937 5,326
Management and Commerce 17,496 1,293 18,789
Mixed Field Programmes 0 273 273
Natural and Physical Sciences 2,709 253 2,962
Society and Culture 4,061 1,043 5,104
Unclassified 137 0 137
2022 HE VE Total
Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies 298 99 397
Architecture and Building  3,405 1,386 4,791
Creative Arts 8,043 1,400 9,443
Education 811 199 1,010
Engineering and Related Technologies  7,653 1,354 9,007
Health 2,724 1,041 3,765
Information Technology 4,019 559 4,578
Management and Commerce 18,012 860 18,872
Mixed Field Programmes 0 243 243
Natural and Physical Sciences 2,478 222 2,700
Society and Culture 3,955 868 4,823
Unclassified 73 0 73
Total 51,471 8,231 59,702


2023 HE VE Total
Government Funded 48% 90% 55%
Australian Fee Paying 4% 2% 4%
International 48% 8% 42%
2022 HE VE Total
Goverment Funded 50% 90% 55%
Australian Fee Paying 5% 2% 40%
International 45% 8% 5%

Home Country/Region

2023 HE VE Total
Australia Victoria 34,987 13,184 48,171
Australia Interstate 3,330 405 3,735
South East Asia 22,000 294 22,294
North East Asia 7,239 300 7,539
Southern Asia 5,105 205 5,310
Middle East 520 26 546
Europe 441 15 456
Americas 236 26 262
Africa 199 24 223
Oceania 61 8 69
Central Asia 42 - 42
Antarctic - 1 1
Unknown 106 - 106
2022 HE VE Total
Australia Victoria 36,946 11,532 48,478
Australia Interstate 3,939 450 4,389
South East Asia 20,739 176 20,915
North East Asia 8,422 353 8,775
Southern Asia 2,704 94 2,798
Middle East 532 42 574
Europe 360 17 377
Americas 221 21 242
Africa 216 18 234
Oceania 39 8 47
Central Asia 24 2 26
Antarctic 1 - 1
Unknown 104 - 104

Age Group

2023 HE VE HE % VE %
Young People 15 - 19 11,941 2,950 16% 21%
Aged 20 - 24 40,457 5,470 55% 40%
Mature Age 25 - 44 18,610 4,201 25% 31%
Mature Age 45+ 2,055 1,130 3% 8%
2022 HE VE HE % VE %
Young People 15 - 19 11,308 2,461 16% 21%
Aged 20 - 24 39,386 4,938 54% 41%
Mature Age 25 - 44 19,713 3,616 27% 30%
Mature Age 45+ 2,405 901 3% 8%


By All Sectors 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Male 48,567 50,450 49,659 48,812 45,409 39,327
Female 41,785 43,426 43,567 43,929 41,849 36,903
Unspecified/Other 95 147 180 220 262 294
Grand Total 90,447 94,023 93,406 92,961 87,520 76,524
HE 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Male 36,485 38,332 39,007 39,328 37,291 32,754
Female 33,105 34,593 35,736 36,772 35,366 31,275
Unspecified/Other 65 86 106 152 154 280
Grand Total 69,655 73,011 74,849 76,252 72,811 64,209
VE 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Male 8,195 8,541 7,914 7,543 6,402 5,885
Female 5,857 6,355 6,039 5,991 5,418 5,078
Unspecified/Other 26 52 70 63 96 110
Grand Total 14,078 14,948 14,023 13,597 11,916 11,073

Completions 5-year Snapshot

  1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Higher Education 1,603 4,024 5,656 6,933 7,780 13,762 16,432 18,642
Vocational Education 1,065 1,229 2,589 3,950 5,820 6,497 5,659 4,480
Total 2,668 5,253 8,245 10,883 13,600 20,259 22,091 23,122

Program Completions

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
HE Doctorate by Research 305 260 326 334 340
HE Master's by Research 37 36 31 21 36
HE Master's by Coursework 3,057 3,407 3,684 3,542 4,337
HE Other Postgraduate 961 1,318 1,517 1,954 3,846
HE Bachelor 11,642 12,001 12,063 11,284 12,000
HE Sub Degree 1,042 1,051 1,018 983 1,184
HE Other Undergraduate 755 664 774 524 13
VE Diploma and Advance Diploma (AQF 5-6) 3,078 2,930 2,926 2,072 2,749
VE Certificates III and IV (AQF 3-4) 1,880 1,668 1,712 1,441 1,642
VE Certificates I an II (AQF 1-2) 156 136 182 49 55
VE Other 605 875 1,200 918 389

Graduate Outcomes

Higher Education 2020 2021 2022
Graduate in overall employment 84.1% 83.4% 86.9%
Graduate in full-time employment 4 69.6% 69.6% 77.9%
Graduate in part-time employment 4 29.8% 26.6% 24.5%
Graduate in further full-time study 14.2% 15.6% 13.2%
Graduate in enterprise formation 5.2% 5.1% 4.6%
Overall satisfaction 81.9% 77.7% 75.5%
Generic skills 83% 79.1% 79.8%
Vocational Education 2020 2021 2022
Graduate in overall employment 60.1% 61.3% 70.3%
Graduate in further study 54.8% 60% 52.1%
Graduate in enterprise formation 8.1% 6.7% 5.9%
Overall satisfaction 83.1% 84.7% 83.7%
Generic skills (problem solving) 81.7% 80.9% 78.1%


4  From Graduate Outcomes Survey


Total Alumni Globally 521,000
Australia 389,907 74.82%
Singapore 58,398 11.21%
Vietnam 19,399 3.71%
China 12,813 2.46%
Hong Kong 12,540 2.41%
Indonesia 3,346 0.64%
India 2,105 0.40%
Other 22,606 4.34%


  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Number of Peer-reviewed Research Outputs 1 3,795 4,064 4,146 4,121 4,348
% of Research Outputs with international authors/collaborators 2 52% 54% 55% 58% 58%
Field-Weighted Citation Impact 3 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.6
Publications in top 25% most-cited in the world 4 37% 40% 41% 44% 47%
Research Income 5 $54.1m $66.4m $74.2m $94.4m $110.8m
% Research Income from Australian Competitive Grants 5 41% 32% 38% 34% 27%
% Research Income from Industry and other Sources (Category 2–4) 5 63% 68% 63% 66% 73%
Number of Countries with Funded Research Projects 1 30 26 25 27 28
Higher Degree by Research Completions 27 296 357
377 384
Collaborative Research Training Agreements 2 22 34 34 31 40
HDR Industry Engagement 3 12 22 36 75 205
Number of non-provisional patent application families filed 12 9 18 21 15 19
Number of IP disclosures 13 46 48 46 54


1 Number of peer-reviewed research outputs affiliated to RMIT University including reported outputs being verified.

2 Proportion of RMIT-affiliated Scopus publications with an international co-author by publication year.

3 The ratio of citations received relative to the expected world average for the subject field, publication type and publication year. 

4 Proportion of Scopus publications in the top 25% most-cited in the world (field-weighted) affiliated to RMIT across the latest available rolling 5 year publication period. 

5 Total Research Income excludes Higher Degrees Research student fees. 

8 Number of countries funding research projects in budget year 2022.

9 Excludes Higher Doctorate completions. 

10Collaborative PhD agreements with foreign universities where active enrolments are through RMIT Melbourne programs.

11Industry Engagement for HDR candidates to embed within or work alongside industry while completing their MR or PhD research program. Data is not available prior to 2018.

12Number of Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), convention and national phase patent families filed.

13Number of new research translation opportunities disclosed to RMIT University.


QS World University Rankings

  2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Overall Global Rank 223 206 =190 140 =123
Overall Australia Rank 15 14 11 11 10

QS World University Rankings by Indicator

  World Rankings Australian Rankings
  2023 2024 2025 2023 2024 2025
Academic Reputation 234 223 210 11 11 10
Employer Reputation 146 173 192 8 8 8
Citations per faculty (academic) 167 151 122 18 16 15
International Faculty (academic) 35 37 45 1 2 2
International Students 91 102 116 15 15 12
International Research Network N/A 267 276 N/A 18 17
Employment Outcomes N/A 277 334 N/A 11 11
Sustainability N/A 43 62 N/A 4 11

QS World University Rankings Sustainability (RMIT)

Category World rankings Australian rankings
  2023 2024 2023 2024
Overall 53= 62= 5 11
Environmental impact 55= 125= 4 14
Social Impact 112 47= 11 10
Governance n.a. 23= n.a. 7

QS launched their sustainability ranking in 2023

QS World University Rankings by Subject (RMIT)

  World Rankings Australian Rankings
  2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Accounting & Finance 98= 101-150 100= 9 9= 8
Agriculture & Forestry 100 101-150 151-200 7 7= 11=
Architecture / Built Environment 31 25 18 3 2 1
Art & Design 15 19 18 1 1 1
Biological Sciences 351-400 351-400 401-450 17= 14= 17=
Business & Management Studies 151-200 151-200 148 8= 8= 8
Chemistry 251-300 201-250 201-250 13 10= 10=
Communication & Media Studies 40= 42 45 4 4 4
Computer Science & Information Systems 151-200 151-200 170= 10= 9= 10
Development Studies 51-100 51-100 n.r. 4= 5= n.r.
Economics & Econometrics 201-250 201-250 151-200 13= 11= 8=
Education 151-200 201-150 201-250 15= 18= 19=
Engineering - Chemical 151-200 151-200 151-200 8= 8= 8
Engineering - Civil & Structural 51-100 51-100 51-100 6= 6= 6=
Engineering - Electrical & Electronic 150= 133= 135 10 8 8
Engineering - Mech, Aero & Manual 140= 124= 114 7 6 6
Engineering - Mineral & Mining n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r
Environmental Sciences 101-150 151-200 151-200 9= 11= 11=
Geography 51-100 51-100 141-150 4= 5= 7=
Law 301-340 301-350 n.r. 20 19 n.r.
Library & Information Management 49= 29= 51-70 3 2 3=
Materials Science 87= 82= 94 7 4= 6
Mathematics 301-350 201-250 201-250 15 10= 11=
Medicine 401-450 401-450 451-500 21 19= 22=
Pharmacy & Pharmacology 351-360 n.r. n.r. 17 n.r. n.r.
Physics & Astronomy 201-250 251-300 251-300 10= 11 10=
Politics & International Studies n.r. 201-230 201-250 n.r. 8= 8=
Psychology 301-350 301-350 n.r. 23 22= n.r.
Sociology 201-250 201-250 251-300 15= 15= 17=
Statistics & Operational Research 201-230 201-240 201-250 11 11= 10=

Note: n.r. = “not ranked” that year.

Times Higher Education (THE) Rankings

World University Rankings 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Overall Global WUR Rank 451 391 340 322 310 251
Overall Australian WUR Rank 25 25 23 23 23 16=
Impact Ranking 2021 2022 2023 2024
Overall rank - Global 3 22 7= 5
Overall rank - Australia - 4 3 3
Qualifying SDGs for overall score in 2023  
SDG6: Clean Water and Sanitation 23 13 23 10
SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
5 5 1= 5
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities 2 3 1 1
SDG 17: Partnership for the goals 3 89 2= 11
Other SDGs for which we submitted data and evidence  
SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy n/a 37 37= 97
SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities 13= 42= 19 20
SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production 84 62 43 41
SDG13: Climate Action 90 74= 17 16
SDG 5: Gender equality n/a n/a 99 81


Australian Resource Usage * 2019 2020 2021 2022
Net Greenhouse gas emissions (tCO2-e) 37 40,540 29,853 20,338 24,707
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity (tCO2-e/GFA) 0.083 0.061 0.042 0.052
Greenhouse gas emissions reduction since 2007 (%) -48% -62% -74% -68%
End-Use Energy consumption (GJ) 38 298,515 233,742 245,659 279,497
End-Use Energy intensity per floor area (GJ/GFA) 0.611 0.481 0.506 0.6
Water consumption (kL) 220,310 136,265 119,625 168,055
Water consumption per student (kL/ETSFL) 4.1 2.7 2.4 3.4
Waste to Landfill (tonnes) 40 948 383 436 565.3
Recycling (tonnes) 41 304 115 102 101.1
Vietnam Resource Usage * 2019 2020 2021 2022
Net Greenhouse gas emissions (tCO2-e) 37 3,533 2,412 2,599 3,954
End-Use Energy consumption (GJ) 38 28,588 24,207 20,707 25,959
Water consumption (kL) 56,033 69,587 53,860 90,059


GFA = Gross Floor Area

EFTSL = Equivalent Full-time Student Load

* Emissions and energy consumption figures may alter due to retrospective changes from retailers and may differ slightly from future publications and reports.

37  Emissions calculated from building electricity and gas consumption

38  End-use energy consumption calculated from grid electricity, on-site generated electricity and on-site gas use (excluding gas used for electricity generation)

39  Waste data excludes construction and demolition waste

40  Recycling data includes co-mingled, paper/cardboard and organics

Building and Space

Campus (2021) 42 Building Space m2 UFA m2 GFA m2 GFA m2
City 66 80,400 216,360 354,434 0.643833
Bundoora 35 556,648 79,455 111,184 0.201967
Brunswick 6 38,949 15,384 21,369 0.038817
Other sites 12 74,110 3,902 5,577 0.010131
Barcelona 1 0 264 273 0.000496
Saigon South 12 124,314 30,835 47,460 0.086212
Saigon North 0 0 0 0 0
DaNang City 1 0 543 945 0.001717
Hanoi 1 0 5,533 9,264 0.016828
Total 134 874,421 352,276 550,506 1
Amount of Floor Area (m2) per EFTSL (2020) 43     UFA GFA  
Onshore     6.435624 10.06013  
Offshore (Vietnam)     4.885639 7.669358  


42  Amount of space occupied by RMIT University campuses and sites in 2021

Space = Land Holdings, UFA = Usable Floor Area, GFA = Gross Floor Area

Other sites includes Dromana, Hamilton, Point Cook & Bendigo Airport

43  Amount of floor area (m2) per EFTSL at RMIT onshore and offshore campuses in 2021

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

  RMIT Measure 2019 2020 2021 2022
SDG1 No Poverty Number of Students receiving scholarship and assistance packages 4,822 4,843 3,956 3,010
SDG2 Zero Hunger Number of Active Research Projects Contributing to the SDG2 50 76 74 90
SDG3 Good Health and Well-being Number of Active Research Projects Contributing to the SDG3 142 157 191 227
SDG4 Quality Education Students Participating in Global Leadership Programmes 5,236 7,190    
  HE Graduates satisfaction (%) 80% 82% 78% 75.50%
  VE Graduates satisfaction (%) 84% 83% 85% 83.70%
SDG5 Gender Equality Females Commencing a First Degree 46% 46%    
  Women in Leadership Roles 54% 56%    
SDG6 Clean Water and Sanitation Potable Water consumption (kL) 220,310 136,265 119,625 168,055
  Potable Water consumption per student (kL/EFTSL) 4.1 2.7 2.4 3.4
SDG7 Affordable and Clean Energy End-Use Energy Consumption (GJ) 298,515 233,742 245,659 279,497
  Renewable energy consumed (generated and purchased) (%) 16% 15% 29% 29.30%
SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth HE Graduates in Employment 75% 70% 70% 77.90%
  VE Graduates in Employment 64% 60% 61% 70.30%
SDG9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Research Commercialisation - invention disclosures Postgraduate research completions 47,357 45,355    
SDG10 Reduced Inequalities First Generation Students Starting a First Degree 61% 57%    
  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Staff (headcount) 34 39 54  
  % of commencing students from Low socio-economic backgrounds (access to HE) 14% 13% 12.60% 14.07%
  % of commencing students from Low socio-economic backgrounds (access to VE) 18% 18% 17.30% 17.80%
SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities Number of Active Research Projects Contributing to the SDG11 82 101 185 233
SDG12 Responsible Consumption and Production Operational Waste Recycled (%) 24% 23% 19% 15.20%
  Construction and Demolition Waste Recycled (%) NA 90% 98% 95%
SDG13 Climate Action Net Greenhouse gas emissions (tCO2-e) 40,540 29,853 20,338 24,707
  Greenhouse gas emissions reduction since 2007 (%) -48% -62% -74% -68%
SDG14 Life Below Water Number of Active Research Projects Contributing to the SDG14 29 47 55 63
SDG15 Life On Land Number of Active Research Projects Contributing to the SDG15  62 89 92 108
SDG16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Number of Active Research Projects Contributing to the SDG16 64 91 92 124
SDG17 Partnership for the Goals Active Research projects in partnership with developing countries 23 32 29 42
  International co-authored publications (co-authored from developing countries) 36% 38% 25% 27%

Staff FTE

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
HE Academic 2,187 2,416 2,180 2,151 2,126.91 2,129.93
VE Education 593 753 704 477 541.78 575.16
Professional 2,765 3,807 3,227 2,706 2,925.76 3,074.12
All 5,545 6,976 6,111 5,334 5,594.45 5,779.21

Staff FTE (Australia) 2023

  Female Male Other Total
Academic Higher Education
Teaching and Research 604.01 687.05 4.8 1,295.87
Research only 164.09 255.40 2.9 422.40
Casual 197.69 208.08 5.89 411.66
VE Education
Teachers 187.53 212.80 2.80 403.14
Casuals 91.63 78.21 2.19 172.02
Executive and College / School Support 686.88 378.94 13.60 1,079.42
Central Support 1,129.65 660.45 8.70 1,798.80
Casual 101.52 89.36 5.02 195.90

Staff FTE (Vietnam) 2023

  Female Male Other Total
HE Academic 85.5 176.4 0 261.9
English Teaching 13 51 0 64
Industry Fellow 0 0 0 0
Professional 478.8 196 0 674.8
Casual 39.77 61.5 0 101.27
Total 617.07 484.9 0 1,101.97

Australia Staff Profile

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Academic Staff born outside Australia 46% 44% 43% 41% 43% 41% 45%
HE Academic Staff holding PhDs 80% 80% 84% 84% 71% 77% 85%

* Fixed term and continuing employees only


  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Revenue $1,433m $1,519m $1,459m $1,555m $1,463m $1,624m
Total Assets $3,394m $3,661m $4,052m $4,122m $3,936m $4,543m



2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Spotlight Series Attendees       1,217 923
Micro-credential badges issued     11,507 19,034 14,050
Reading lists views     625,880 308,017 458,489
Learning Lab views   1,235,313 1,210,455 1,331,824 1,280,989
Skills for Higher Degree Research Candidates views   6,558 9,565 14,930 15,226
eJournal usage   4,923,951 6,048,920 3,624,352 4,227,240
Searches in Databases 1,157,195 1,195,366 1,178,174 1,733,882 1,605,025
Streaming Media Viewed 687,175 829,975 1,094,404 876,540 1,007,133

  2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of WIL activities 15,142 17,577 23,624 33,210
Net count of students with a WIL experience 10,331 11,026 13,720 19,730
As a % of eligible students 15.00% 16.10% 22.10% 31.40%

Past RMIT statistics

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aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business.