Centre of Excellence in future Low Energy Electronics Technologies (FLEET)
Decreasing energy use is a grand challenge facing society. The ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies (FLEET) is a partnership with Monash University that addresses this challenge by realizing fundamentally new types of electronic conduction without resistance in solid-state systems at room temperature.
Engineering solutions for informal settlements in Honiara, Solomon Islands
Based on technical site visits and self-identified community needs, RMIT University engineers from different disciplines are designing solutions to mitigate water, sanitation, drainage, waste, and flood risks in five highly vulnerable settlements in Honiara, Solomon Islands.
Sustainable water desalination using waste heat and renewable energy sources
The need for freshwater is considered a critical global problem, consequently the demand for alternative sustainable water sources including ground water, desalinated water, and recycled water has increased over recent years and, as a result, the implementation of desalination plants is growing on a large scale.
Supercity Nansha
The Supercity Nansha project aims to explore and highlight the important role architecture can play in the context of sustainability and liveable spaces.
Greenhouse and Sustainability Program
The Greenhouse and Sustainability Program (GSP) connects multi-disciplined Honours and Masters students with industry partners in real-world problem solving.
The Sustainable Urban Precincts Program
The Sustainable Urban Precincts Program (SUPP) was a $128 million project to reduce energy and water use, significantly lowering greenhouse gas emissions associated with RMIT campus operations.
Sustainable water management system
RMIT has developed an alternative water desalination and irrigation system.
GoNano (Governing nanotechnologies through societal engagement)
Nanotechnologies – the purposeful engineering of matter close to the atomic or molecular scale – have given rise to great expectations in recent years, unlocking new research opportunities in areas as diverse as energy, healthcare, electronics, food, and construction.
Land Tenure and Climate Vulnerability
This research project examines the inter-relationships between land tenure and climate vulnerability.