6769 results found for "list of courses"
Dr Binoy Kampmark is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, teaching within the Bachelor of Social Science (Legal and Dispute Studies) program.
Dr Fayen d'Evie is a lecturer in the Masters of Communication Design programme of RMIT University, teaching experimental typography, curating and exhibitin
The RMIT School of Education has partnered with many individuals and organisations to engage in high-quality research projects, evaluation, policy analysis, and professional development programmes.
Makerspace is equipped with tools and devices, which are available for free for all RMIT students and staff.
Prof Zahir Tari is one of the international leading experts in the some of the core areas of Computer Science, including performance/scalability/reliabilit
This international competition challenges graduate research students to present their research in a 60-second, eye-catching digital display.
PCs and Macs are available at each Library site, no booking required. Or you can connect your laptop to the wireless network.
Follow this step by step guide to secure your place at RMIT. If you prepare your documents first, enrolment will be easy. Let’s get started!
731 - 740 of 6769 results