Deadly Alumni: Skye Cusack
How study allowed Skye to take her marketing business to the next level.
2024 Graduate: Ruby Kelly-Guthrie (PDF, 2MB)
Ruby's aspirations to empower future generations through youth work.
Deadly Alumni: Juanita Page (PDF, 6MB)
Juanita's journey through study, fashion and starting a successful business.
Student Spotlight: Sarah Little (PDF, 19MB)
Sarah was recently awarded the Roy and Iris Simmons award for her STEM studies.
Student Spotlight: Shona O'Brien (PDF, 23MB)
Shona talks to us about her internships on her journey to become a lawyer.
June 2022 (PDF, 7MB)
Ngarara Willim's Inidgenous Games team warm up with Victorian Intervarsity Games.
Student Spotlight: Zoe Cannon (PDF, 245KB)
Zoe discusses 'Be Brave, Make Change' and Aboriginal Wellbeing
Deadly Alumni: Mikaela Miller (PDF, 8MB)
Get to know Deadly Alumni and RMIT staff member Mikaela Miller.
March 2022
Welcome Professor Gary Thomas, Pro Vice Chancellor Indigenous Education, Research and Engagement.
December 2021 (PDF, 12MB)
Congratulations to all our 2021 Graduates!
September 2021 (PDF, 7MB)
Introducing the new RUSU Indigenous Officer for 2022; Shylicia.
August 2021 (8MB)
Celebrating our design competition winners.
July 2021 (PDF, 10MB)
Recent graduations, upcoming activities and a feature on deadly alumni Marinda Pattison.
February 2021 (PDF, 3MB)
Remembering Uncle Colin Bourke and reflecting on Invasion Day.
December 2020 (PDF, 5MB)
Celebrating our 2020 Deadly Alumni and Graduates!
November 2020 (PDF, MB)
A reflection on the 2020 NAIDOC theme and Caring for Country.
October 2020 (PDF, 6MB)
Publication launch of Wurrunggi Biik: Law of the Land.
September 2020 (PDF, 7MB)
Student-designed face masks and CareerTrackers Program.
August 2020 (PDF, 7MB)
Dreaming Inside and National Indigenous Fashion Awards.
July 2020 (PDF, 4MB)
Deadly Alumni profiles and Gama-dji Orientation goes online.
June 2020 (PDF, 7MB)
Black Lives Matter: Statement from Ngarara Willim.
May 2020 (14MB)
Welcome to our first issue!