Rob Moore

Professor Robert Moore

Professor of Biotechnology

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  ONPS2186 -  Science Project

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Rob Moore profile photo he is smiling while wearing a suit and glasses

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  ONPS2186 -  Science Project

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Professor Rob Moore is an internationally recognised veterinary microbiologist.

His research portfolio encompasses studies on bacterial pathogens, vaccination, genomics, gut microbiota, and probiotics.


Professor Moore leads an active research group that publishes widely, secures funding from industry and government, and works with a wide network of collaborators. Over the last decade the research in his laboratories has been largely industry supported by funding through the Australian Research Council Linkage Program, Poultry Cooperative Research Centre, Poultry Hub Australia, Australian Eggs, AgriFutures Australia, and various collaborations with commercial partners. He is currently working with several industry partners to commercialize various aspects of his work on Necrotic Enteritis and Spotty Liver Disease of chickens, vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. It is anticipated that these commercial developments will deliver tools to the industry to allow the control and management of these important diseases.

Professor Moore is a regular invited speaker at a range of local, national, and international conferences and has been on the Organizing Committees of 4 international conferences and 5 national conferences and has participated in a fully funded tour of veterinary research establishments in China, aimed at developing linkages between Australia and China. He was a founding member of the Executive Committee of the Victorian Infection and Immunity Network, an organization that aims to facilitate collaboration and interaction between researchers in these fields of research. He has reviewed for national and international granting agencies and has peer reviewed manuscripts for more than 75 journals. He is an editor for Frontiers in Microbiology, Scientific Reports, the Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, and Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Dr Moore has a network of research collaborators both nationally and internationally, including in Belgium, UK, USA, Canada, and Brazil.

Prof Moore has supervised 17 PhD students and 2 Masters students to completion and currently supervises 7 PhD students. He has mentored a number of post-doctoral researchers who have gone on to now lead their own independent research groups within CSIRO, one post-doc has gone on to establish their own independent university research group and risen to professor, and another now works in industry. Prof Moore has hosted year-long placements for visiting senior scientists from Japan, Brazil and China.


Industry experience

Professor Moore works closely with industry partners, consulting for a number of companies and undertaking research projects with others. He has worked on a series of projects with Bioproperties Pty Ltd, an Australian company that researchers, develops, manufactures, and sells live veterinary vaccines in the global market. He also works with Terragen Biotech, an Australian company that develops, manufactures, and markets microbial products to enhance agriculture. He has a long and ongoing relationship with Scolexia Pty Ltd, and animal and avian health consultancy, working with them to undertake fundamental research on avian diseases and provide animal disease models used to evaluate veterinary products for other companies.

Before joining RMIT University Professor Moore worked at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and in the R&D department of a multi-national animal health company.

His research has been supported by industry funding from AgriFutures Australia, Australian Eggs, and Poultry Hub Australia.



Professor Moore undertakes research to investigate host-pathogen interactions, studying both fundamental aspects of bacterial pathogenesis and characterising the host response to specific pathogens. Working with his collaborators he has made significant research contributions in the understanding of the pathogenesis of Necrotic Enteritis and Spotty Liver Disease in chickens.

Most of his work on host response has been done in the chicken. The chicken is both a valuable experimental system in which to work but also has the added benefit of being an important target in its own right, because of the significance of the poultry industry to food security. Chicken production is by far the most efficient and ecologically friendly way to produce meat for human consumption.

A range of bacteria, including Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter jejuni, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, and the newly identified pathogens, Campylobacter hepaticus and Campylobacter bilis, have been studied. The main interest being the identification and study of key virulence factors and potential vaccine antigens. Trials to test vaccines, probiotics, and other therapeutic agents are carried out in the animal disease induction model systems that he has established, often for difficult to reproduce diseases.

Professor Moore has ongoing research to develop strains of Lactobacillus and both benign (commensal) and attenuated pathogenic strains of E. coli and Salmonella as delivery vehicles for a range of biologically active recombinant proteins including, cytokines, bacteriocins, digestive enzymes, and vaccine antigens. It is anticipated that these strains will offer effective alternatives to address a number of health and productivity issues in chickens.

His research group is applying novel experimental approaches to the isolation, identification, and characterisation of probiotic strains of bacteria for use in the poultry industry.

Professors Moore’s laboratories were early adopters of next generation sequencing for characterization of complex microbial populations in the gut. Microbiota studies are directed towards understanding the role that the gut microbiota has in health and energy utilization of animals and humans and developing ways to manipulate the gut microbiota for positive impact.

Research keywords

Microbiology, Pathogen, Necrotic Enteritis, Spotty Liver Disease, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter hepaticus, Lactic Acid Bacteria, Epidemiology, Probiotic, Genomics, ELISA, PCR, Microbiota, Next Generation Sequencing, Vaccination, Disease Model, Chicken, Poultry, Bioinformatics

Research output summary




Supervisor projects

$15 million



Supervisor interest areas

  • Live bacterial vector vaccines
  • Virulence mechanisms of bacterial pathogens
  • Identification and development of probiotic bacteria
  • Role of gut microbiota in health and productivity

Supervisor projects

  • Delivery of vaccine antigens by live bacterial vectors. Megha Mano Manohar, PhD Candidate.

  • Development of diagnostic tools for Spotty Liver Disease (SLD) in chickens. Chithralekha Muralidharan, PhD candidate.

  • Antibacterial Peptides From Marine Bacillus Species. Dr Khanh Chau, PhD completed 2020.

  • Development of Growth Medium and Epidemiological Studies of the Bacteria causing Spotty Liver Disease in Chickens. Dr Van Canh Phung, PhD completed 2021.

  • Isolation and Characterisation of New Generation Probiotic Bacteria. Joshua Fraser, PhD candidate.

  • Bioinformatic Analysis of the Chemotactic Potential of Campylobacter concisus. Michael Bentley, MSc completed 2021.

  • Development of a vaccine to protect chickens from Campylobacter infections. Jamieson McDonald, PhD candidate.

  • Analyses and manipulation of immune responses to chicken anti-Campylobacter vaccination. Nicholas Constantinou, PhD candidate.

Feature publications

Induction of spotty liver disease in layer hens by infection with Campylobacter hepaticus

Veterinary Microbiology 199: 85-90

Van, T.T.H., Elshagmani, E., Gor, M.C., Anwar, A., Scott, P.C., and Moore, R.J. (2017).

Whole genome analysis reveals the diversity and evolutionary relationships between necrotic enteritis-causing strains of Clostridium perfringens

BMC Genomics 19: 379

Lacey, J.A., Allnutt, T.R., Vezina, B., Van, T.T.H., Stent, T., Han, X., Rood, J.I., Wade, B., Keyburn, A.L., Seeman, T., Chen, H., Haring, V., Johanesen, P.A., Lyras, D., and Moore, R.J. (2018).

Broad spectrum antimicrobial activities from spore-forming bacteria isolated from the Vietnam Sea

PeerJ 8: e10117

Chau, K.M., Quyen, D.V., Fraser, J.M., Smith, A.T., Van, T.T.H., and Moore, R.J. (2020).

Key publications by year

  • Phung, C., Wilson, T.B., Quinteros, J.A., Scott, P.C., Moore, R.J., and Van, T.T.H. (2021) Enhancement of Campylobacter hepaticus culturing to facilitate downstream applications. Scientific Reports 11:20802.
  • Qinteros, J.A, Scott, P.C., Wilson, T.B., Anwar, A.M., Scott, T., Muralidharan, C., Van, T.T.H., and Moore, R.J. (2021) Isoquinoline alkaloids induce partial protection of laying hens from the impact of Campylobacter hepaticus (spotty liver disease) challenge. Poultry Science 100:101423.
  • Al-harbi, H., Ranjbar, S., Moore, R.J., and Alawneh, J.I. (2021) Bacteria isolated from milk of dairy cows with and without clinical mastitis in different regions of Australia and their AMR profiles. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8:743725.
  • Bindari, Y., Moore, R.J., Van, T.T.H., Hilliar, M., Wu, S.-B., Walkden-Brown, S.W., Gerber, P.F. (2021) Microbial communities of poultry house dust, excreta and litter are partially representative of microbiota of chicken caecum and ileum. PLoS One 16:e0255633.
  • Vezina, B., Allnutt, T., Keyburn, A.K., Wade, B., Van, T.T.H., Johaneson, P., Lyras, D., and Moore, R.J. (2021) Stable recombinant gene expression from a Ligilactobacillus live bacterial vector via chromosomal integration. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87:e00392-21.
  • Bindari, Y.R., Moore, R.J., Van, T.T.H., Walkden-Brown, S.W., and Gerber, P.F. (2021) Microbial taxa in dust and excreta associated with the productive performance of commercial meat chicken flocks. Animal Microbiome 3:66.
  • Barreto, M.O., Soust, M., Moore, R.J., Olchowy, T.W.J., and Alawneh, J.I. (2021) Systematic review and meta-analysis of probiotic use on inflammatory biomarkers and disease prevention in cattle. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 194:105433..
  • Yap, Y.A., McLeod, K.H., McKenzie, C.I., Gavin, P.G., Davalos-Salas, M., Richards, J.L., Moore, R.J., Lockett, T.J., Clarke, J.M., Eng, V., Pearson, J., Hamilton-Williams, E.E., Mackay, C.R., and Marino, E., (2021) An acetate-yielding diet imprints an immune and anti-microbial program against enteric infection. Clinical & Translational Immunology 10:e1233.
  • Shen, S., Kumar, K.P., Wen, S.W., Shim, R., Wanrooy, B.J., Stanley, D., Moore, R.J., Van, T.T.H., Robert, R., Hickey, M., and Wong, C. (2021) Deficiency of dietary fiber modulates gut microbiota composition, neutrophil recruitment and worsens experimental colitis. Frontiers in Immunology 12:619366.
  • Joat, N., Van, T.T.H., Stanley, D., Moore, R.J., Chousalkar, K. (2021) Temporal dynamics of gut microbiota in caged laying hens: A field observation from hatching to end of lay. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 105:4719-4730.
  • Vezina, B., Al-harbi, H., Ramay, H.R., Soust, M., Moore, R.J., and Olchowy, T.W.J., Alawneh, J.I. (2021) Sequence characterisation and novel insights into bovine mastitis-associated Streptococcus uberis in dairy herds. Scientific Reports 11:3046
  • Loughman, A., Quinn, T., Nation, M.L., Reichelt, A., Moore, R.J., Van, T.T.H., Sung, V., and Tang, M. (2021) Infant microbiota in colic: predictive associations with problem crying and subsequent child behaviour. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 12:260-270.

  • Alawneh, J.I., Vezina, B., Ramay, H.R., Al-harbi, H., James, A., Soust, M., Moore, R.J., and Olchowy, T.W.J. (2020) Survey and sequence characterisation of bovine mastitis-1 associated Escherichia coli in dairy herds. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7:582297.
  • Bajagai, Y., Alsemgeest, J., Moore, R.J., Van, T.T.H., and Stanley, D. (2020) Phytogenic products, used as alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters, modify the intestinal microbiota derived from a range of production systems: an in vitro model. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 104:10631–10640.
  • Gor, M.C., Golneshin, A., Van, T.T.H., Moore, R.J., and Smith A.T. (2020) Cloning and functional expression of a food-grade circular bacteriocin, plantacyclin B21AG, in probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1. PLoS One 15:e0232806.
  • Muralidharan, C., Anwar, A., Wilson, T.B., Scott, P.C., Moore, R.J., and Van, T.T.H. (2020) Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detecting Campylobacter hepaticus specific antibodies in chicken sera – a key tool in Spotty Liver Disease (SLD) screening and vaccine development. Avian Pathology 49:658-665.
  • Dhaka, S., Boath, J., Van, T.T.H., Moore, R.J., and Macreadie, I. (2020) Siccibacter turicensis from kangaroo scats: possible implication in cellulose digestion. Microorganisms 8:635.
  • Boath, J., Dhaka, S., Van, T.T.H., Moore, R.J., Dekiwadia, C, and Macreadie, I. (2020) Polyphasic characterisation of Cedecea colo sp. nov., a new enteric bacterium isolated from the koala hindgut. Microorganisms 8:309.
  • Haberecht, S., Bajagai, Y.S., Moore, R.J., Van, T.T.H., and Stanley, D. (2020) Poultry feeds carry diverse microbial communities that influence chicken intestinal microbiota colonization and maturation. AMB Express 10:143.
  • Gangadoo, S., Dinev, I., Willson, N., Moore, R.J., Chapman, J., and Stanley, D. (2020) Nanoparticles of selenium as high bioavailable and non-toxic supplement alternatives for broiler chickens. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27:16159-16166.
  • Chau, K.M., Quyen, D.V., Fraser, J.M., Smith, A.T., Van, T.T.H., and Moore, R.J. (2020) Broad spectrum antimicrobial activities from spore-forming bacteria isolated from the Vietnam Sea. PeerJ 8: e10117.
  • Parent, E., Archambault, M., Moore, R.J., and Boulianne, M. (2020) Impacts of antibiotic reduction strategies on zootechnical performances, health control and Eimeria spp. excretion compared to conventional antibiotic programs in commercial broiler chicken flocks. Poultry Science 99:4303-4313.
  • Villegas, A.M., Stabler, L., Moore, R.J., Uzal, F., Lacey, J.A., Hofacre, C., Lee, M., Rimet, C.-S., Jerry, C., Kim, W.K., Madison, B., Franca, M. (2020) Focal duodenal necrosis in chickens: attempts to reproduce the disease experimentally and diagnostic considerations. Journal of Veterinary and Diagnostic Investigation 32:268-276.
  • Wade, B., Keyburn, A.L., Haring, V., Ford, M., Rood, J.I., and Moore, R.J. (2020) Two putative zinc metalloproteases contribute to the virulence of Clostridium perfringens strains that cause avian necrotic enteritis. Journal of Veterinary and Diagnostic Investigation 32:259-267.
  • Scheelings, T.F., Moore, R.J., Van, T.T.H., Klaassen, M., and Reina, R. (2020) No correlation between microbiota composition and blood parameters in nesting flatback turtles (Natator depressus). Scientific Reports 10:8333.
  • Scheelings, T.F., Moore, R.J., Van, T.T.H., Klaassen, M., and Reina, R. (2020) The gut bacterial microbiota of sea turtles differs between geographically-distinct populations. Endangered Species Research 42:95-108.
  • Reichelt, A.C., Loughman, A., Van, T.T.H., Bernard, A., Raipuria, M., Abbott, K.N., Dachtler, J., and Moore, R.J. (2020) An intermittent hypercaloric diet alters gut microbiota, prefrontal cortical gene expression and social behaviours in rats. Nutritional Neuroscience 23:613-627.
  • Scheelings, T.F., Moore, R.J., Van, T.T.H., Klaassen, M., and Reina, R. (2020) Microbial symbiosis and coevolution of an entire clade of ancient vertebrates: the gut microbiota of sea turtles and its relationship to their phylogenetic history. Animal Microbiome 2:17.
  • Wilkinson, N., Hughes, R.J., Bajagai, Y.S., Aspden, W.J., Van, T.T.H., Moore, R.J., and Stanley, D. (2020) Reduced environmental bacterial load during early development and gut colonisation has detrimental health consequences in Japanese quail. Heliyon 6:e03213.
  • Phung, C., Vezina, B., Anwar, A., Wilson, T., Scott, P.C., Moore, R.J., and Van, T.T.H. (2020) Campylobacter hepaticus, the cause of Spotty Liver Disease in chickens: Transmission and routes of infection. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6:505.

  • Bauer, B.W., Radovanovic, A., Willson, N., Bajagai, Y.S., Van, T.T.H., Moore, R.J., and Stanley, D. (2019) Oregano: A potential prophylactic treatment for the poultry industry. Heliyon, 5:e02625.
  • Moore, R.J., Scott, P.C., and Van, T.T.H. (2019) Spotlight on Campylobacter hepaticus, the cause of Spotty Liver Disease in layers. Avian Pathology 48:285-287.
  • Moore, R.J., and Lacey, J.A. (2019) Genomics of the pathogenic clostridia. Microbiology Spectrum, 7:GPP3-033-2018.
  • Gangadoo, S., Bauer, B.W., Stanley, D., Moore, R., Van, T.T.H., and Bajagai, Y.D. (2019) In vitro growth of gut microbiota with selenium nanoparticles. Animal Nutrition 5:424-431.
  • Willson, N., Van, T.T.H., Lever, J., Moore, R.J., and Stanley, D. (2019) Characterisation of the intestinal microbiota of commercially farmed saltwater crocodiles, Crocodylus porosus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 103:8977-8985.
  • Bauer, B.W., Gangadoo, S., Bajagai, Y.D., Van, T.T.H., Moore, R.J., and Stanley, D. (2019) Oregano powder reduces Streptococcus and increases SCFA concentration in a mixed bacterial culture assay of chicken. PLoS One 14:e0216853.
  • Lacey, J.A., Johanesen, P.A., Lyras, D., and Moore, R.J. (2019) In silico identification of novel toxin homologs and associated mobile genetic elements in Clostridium perfringens. Pathogens 8:16.
  • Cooper, C.A., Stanborough, T., Moore, S.C., Chandry, P.S., Jenkins, K.A., Wise, T.G., O’Neil, T.E., Layton, D.S., Morris, K.R., Moore, R.J., Fegan, N., and Doran, T.J. (2019) Overexpressing ovotransferrin and avian β-defensin-3 improves antimicrobial capacity of chickens. Transgenic Research 28:51-76.
  • Pinget, G., Tan, J., Janac, B., Kaakoush, N.O., Angelatos, A., O’Sullivan, J., Koay, Y., Sierro, F., Davis, J., Divakarla, S.K., Khanal, D., Moore, R.J., Stanley, D., Chrzanowski, W., and Macia, L. (2019) Impact of the food additive titanium dioxide (E171) on gut microbiota-host interaction. Frontiers in Nutrition 6:57.
  • Willson, N., Van, T.T.H., Bhattarai, S.P., Courtice, J.M., McIntyre, J.R., Prasai, T.P., Moore, R.J., Walsh, K., and Stanley, D. (2019) Feed supplementation with biochar may reduce poultry pathogens, including Campylobacter hepaticus, the causative agent of Spotty Liver Disease. PLoS One 14: e0214471.
  • Van, T.T.H., Lacey, J.A, Vezina, B., Phung, C., Anwar, A., Scott, P.C., and Moore, R.J. (2019) Survival mechanisms of Campylobacter hepaticus identified by genomic analysis and comparative transcriptomic analysis of in vivo and in vitro derived bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology 10:107.
  • Xu, F., Chen, J., Xiao, C., Cong, F., Ma, L., Moore, R.J., Huang, R., and Guo, P. (2019) Development of a Luminex xTAG assay for the rapid detection of five aminoglycoside resistance genes both in staphylococci and enterococci. Microbial Drug Resistance 25:874-879.

  • Lacey, J.A., Stanley, D., Keyburn, A.L., Ford, M., Chen, H., Johanesen, P.A., Lyras, D., and Moore, R.J. (2018) Clostridium perfringens-mediated necrotic enteritis is not influenced by the pre-existing microbiota but is promoted by large changes in the post-challenge microbiota. Veterinary Microbiology 227:119-126.
  • Ma, L, Cong, F., Yuan, W., Zhu, Y., Wu, M., Xu, F., Huang, R., Moore, R.J., and Guo, P. (2018) Development of a reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification assay for rapid detection of Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus. Molecular and Cellular Probes 41:27-31.
  • Willson, N.-L., Nattrass, G.S., Hughes, R.J., Moore, R.J., Stanley, D., Hynd, P.I., and Forder, R.E.A. (2018) Correlations between intestinal innate immune genes and cecal microbiota highlight potential for probiotic development for immune modulation in poultry. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102:9317-9329.
  • Shen, S., Kumar, K.P., Stanley, D., Moore, R.J., Van, T.T.H., Wen, S.W., Hickey, M., and Wong, C. (2018) Invariant natural killer T cells shape the gut microbiota and regulate neutrophil recruitment and function during intestinal inflammation. Frontiers in Immunology 9:999.
  • Lacey, J.A., Allnutt, T.R., Vezina, B., Van, T.T.H., Stent, T., Han, X., Rood, J.I., Wade, B., Keyburn, A.L., Seeman, T., Chen, H., Haring, V., Johanesen, P.A., Lyras, D., and Moore, R.J. (2018) Whole genome analysis reveals the diversity and evolutionary relationships between necrotic enteritis-causing strains of Clostridium perfringens. BMC Genomics 19:379.
  • Rood, J.I., Adams, V., Lacey, J., Lyras, D., McClane, B.A., Melville, S.B., Moore, R.J., Popoff, M.R., Sarker, M.R., Songer J.G., Uzal, F.A., and Van Immerseel, F. (2018) Expansion of the Clostridium perfringens toxin-based typing scheme. Anaerobe 53:5-10.
  • Cooper, C., Moore, R.J., Chandry, P.S., and Fegan, N. (2018) Salmonella enterica subsp. salamae serovar Sofia, a prevalent serovar in Australian broiler chickens, is also capable of transient colonization in layer line chickens. British Poultry Science 59:270-277.
  • Wilkinson, N., Aspden, W., Hughes, R., Christiansen, I., Chapman, J., Gangadoo, S., Moore, R.J., and Stanley, D. (2018) Ultrastructure of the gastro intestinal tract of healthy Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica, using light and scanning electron microscopy. Animal Nutrition 4:378-387.
  • Baldwin, S., Hughes, R.J., Van, T.T.H., Moore, R.J., and Stanley, D. (2018) At-hatch administration of probiotic to chickens can introduce beneficial changes in gut microbiota. PLoS One 13:e0194825.
  • Gangadoo, S., Dinev, I., Chapman, J., Hughes, R.J., Van, T.T.H., Moore, R.J., and Stanley, D. (2018) Selenium nanoparticles in poultry feed modify gut microbiota and increase abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 182:1455-1466.
  • Van, T.T.H., Anwar, A., Scott, P.C., and Moore, R.J. (2018) Rapid and specific methods to detect foodborne pathogens Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli and the new species causing spotty liver disease in chickens, C. hepaticus. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 15:526-530.
  • Stanley, D., Moore, R.J., and Wong, C.H.Y. (2018) An insight into intestinal mucosal microbiota disruption after stroke. Scientific Reports 8:568.

  • Golneshin, A., Gor, M.C., Van, T.T.H., May, B., Moore, R.J., and Smith, A.T. (2017) Draft genome sequence of Lactobacillus plantarum strain A6, a strong acid producer isolated from a Vietnamese fermented sausage (nem chua). Genome Announcements 5:e00987-17.
  • Lacey, J.A., Keyburn, A.L., Ford, M.E., Portela, R.W., Johanesen, P.A., Lyras, D., and Moore, R.J. (2017) Conjugation-mediated horizontal gene transfer of Clostridium perfringens plasmids in the chicken gastrointestinal tract results in the formation of new virulent strains. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 83:e01814-17.
  • Donaldson, E., Stanley, D., Hughes, R.J., and Moore, R.J. (2017) The time-course of broiler intestinal microbiota development after administration of cecal contents to incubating eggs. PeerJ 5:e3587.
  • Van Immerseel, F. Eeckhaut, V., Moore, R.J., Choct, M., and Ducatelle, R. (2017) Beneficial microbial signals from alternative feed ingredients: a way to improve sustainability of broiler production? Microbial Biotechnology 10:1008-1011.
  • Van, T.T.H., Elshagmani, E., Gor, M.C., Scott, P.C., and Moore, R.J. (2017) Campylobacter hepaticus, the cause of spotty liver disease in chickens, is present throughout the small intestine and caeca of infected birds. Veterinary Microbiology 207:226-230.
  • Batacan, R., Fenning, A., Dalbo, V.J., Scanlan, A.T., Duncan, M.J., Moore, R.J., and Stanley D. (2017) A gut reaction: The combined influence of exercise and diet on gastrointestinal microbiota in rats. Journal of Applied Microbiology 122:1627-1638.
  • Mariño, E., Richards, J.L., McLeod, K.H., Stanley, D., Yap, Y. A., Knight, J., McKenzie, C., Kranich, J., Oliveira, A.C., Rosello, F.J., Krishnamurthy, B., Nefzger, N., Macia, L., Thorburn, A., Baxter, A.J., Morahan, G., Wong, L., Polo, J.M., Moore, R.J., Lockett, T.J., Clarke, J.M., Topping, D.L., Harrison, L., and Mackay, C.R. (2017) Gut microbial metabolites limit autoimmune T cell frequencies and protect against Type 1 diabetes. Nature Immunology 18:552-562.
  • Gangadoo, S., Stanley, D., Hughes, R.J., Moore, R.J., and Chapman, J. (2017) The synthesis and characterisation of highly stable and reproducible selenium nanoparticles. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry 47:1568-1576.
  • Crisol-Martínez, E., Stanley, D., Geier, M.S., Hughes, R.J., and Moore, R.J. (2017) Understanding the mechanisms of zinc bacitracin and avilamycin on animal production: linking gut microbiota and growth performance in chickens. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 101:4547-4559.
  • Crisol-Martínez, E., Stanley, D., Geier, M.S., Hughes, R.J., and Moore, R.J. (2017) Sorghum and wheat differentially affect caecal microbiota and associated performance characteristics of meat chickens. PeerJ 5:e3071.
  • Prasai, T.P., Walsh, K.B., Bhattarai, S.P., Midmore, D.J., Van T.T.H., Moore, R.J., and Stanley, D. (2017) Zeolite food supplementation reduces abundance of enterobacteria. Microbiological Research 195:24-30.
  • Van, T.T.H., Elshagmani, E., Gor, M.C., Anwar, A., Scott, P.C., and Moore, R.J. (2017) Induction of spotty liver disease in layer hens by infection with Campylobacter hepaticus. Veterinary Microbiology 199:85-90.

  • Stanley, D., Mason, J.J., Mackin, K.E., Srikhanta, Y.N., Lyras, D., Prakash, M.D., Nurgali, K., Hill, M.D., Moore, R.J., and Wong, C.H.Y. (2016) Translocation and dissemination of commensal bacteria in post-stroke infection. Nature Medicine 22:1277-1284.
  • Van, T.T.H., Elshagmani, E., Gor, M.C., Scott, P.C., and Moore, R.J. (2016) Campylobacter hepaticus sp. nov., isolated from chickens with spotty liver disease. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66:4518-4524.
  • Wade, B., Keyburn, A.L., Haring, V., Ford, M., Rood, J.I., and Moore, R.J. (2016) The adherent abilities of Clostridium perfringens strains are critical for the pathogenesis of avian necrotic enteritis. Veterinary Microbiology 197:53-61.
  • Stanley, D., Hughes, R. J., Geier, M.S., and Moore, R.J. (2016) Bacteria within the gastrointestinal tract microbiota correlated with improved growth and feed conversion: Challenges presented for the identification of performance enhancing probiotic bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:187.
  • Crisol-Martínez, E., Moreno-Moyano, L.T., Wilkinson, N., Prasai, T., Brown, P.H., Moore, R.J., and Stanley, D. (2016) A low dose of an organophosphate insecticide causes dysbiosis and sex-dependent responses in the intestinal microbiota of the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). PeerJ 4:e2002.
  • Prasai, T.P., Walsh, K.B., Bhattarai, S.P., Midmore, D.J., Van T.T.H., Moore, R.J., and Stanley, D. (2016) Biochar, bentonite and zeolite supplemented feeding of chickens alters intestinal microbiota and reduces Campylobacter load. PLoS One 11:e01540461.
  • Wilkinson, N., Hughes, R.J., Aspden, W., Chapman, J., Moore, R.J., and Stanley, S. (2016) The gastrointestinal tract microbiota of the Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 100:4201-4209.
  • Gangadoo, S., Stanley, D., Hughes, R.J., Moore, R.J., and Chapman, J. (2016) Nanoparticles in poultry: progress and prospects. Trends in Food Science & Technology 58:115-126.
  • Moore, R.J., and Stanley, D. (2016) Experimental design considerations in microbiota/inflammation studies. Clinical and Translational Immunology. 5:e92
  • Rood, J.I., Keyburn, A.L., and Moore, R.J. (2016) NetB and necrotic enteritis: the hole movable story. Avian Pathology 45:295-301.
  • Moore, R.J. (2016) Necrotic enteritis predisposing factors in broiler chickens. Avian Pathology 45:275-281.
  • Lacey, J.A., Johanesen, P.A., Lyras, D. and Moore, R.J. (2016) Genomic diversity of necrotic enteritis associated strains of Clostridium perfringens: A review. Avian Pathology 45:302-307.
  • Antonissen, G., Eeckhaut, V., Van Driessche, K., Onrust, L., Haesebrouck, F., Ducatelle, R., Moore, R.J., and Van Immerseel, F. (2016) Microbial shifts that predispose to necrotic enteritis. Avian Pathology 45:308-312.

  • Uzal, F.A., McClane, B.A., Cheung, J.K., Theoret, J., Garcia, J.P., Moore, R.J., Rood, J.I. (2015) Animal models to study the pathogenesis of human and animal Clostridium perfringens infections. Veterinary Microbiology 179:23-33.
  • Wade, B., Keyburn, A.L., Seemann, T., Rood, J.I., and Moore, R.J. (2015) Binding of Clostridium perfringens to collagen correlates with the ability to cause necrotic enteritis. Veterinary Microbiology 180:299-303.
  • Thorburn, A.N., McKenzie, C.I., Shen, S., Stanley, D., L., Macia, L., Mason, L.J., Roberts, L.K., Wong, C.H.Y., Shim, R., Robert, R., Chevalier, N., Tan, J.K., Marino, E., Moore, R.J., Wong, L., McConville, M.J., Tull, D.L., Wood, L.J., Murphy, V.E., Mattes, J., Gibson, P.G., and Mackay, C.R. (2015) Evidence that asthma is a developmental origin disease influenced by maternal diet and bacterial metabolites. Nature Communications 6:7320.
  • Macia, L., Tan, J., Vieira, A.T., Leach, K., Stanley, D., Luong, S., Maruya, M., McKenkie, C.I., Hijikate, A., Wong, C., Binge, L., Thorburn, A.N., Chevallier, N., Ang, C., Marino, E., Robert, R., Offermanns, S., Teixeira, M.M., Moore, R.J., Flavell, R.A., Fagarasan, S., and Mackay, C.R. (2015) Metabolite sensing receptors GPD43 and GPR109A facilitate dietary fibre-induced gut homeostasis through regulation of the inflammasome. Nature Communications 6:6734.
  • Stanley, D., Geier, M.S., Chen, H., Hughes, R.J., and Moore, R.J. (2015) Comparison of fecal and cecal microbiotas reveals qualitative similarities but quantitative differences. BMC Microbiology 15:51.
  • Rodgers, N.J., Swick, R.A., Geier, M.S., Moore, R.J., Choct, M., and Wu, S.-B. (2015) A multifactorial analysis of the extent to which Eimeria and fishmeal predispose broiler chickens to clinical necrotic enteritis. Avian Diseases 59:38-45.

  • Gomez-Valero, L., Rusniok, C., Neou, M., Dervins-Ravault, D., Rouy, Z., Moore, R.J., Chen, H., Petty, N.K., Jarraud, S., Etienne, J., Steinert, M., Heuner, K., Gribaldo, S., Médigue, C., Glöckner, G., Hartland, E.L., and Buchrieser, C. (2014) Comparative analyses of Legionella species identifies genetic features of strains causing Legionnaires' Disease. Genome Biology 15:505.
  • Stanley, D., Wu, S.-B., Rodgers, N., Swick, R.A., and Moore, R.J. (2014) Differential responses of caecal microbiota to fishmeal, Eimeria and Clostridium perfringens in a necrotic enteritis challenge model in chickens. PLoS One 9:e104739.
  • Wu, S.-B., Stanley, D., Rodgers, N., Swick, R.A., and Moore, R.J. (2014) Two necrotic enteritis predisposing factors, dietary fishmeal and Eimeria infection, induce large changes in the caecal microbiota of broiler chickens. Veterinary Microbiology 169:188-197.
  • Adams, V., Li, J., Wisniewski, J.A., Uzal, F.A., Moore, R.J., McClane, B.A., and Rood, J.I. (2014) Virulence plasmids of spore-forming bacteria. Microbiology Spectrum 2:PLAS-0024-2014.
  • Stanley, D., Hughes, R. J., and Moore, R.J. (2014) Microbiota of the chicken gastrointestinal tract; influence on health, productivity and disease. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98:4301-4310.

  • Stanley, D., Geier, M.S., Hughes, R.J., Denman, S.E., and Moore, R.J. (2013) Highly variable microbiota development in the chicken gastrointestinal tract. PLoS One 8:e84290.
  • Keyburn, A.L., Portela, R.D., Ford, M.E., Bannam, T.L., Yan, X.-X., Rood, J.I., and Moore, R.J. (2013) Maternal immunization with vaccine containing recombinant NetB toxin partially protects progeny chickens from necrotic enteritis. Veterinary Research. 44:108
  • Konsak, B.M., Stanley, D., Haring, V.R., Geier, M.S., Hughes, R.J., Howarth, G.S., Crowley, T.M., and Moore, R.J. (2013) Identification of differential duodenal gene expression levels and microbiota abundance correlated with differences in energy utilization in chickens. Animal Production Science. 53:1269-1275.
  • Lam, M.M.C., Seemann, T., Tobias, N.J., Chen, H., Haring, V., Moore, R., Ballard, S., Grayson, L.M., Johnson, P.D.R., Howden, B.P., and Stinear, T.P. (2013) Comparative analysis of the complete genome of an epidemic hospital sequence type 203 clone of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. BMC Genomics 14:606.
  • Keyburn, A.L., Portela, R.D., Sproat, K., Ford, M.E., Bannam, T.L., Yan, X.-X., Rood, J.I., and Moore, R.J. (2013) Vaccination with recombinant NetB toxin protects broiler chickens from necrotic enteritis. Veterinary Research 44:54.
  • Gillespie, M.J., Crowley, T.M., Haring, V.R., Wilson, S.L., Harper, J.A., Payne, J.S., Green, D., Monaghan, P., Donald, J.A., Nicholas, K.R., and Moore, R.J. (2013) Transcriptome analysis of pigeon ‘milk’ production – role of cornification and triglyceride synthesis gene. BMC Genomics 14:169.
  • Tyack, S.G., Jenkins, K.A., O’Neil, T.E., Wise, T.G., Morris, K.R., Bruce, M.P., McLeod, S., Wade, A.J., McKay, J., Moore, R.J., Schat, K.A., Lowenthal, J.W., and Doran, T.J. (2013) A new method for producing transgenic birds via direct in vivo transfection of PGCs. Transgenic Research 22:1257-1264.
  • Stanley, D., Geier, M.S., Denman, S., Haring, V.R., Crowley, T.M. Hughes, R.J., and Moore, R.J. (2013) Identification of chicken intestinal microbiota correlated with the efficiency of energy extraction from feed. Veterinary Microbiology 164:85-92.
  • Yan, X.-X., Porter, C.J., Hardy, S.P., Steer, D., Smith, A.I., Quinsey, N.S., Hughes, V., Cheung, J.K., Keyburn, A.L., Kaldhusdal, M., Moore, R.J., Bannam, T.L., Whisstock, J.C., and Rood, J.I. (2013) Structural and functional analysis of the pore-forming toxin NetB from Clostridium perfringens. mBio 4:e00019-13.
  • Stanley, D., Watson-Haigh, N.S., Cowled, C.J.E., and Moore, R.J. (2013) Genetic architecture of gene expression in the chicken. BMC Genomics 14:13.
  • Tobias, N.J., Doig, K.D., Medema, M.H., Chen, H., Haring, V., Moore, R., Seemann, T., and Stinear, T.P. (2013) Complete Genome Sequence of the Frog Pathogen Mycobacterium ulcerans ecovar Liflandii. Journal of Bacteriology 195:556-564.

  • Gillespie, M.J., Stanley, D., Chen, H., Donald, J.A., Nicholas, K.R., Moore, R.J., and Crowley, T.M. (2012) Functional similarities between pigeon ‘milk’ and mammalian milk: induction of immune gene expression and modification of the microbiota. PLoS One 7:e48363.
  • Kumar, A., Wong, A.K.-L., Tizard, M.L., Moore, R.J., and Lefèvre, C. (2012) miRNA_Targets: A database for miRNA target predictions in coding and non-coding regions of mRNAs. Genomics 100:352-356.
  • Lam, M., Seemann, T., Bulach, D., Gladman, S., Chen, H., Haring, V., Moore, R., Ballard, S., Grayson, M., Johnson, P., Howden, B., and Stinear, T. (2012) Comparative Analysis of the First Complete Enterococcus faecium Genome. Journal of Bacteriology 194:2334-2341.
  • Stanley, D., Keyburn, A.L., Denman, S.E., and Moore, R.J. (2012) Changes in the caecal microflora of chickens following Clostridium perfringens challenge to induce necrotic enteritis. Veterinary Microbiology 159:155-162.
  • Schat, K.A., Bingham, J., Butler, J., Chen, L.-M., Green, D., Lowther, S., Crowley, T., Moore, R.J., Donis, R., Lowenthal, J.W. (2012) Role of position 627 of PB2 and the multibasic cleavage site of the hemagglutinin in the virulence of H5N1 avian influenza virus for chickens and ducks. PLoS One 7:e30960.
  • Stanley, D., Denman, S.E., Hughes, R.J., Geier, M.S., Crowley, T.M., Chen, H., Haring, V.R., and Moore, R.J. (2012) Intestinal microbiota associated with differential feed conversion efficiency in chickens. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 96:1361-1369.

  • Stynen, A.P.R., Lage, A.P., Moore, R.J., et al., Azevedo, V., and Ruiz, J.C. (2011) Complete genome sequence of type strain Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis NCTC 10354T. Journal of Bacteriology 193:5871-5872.
  • Bannam, T.L., Yan, X.-X., Harrison, P.F., Seemann, T., Keyburn, A.L., Stubenrauch, C., Weeramantri, L., Cheung, J.K., McClane, B., Boyce, J.D., Moore, R.J., and Rood, J.I. (2011) Necrotic enteritis-derived Clostridium perfringens with three closely related three independently conjugative toxin and antibiotic resistance plasmids. mBio 2:e00190-11.
  • Gillespie, M.J, Haring, V.R., McColl, K.A., Monaghan, P., Donald, J.A., Nicholas, K.R., Moore R.J., and Crowley, T.M. (2011) Histological and global gene expression analysis of the ‘lactating’ pigeon crop. BMC Genomics 12:452.
  • Ruiz, J.C., D'Afonseca, V., Silva, A., et al., Moore, R., Miyoshi, A., Oliveira, G.C., and Azevedo, V. (2011) Evidence for reductive genome evolution and lateral acquisition of virulence functions in two Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis strains. PLoS One 6:e18551.
  • Stephenson, D.P., Moore, R.J., and Allison, G.E. (2011) Transformation of, and heterologous protein expression in, Lactobacillus agilis and Lactobacillus vaginalis isolated from the chicken gastrointestinal tract. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77:220-228.

  • Crowley, T.M., Haring, V.R., and Moore, R. (2010) Chicken anemia virus: an understanding on the in-vitro host response over time. Viral Immunology 24:3-9.
  • Chua, K., Seemann, T., Harrison, P.F., Davies, J.K., Coutts, S.J., Chen, H., Haring, V., Moore, R., Howden, B.P., Stinear, T.P. (2010) Complete genome sequence of Staphylococcus aureus strain JKD6159, a unique Australian clone of ST93-IV community methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Bacteriology 192:5556-5557.
  • Stephenson, D.P., Moore, R.J., and Allison, G.E. (2010) Lactobacillus strain ecology and persistence within broiler chickens fed different diets; identification of persistent strains. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76: 6494-6503.
  • Smith, W.J.M., Li, Y., Ingham, A., Collis, E., McWilliam, S.M., Dixon, T.J., Norris, B.J., Mortimer, S.I., Moore, R.J., and Reverter, A. (2010) A genomics-informed, SNP association study reveals FBLN1 and FABP4 as contributing to resistance to fleece rot in Australian Merino sheep. BMC Veterinary Research 6:27.
  • Cheung, J.K., Keyburn, A.L., Carter, G.P., Lanckriet, A.L., Van Immerseel, F., Moore, R.J., and Rood, J.I. (2010) The VirSR two-component signal transduction system regulates NetB toxin production in Clostridium perfringens. Infection and Immunity 78:3064-3072.
  • Keyburn, A.L., Yang, X., Bannam, T.L., Van Immerseel, F., Rood, J.I., and Moore, R.J. (2010) Association between avian necrotic enteritis and Clostridium perfringens strains expressing NetB toxin. Veterinary Research. 41:21.
  • Keyburn, A.L., Bannam, T.L., Moore, R.J., and Rood, J.I. (2010) NetB, a pore-forming toxin from necrotic enteritis strains of Clostridium perfringens. Toxins 2:1913-1927.

  • Van Immerseel, F., Rood, J.I., Moore, R.J. and Titball, R.W. (2009) Rethinking our understanding of the pathogenesis of necrotic enteritis in chickens. Trends in Microbiology 17:32-36.
  • Stephenson, D.P., Moore, R.J., and Allison, G.E. (2009) Comparison and utilization of repetitive-element PCR techniques for typing Lactobacillus isolates from the chicken gastrointestinal tract. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75:6764-6776.
  • Crowley, T.M., Haring, V.R., Burggraaf, S. and Moore, R.J. (2009) Application of whole genome chicken microarrays for avian immunology. BMC Genomics 10:S3.
  • Glazov, E.A., Cottee, P.A., Barris, W.C., Moore, R.J., Dalrymple, B.P., and Tizard, M.L. (2008) A microRNA catalog of the developing chicken embryo identified by a deep sequencing approach. Genome Research 18:957-964.
  • Keyburn, A.L., Boyce, J.D., Vaz, P., Bannam, T.L., Ford, M.E., Parker, D., Di Rubbo, A., Rood, J.I., and Moore, R.J. (2008) NetB, a new toxin is associated with avian necrotic enteritis caused by Clostridium perfringens. PLoS Pathogens 4:e26.
  • Pyecroft, S.B, Pearse, A.-M., Loh, R., Swift, K., Belov, K., Fox, N., Noonan, E., Hayes, D., Hyatt, A., Wang, L., Boyle, D., Church, J., Middleton, D. and Moore, R. (2007) Towards a Case Definition for Devil Facial Tumour Disease: What Is It? EcoHealth 4:346-351.
  • Ingham, A.B., and Moore, R.J. (2007) Recombinant production of antimicrobial peptides in heterologous microbial systems. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 47:1-9.
  • Wang, Y.H., Reverter, A., Kemp, D., McWilliam, S.M., Ingham, A., Davis, C., Moore, R.J., and Lehnert, S.A. (2007) Gene expression profiling of Hereford Shorthorn cattle following challenge with Boophilus microplus tick larvae. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 47:1397-1407.
  • McKean, S.C., Davies, J.K., Moore, R.J. (2007) Expression of phospholipase D, the major virulence factor of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, is regulated by multiple environmental factors and plays a role in macrophage death. Microbiology-SGM 153: 2203-2211.
  • Tizard, M., Moore, R., Lambeth, L., Lowenthal, J., Doran, T. (2007) Manipulation of small RNAs to modify the chicken transcriptome and direct productivity traits. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 117: 158-164.
  • McKean, S.C., Davies, J.K., Moore, R.J. (2007) Probing the heat shock response of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis: the major virulence factor, phospholipase D, is down regulated at 43oC. Research in Microbiology 158:279-286.
  • McNeilly, C.L., Beagley, K.W., Moore, R.J., Haring, V., Timms, P., and Hafner, L.M. (2007) Expression library immunization confers partial protection against Chlamydia muridarum genital infection. Vaccine 25:2643-2655.
  • Wise, T.G., Schafer, D.J., Lambeth, L.S., Tyack, S.G., Bruce, M.P., Moore, R.J., and Doran, T.J. (2007) Characterization and comparison of chicken U6 promoters for the expression of short hairpin RNAs. Animal Biotechnology 18:153-162.
  • Lambeth, L.S., Moore, R.J., Muralitharan, M.S., and Doran, T.J. (2007) Suppression of bovine viral diarrhea virus replication by small interfering RNA and short hairpin RNA-mediated RNA interference. Veterinary Microbiology 119:132-143.
  • Keyburn, A.L., Sheedy, S.A., Ford, M.E., Williamson, M.M., Awad, M.M., Rood, J.I., and Moore, R.J. (2006) The alpha-toxin of Clostridium perfringens is not an essential virulence factor in necrotic enteritis in chickens. Infection and Immunity 74: 6496-6500.
  • Lambeth L.S., Wise, T.J., Moore, R., Muralitharan, M.S., and Doran, T.J. (2006) Comparison of bovine RNA polymerase III promoters for short hairpin RNA expression. Animal Genetics 37:369-372.
  • Lambeth L., Moore, R., Muralitharan, M., Dalrymple, B., McWilliam, S., and Doran, T. (2005) Characterisation and application of a bovine U6 promoter for expression of small hairpin RNAs. BMC Biotechnology 5:13.
  • Moore, R.J., Doran, T.J., Wise, T.G., Riddell, S., Granger, K., Crowley, T.M., Jenkins, K.A., Karpala, A.J., Bean, A.G.D., and Lowenthal, J.W. (2005) Chicken functional genomics: an overview. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 45:749-756.
  • McKean, S.C., Davies, J.K., and Moore, R.J. (2005) Identification of macrophage induced genes of Corynbacterium pseudotuberculosis by differential fluorescence induction. Microbes and Infection. 7:1352-1363.
  • Davis, A.J., Smith, S.C., and Moore, R.J. (2005) The Brachyspira hyodysenteriae ftnA gene: DNA vaccination and real-time PCR quantification of bacteria in a mouse model of disease. Current Microbiology 50:285-291.
  • Ingham, A.B., Sproat, K.W., Tizard, M.L.V., and Moore, R.J. (2005) A versatile system for the expression of non-modified bacteriocins in Escherichia coli. Journal of Applied Microbiology 98:676-683.
  • Sheedy, S.A., Ingham, A.B., Rood, J.I., and Moore, R.J. (2004) Highly conserved alpha-toxin sequences of avian isolates of Clostridium perfringens. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42:1345-47.
  • Granger, K., Moore, R.J., Davies, J.K., Vaughan, J.A., Stiles, P.L., Stewart, D.J. and Tizard, M.L.V. (2004) Recovery of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis from the natural host for the extraction and analysis in vivo derived RNA. Journal of Microbiological Methods 57:241-49.
  • Ingham, A., Ford, M., Moore, R.J., and Tizard, M. (2003) The bacteriocin, Piscicolin 126, retains anti-listerial activity in vivo. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 51:1365-71.
  • Moore, R.J., Lenghaus, C., Sheedy, S.A., and Doran, T.J. (2001) Improved vectors for expression library immunization – application to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection in pigs. Vaccine 20:115-120.
  • Yashiro, K., Lowenthal, J.W., O’Neil, T.E., Ebisu, S., Takagi, H., and Moore, R.J. (2001) High-level production of recombinant chicken interferon-γ by Brevibacillus choshinensis. Protein Expression and Purification 23:113-120.
  • Moore, R.J., Stewart, D.J., Lund, K., and Hodgson, A.L.M. (2001) Vaccination against ovine footrot using a live bacterial vector to deliver basic protease antigen. FEMS Microbiology Letters 194:193-196.
  • Moore, R.J., Rothel, L., Krywult, J., Radford, A.J., Lund, K., and Hodgson, A.L.M. (2000) Foreign gene expression in Corynbacterium pseudotuberculosis: development of a live vaccine vector. Vaccine 18:487-497.
  • Tachedjian, M., Krywult, J., Moore, R.J., and Hodgson, A.L.M. (1995) Caseous lymphadenitis vaccine development: site-specific inactivation of the Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis phospholipase D gene. Vaccine 13: 1785-1792.
  • Clausse, N., Baines, D., Moore, R., Brookes, S., Dickson, C., and Peters, G. (1993) Activation of both Wnt-1 and Fgf-3 by insertion of mouse mammary tumor virus downstream in the reverse orientation: a reappraisal of the enhancer insertion model. Virology 194: 157-165
  • Dixon, M., Deed, R., Acland, P., Moore, R., Whyte, A., Peters, G., and Dickson, C. (1989) Detection and characterization of the fibroblast growth factor-related oncoprotein int-2. Molecular and Cellular Biology 9: 4896-4902.
  • Reimmann, C., Moore, R., Little, S., Savioz, A., Willetts, N.S., and Haas, D. (1989) Genetic structure, function and regulation of the transposable element IS21. Molecular and General Genetics 215: 416-424.
  • Moore, R., Dixon, M., Smith, R., Peters, G., and Dickson, C. (1987) Complete nucleotide sequence of a milk-transmitted mouse mammary tumour virus: two frameshift suppression events are required for translation of gag and pol. Journal of Virology 61: 480-490.
  • Brookes, S., Placzek, M., Moore, R., Dixon, M., Dickson, C., and Peters, G. (1986) Insertion elements and transitions in cloned mouse mammary tumour virus DNA: further delineation of the poison sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 14: 8231-8245.
  • Moore, R., Casey, G., Brookes, S., Dixon, M., Peters, G., and Dickson, C. (1986) Sequence, topography and protein coding potential of mouse int-2: a putative oncogene activated by mouse mammary tumour virus. EMBO Journal 5:919-924.
  • Moore, R.J., and Krishnapillai, v. (1985). Genome organisation of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa narrow host range plasmid R91-5 determined by deletion and cloning analysis. Genetics Research (Cambridge) 45: 195-198.
  • Moore, R.J., and Krishnapillai, v. (1985). Transcriptional organisation of the Tra2 region controlling conjugational transfer of the narrow host range Pseudomonas aeruginosa plasmid R91-5. Genetics Research (Cambridge) 45: 119-125.
  • Moore, R.J., and Krishnapillai, V. (1982). Physical and genetic analysis of deletion mutants of plasmid R91-5 and the cloning of transfer genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Bacteriology 149: 284-293.
  • Moore, R.J., and Krishnapillai, V. (1982). Tn7 and Tn501 insertions into the Pseudomonas aeruginosa plasmid R91-5: Mapping of two transfer regions. Journal of Bacteriology 149: 276-283.
  • Stokes, H., Moore, R.J., and Krishnapillai, V. (1981). Complementation analysis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa of the transfer genes of the wide host range R plasmid R18. Plasmid 5: 202-212.


  • Development of a live vaccine for gut health in poultry. ARC Linkage Project, 2017-2021.
  • Next generation probiotics to enhance the gut health of chickens. AgriFutures Chicken Meat Project, 2018-2022.
  • Reducing the health and economic burden of Campylobacter using a live vaccine. ARC Linkage Project, 2021-2025.
  • Development of a live vaccine for gut health in poultry. Moore, Walduck, Smooker, Holden, Underwood, Vrab. ARC Linkage Project, 2017-2021.
  • Development of immunological assays to assist the control of Spotty Liver Disease in chickens. Van, Moore. Poultry Hub Australia Project, 2019-2021.
  • Enhanced enteric pathogen antigen delivery using live vector technology. Moore. Bioproperties Project, 2015-2025.
  • Immune responses to Campylobacter hepaticus infection: impact on recovery from Spotty Liver Disease in chickens. Van, Moore. Poultry Hub Australia Project, 2021-2023.
  • Next generation probiotics to enhance the gut health of chickens. Moore, Van. AgriFutures Australia Chicken Meat Project, 2018-2022.
  • Reducing the health and economic burden of Campylobacter using a live vaccine. Moore, Walduck, Van, Andrews, Wren, Cuccui. ARC Linkage Project, 2021-2025.
  • Salmonella in poultry: improving vaccine efficacy. Chousalkar, McWhorter, Andrews, Underwood, Moore, Gast. ARC Linkage Project, 2021-2024.
  • Spotty Liver Disease Investigations. Scott, Van, Moore. Australian Eggs Projects, 2015-2022.
  • Study of gut microbiota of laying hens from different production systems. Chousalkar, Stanley, Moore. Australian Eggs Project, 2018-2020.
  • Terragen microbiota and genomics. Moore, Van. Terragen Project, 2021-2022
  • Phytobiotic potential for control of Spotty Liver Disease. Moore, Innovation Connections Grant, 2019-2020.
  • Campylobacter hepaticus growth enhancement, Moore, Van. Innovation Connections Grant, 2017-2018.

Public and media engagements



  • Rob Moore (2016). Radio interview, ABC Central Victoria, 24 October 2016. Interviewed by Sian Gard about Spotty Liver Disease.
  • Rob Moore (2016). Radio interview, Radio Adelaide, 19 October 2016. Interviewed by Ian Newton about “Healthy Gut”
  • Rob Moore (2016). Radio interview, ABC Central Victoria, 12 October 2016. Interviewed by Sian Gard about gut microbiota.
  • Moore, R.J. (2016) 'Healthy guts are swarming with bugs, so what do they do?', Popular press article in “The Conversation” 11 October 2016.
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Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.

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Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business.