Production and fitting of a Pressure Cast (PCAST) Socket
This video shows the production and fitting of a PCAST socket to a person with lower leg amputation at the VIETCOT centre for orthotics and prosthetics in Hanoi, Vietnam. It also shows some of the scientific evaluation of the socket. The team involved are from VIETCOT, RMIT University and Melbourne University.
Background and Rationale for the Development of the Pressure Cast (PCAST) Socket
This video provides the background and rationale for the development of the Pressure Cast (PCAST) socket. Professor Peter Lee and a PHD candidate (now completed) discuss the design of the system and the advantages of a PCAST socket.
Biomechanical therapy technique 1
This video is an example of a biomechanical therapy stretching technique for the low back. In particular a sitting stretch for the erector spinae muscles of the lumbar spine.