Dr Reina Ichii
Dr Reina Ichii is a lecturer in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT.
Dr Reina Ichii has trained as an economist in Australia and her native Japan, with significant research and industrial experience in the field of development economics. In 2008 as an academic advisor, Reina joined the Japanese Government delegation for the 52nd session of the UN Commission for the Status of Women in New York. Reina has also undertaken consultancy work for UNESCO, UNDP and JICA. Her research interests include the care economy, microfinance and intra-household resource allocation.
Research supervision
Public Finance Management, Gender Responsive Budgeting, Gender and Development, Care Economy, Time Use Research
Research grants and projects
Grants in Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2008–2010. (This research developed frameworks and approaches to gender responsive budgeting in Japan drawing on experiences from the Republic of Korea.)
Teaching courses
Development Economics
Gender Practice in Development
PhD, University of South Australia, Australia
PhD preliminary studies, (Economics), Hitotsubashi University,Japan
MA (International Studies), Sophia University, Japan
BA, Tokyo Women’s Christian University, Japan
Visiting Fellow, Japan International Cooperation Agency (1999–2000)
Academic advisor, Gender Equality Bureau, Government of Japan (2007–2008)
Visiting Fellow, KFAW, Japan (2007–2009)
Consultant, UNESCO (2009–2010)
Professional interests
Board member, Specialist Committee of Gender and Development, Japan International Cooperation Agency (2007–present)
- Ichii, R. (2021). Gender-Responsive Budgeting in South Korea In: Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Practice, Rowman & Littlefield, Maryland, United States
- Ichii, R.,Ono, A.,Ebenhaezer, J. (2019). Reflective writing as a learning tool: Assisting undergraduate business students from diverse backgrounds to participate in a globalised marketplace In: Transformations in Tertiary Education, Springer Nature, Singapore
- Ono, A.,Ichii, R. (2019). Business students’ reflection on reflective writing assessments In: Journal of International Education in Business, 12, 247 - 260
- Ichii, R. (2019). Gender Responsive Budgeting for Sustainable Development Goals In: Gender Equality. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Springer , Switzerland
- Ichii, R.,Sharma, R. (2019). What Are the Gender Impacts of the WTO on Local Communities?: South Korea’s Import Restriction on Sea-Squirts from Nuclear Affected Areas in Japan In: Global Trade and Customs Journal, 15, 252 - 261
- Ichii, R.,Ono, A. (2018). Business students’ reflection on reflective writing assessments In: Proceedings of the 41st HERDSA Annual International Conference (HERDSA 2018), Adelaide, Australia, 2-5 July 2018
- Skinner, N.,Ichii, R. (2015). Exploring a family, work, and community model of work-family gains and strains In: Community, Work and Family, 18, 79 - 99
- Ichii, R.,O'Dwyer, C. (2014). Potential use of reflective writing for student evaluation in MOOCS In: Proceedings of the 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 10-12 March 2014
- Ichii, R.,Sharp, R. (2013). Gender responsive budgeting in Japan and South Korea: Comparing the legislative and policy oriented approaches In: Proceedings of 12th Conference of the Australian Society of Heterodox Economists: Heterodox Economics and the Crisis That Won't Go Away, Sydney, Australia, 2-3 December 2013
- Ochi, M.,Ichii, R. (2012). Gender issues in education budgets In: Gender to Kokusai Kyoiku Kaihatsu (Gender and international education development issues and challenges), Fukumura, Tokyo, Japan
2 PhD Current Supervisions4 PhD Completions
- Go hydrogen! Promoting Japanese awareness of Australian hydrogen. Funded by: Australia-Japan Foundation (AJF) Grant 2018 onwards from (2021 to 2024)
- Analysing the effectiveness of a legislative approach to gender responsive budgeting in South Korea. Funded by: Academy of Korean Studies Grant 2014 from (2014 to 2016)