Expertise in human rights and law helps transform mental health care
RMIT’s Professor Penelope Weller is a senior legal academic whose research has helped tackle Victoria’s failing mental health system and introduce a rights-based focus for reform and services.
Understanding and tackling Spotty Liver Disease in poultry
RMIT University researchers identified the bacterial species that causes Spotty Liver Disease in chickens and developed diagnostic tools for the serious issue that is affecting global egg production industries.
Coffee concrete trial turns organic waste into a valuable resource
RMIT researchers collaborated with Macedon Ranges Shire Council to conduct a world-first coffee concrete footpath trial.
Breakthrough research set to improve diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer
An extensive program of research at RMIT is tackling ovarian cancer through pre-clinical and clinical trial research leveraging immunology, genetics, bioinformatics, novel therapeutics and diagnostics.