Melbourne Graduation Ceremony

All you need to know about attending the ceremony at Marvel Stadium on Wednesday 18 December 2024.


2024 Melbourne Graduation Ceremony

Re-live the celebration via our recorded live stream. 

You can also see photos of the day via the RMIT Flickr album.

Information on this page:

Info on this page relates to the 2024 ceremony. Details of the 2025 ceremony will be published here throughout the year.

Before the ceremony

Plan ahead and be prepared! Collect your graduation gown and tickets, book your photography session and more.

Going to the Graduation Parade? Click here for information about the 2024 parade.

Male doctoral graduates at the Melbourne Graduation Parade

Date Activity
Friday 1 November 
Extended deadline - Last day to confirm attendance - NOW PASSED
If you didn't apply to graduate at the ceremony by this date, you will automatically graduate in absentia.
Thursday 31 October
Last day to submit Final Archive - NOW PASSED

Doctoral students only.

Monday 2 December
Result release date - NOW PASSED

All higher education and vocational education students in Australia studying in standard semesters (except RMIT Online and OUA) must have completed and passed all program requirements by this date to be able to attend this year's ceremony. 

Thursday 5 December
Program completion date - NOW PASSED

All students graduating at the ceremony (except RMIT Online and OUA) will be marked 'complete' in their program by this date. 


Wednesday 11 - Friday 13 December

Gown and ticket collection days (includes collection of guest tickets):
  • 11 December - College of Design and Social Context
  • 12 December - STEM College
  • 13 December - College of Vocational Education and College of Business and Law

Professional photography, framing and merch are available on these days. 

Thursday 12 December
Deadline to change graduation option

If you can no longer attend the ceremony, change your graduation option in Enrolment Online. Your fee will be refunded by end-December.

Monday 16 December

Tuesday 17 December

Late gown and ticket collection days

All cohorts may attend on these days.

Professional photography, framing and merch are available on these days.

Wednesday 18 December
Graduation day!

Melbourne Graduation Parade (optional)

Melbourne Graduation Ceremony

Wednesday 18 December
Lose access to RMIT systems

Graduates lose access to all RMIT systems including email and Canvas on the day they graduate. Back up all information before this date.


Students completing their program at the end of Semester 2 2024

You are eligible to attend the ceremony if you:
  • successfully complete and pass all your program requirements by Monday 2 December and are marked as complete by your School; if your School advises that you've not met the requirements to complete your program, you unfortunately won't be able to attend the 2024 ceremony
  • have no missing results or credit transfers  
  • have no outstanding debts to the University  
  • have provided your verified USI to RMIT (higher education students only). 
You are not eligible to graduate at the ceremony if you:  
  • have a deferred or supplementary assessment scheduled on or after Monday 2 December
  • have an outstanding placement on or after Monday 2 December
  • are enrolled in undergraduate study period 3 or postgraduate session 3 (for OUA students)
  • are enrolled in a standard undergraduate/postgraduate program and due to complete your final course(s) in teaching period 4 (for RMIT Online students).


If you don't complete all academic requirements of your program, or if you have a debt to RMIT, you will not be able to attend the ceremony.

In absentia graduates (alumni) - including graduates from Semester 1 2024

You are eligible to attend the ceremony if you:

  • completed your program and graduated in absentia in 2024 (this includes graduates from Semester 1 2024)
  • are an alumnus who graduated prior to 2024 and completed a Ceremony Expression of Interest form.

Unsure if you are eligible?

We recommend you still confirm your attendance at the ceremony and pay the ceremony fee by 1 November. If you are then unable to attend e.g., if your School doesn't approve your program completion, we will automatically refund the ceremony fee by the end of December 2024.

How to confirm your attendance - DEADLINE PASSED

The deadline to confirm attendance has now passed.

Cohort How to confirm attendance and pay ceremony fee

Students completing their program at the end of 2024

DEADLINE PASSED. Confirm and pay by Friday 1 November
In absentia graduates (alumni) - includes graduates from Semester 1 2024

DEADLINE PASSED. Complete the Confirm Ceremony Attendance Form

When you confirm your attendance, you will:
  • provide your academic dress size 
  • tell us the number of guest tickets you need (you're guaranteed 4 tickets, extra tickets may become available closer to the ceremony date)
  • let us know if you or your guests have any accessibility requirements
  • pay the ceremony fee.

Ceremony fee

If you're graduating at the ceremony If you’ve already graduated in absentia (in 2024 or 2023)

The fee is $250. This includes: 

  • your hard-copy testamur (available to you at the ceremony)
  • guest tickets 
  • academic dress loan (mortarboards/bonnets can be kept as a memento)
  • post-ceremony refreshments.

The fee is $195. This includes: 

  • guest tickets
  • academic dress loan (mortarboards/bonnets can be kept as a memento)
  • post-ceremony refreshments.

Because you've already graduated, you won't receive a hard copy testamur at the ceremony. The reduced fee reflects this.

Note: there are no discounts if you provide your own academic dress and catering or invite fewer guests. 

Changed your mind?

If you have confirmed your attendance but can no longer attend the ceremony, let us know by Thursday 12 December 2024 and we will refund the ceremony fee by the end of December 2024. To let us know, log in to Enrolment Online and change your graduation option to 'in absentia'. 

Visa support letter

Organising visas? When you confirm your attendance at the ceremony, you will receive a confirmation email. You can use this email to support your visa application. 

2025 ceremony

If you're completing your program at the end of 2024 and would prefer to attend the 2025 Melbourne Graduation Ceremony, you can either defer your graduation to the 2025 ceremony or graduate in absentia and then attend the ceremony. Your choice will determine when you get your academic statements.


1. Defer your graduation

To defer your graduation you will need to update your graduation option in Enrolment Online from early November. If you defer your graduation until the 2025 ceremony, you won't receive your testamur and other graduation documents until the ceremony. 


2. Graduate in absentia

To graduate and get your testamur and other statements sooner, you can apply to graduate in absentia and complete the relevant expression of interest form below to attend a ceremony.

Once you submit the form, we'll contact you closer to the ceremony date with information about attending ceremony.

Guest tickets

  • You are guaranteed four (4) guest tickets
  • You will be asked to provide the number of guests tickets (up to four) when you confirm your attendance at the ceremony.
  • More tickets may become available, but we won't know exactly how many until the week before the ceremony. Please ask at the Customer Service desk at your gown and ticket collection day
  • Guests don't have reserved seats. They may sit anywhere on levels 1, 2 or 3 behind your allocated stage. Guests should arrive early if they have a seating preference, e.g. lower level, aisle seat.


Overseas guests

If you have guests attending graduation from outside Australia, please ensure that you arrange their travel visas well in advance. Due to specific government travel and visa requirements, we are unable to provide your guests with individual personalised invitations. 


Visa support letter

When you apply to graduate and confirm your attendance at the ceremony, you will receive a confirmation email. This email can be used as supporting documentation for your visa application. 


Baby and toddler tickets

  • If a baby or toddler will be seated on someone's lap, they don't need a ticket. If they need their own seat, a ticket is required. 
  • Children are unable to be seated with graduates (they must be in the guest seating area in the stands behind the presentation stage). However, graduates may leave the arena at any time to attend to a child.
  • Prams and strollers are allowed in the stadium, but must be stored under a seat.



  • Pets are not permitted in the stadium. Service animals only will be admitted.


If you and/or your guests have accessibility requirements, let us know when you confirm your attendance online.

If you need to let us know after you've confirmed your attendance, please contact us via Student Connect.

Accessibility checklist

Services we do provide

Graduates Guests
Request from RMIT:
  • Allocation of an aisle seat
  • Allocation of a carer seat next to the graduate
  • Assistance to the presentation stage/seat
Request from RMIT:
  • Allocation of a wheelchair bay (limited number available) - see below for more information
  • One reserved seat next to the wheelchair bay
Available at Marvel Stadium :
  • Parking bays (for accessible parking permit holders)
  • AUSLAN interpreters on 2 large stadium screens and all local presentation screens
  • Accessible bathrooms located around the stadium
  • Water stations within the stadium
  • Sensory rooms on Level 1, Aisle 3 & Level 3, Aisle 31

Services we and Marvel Stadium don't provide

  • Hire/loan of a wheelchair or walking frame
  • Provision of a carer
  • Personal AUSLAN interpreters (there will be AUSLAN interpreters visible on two stadium screens and all local presentation screens)
  • Stadium onsite parking (organised through Marvel Stadium, see below)
  • Reserved guest seating

How to reserve a wheelchair bay

  • Contact us via Student Connect as early as possible. 
  • There are limited wheelchair bays at the stadium and, while we can't guarantee you will be allocated a bay behind your presentation stage, we will do our best to ensure guests are seated as close as possible. 
  • Each bay has a seat for one carer.
  • Neither RMIT nor Marvel Stadium have wheelchairs for hire. 


Parking and drop-off

  • If you have an accessible parking permit, you can pre-book a car space via Marvel Stadium.
  • When you arrive on the day, stadium staff will direct you to an accessible parking bay best suited to your entry point. If these are all taken, you will be directed to the closest bays, or, if suitable, to be dropped off at the lift.
  • Guests may also be dropped off at Bourke Street or Harbour Esplanade where there are external lifts from the ground to concourse level.


Getting to your seat

There is no reserved seating, so we recommend that anyone with mobility or other accessibility requirements arrives in plenty of time to find the most suitable seat, e.g., on the lowest level possible or on an aisle. 

Group of female graduates applauding and smiling at the graduation ceremony

Accessibility at Marvel Stadium

Information about accessible facilities and services are on the Marvel Stadium website.

Collect your academic gown and tickets

You can collect your gown and tickets (your seating ticket plus guest tickets) from Marvel Stadium in the week before the ceremony. Your collection day is determined by the College you studied in. There will also be two late collection days. Don't know your College? Check here.


Photography sessions, framing and merchandise

  • Professional photography sessions, frames and other graduation merchandise will be available at the gown and ticket collection days. 
  • Go to the Photography & merch tab to pre-book your photo session and framing.

Venue: Marvel Stadium, Gate 5. Download the map.

College Date & time
Design and Social Context Wednesday 11 December, 9am to 7pm
STEM Thursday 12 December, 9am to 7pm
Vocational Education & Business and Law Friday 13 December, 9am to 7pm
Late collection days (for all colleges)

Monday 16 December, 9am to 6pm

Tuesday 17 December, 9am to 6pm

If you're unable to collect your gown and tickets

If you can't make any of the dates and times above, you can ask someone else to collect your gown and tickets for you. We will need to verify their identity, so please ask them to bring:

  • photo ID and
  • a copy of your ceremony confirmation email or your student card.


What you'll wear and how to wear it

See the section How to wear your gown.

Photography, framing and merchandise

Have your professional photo taken at the gown and ticket collection days (including the late collection days) at Marvel Stadium.

Frames, plaques and other graduation merchandise are also available to buy on these days.

Photography, framing and merchandise are not available at the ceremony (however, you will have a professional photo taken of you on stage).

Book your photo session

Pre-book your graduation portrait session via Reed Graduations. Photographers supply ironed gowns and hoods/stoles.

Frames and plaques

Pre-order your framing and plaques via R & J Framing before your gown and ticket collection day. Early bird discounts are available.

Graduation gifts and merch

Buy merch at your gown and ticket collection day, at the Parade or online via the RMIT Store.

Female graduate smiling at the camera

Attending the ceremony

Know how to get to Marvel Stadium, which gate to enter, where you and your guests will be seated, facilities, what to expect during the ceremony and what to do when you're on stage.

Schedule and what to expect

Black and white image of woman singing on stage

Your 2024 Grad performer - G Flip!

We're chuffed to announce Melbourne’s very own platinum-charting, ARIA award-winning artist, producer and drummer G Flip will be performing at the 2024 Melbourne Graduation Ceremony.

What to expect

The ceremony at Marvel Stadium is a major event. It attracts up to 50,000 graduates, alumni, academics, distinguished guests, family and friends. 

There are no photo portrait sessions at the ceremony, but you will have a professional photo taken of you on stage. Portrait sessions are available at the gown and ticket collection days (including both late collection days).

There will be 21 presentation stages running concurrently with 400-450 graduates being presented at each stage.

AUSLAN interpreters will be visible on two large stadium screens and all local presentation screens.

The ceremony will be loud! There's live entertainment including singers, musicians and dancers, plus strobe lighting and a pyrotechnic display at the end. We suggest you and your guests bring ear plugs as a precaution.

It may be very warm in the stadium. Please wear appropriate clothing and bring water with you

Guests are not allowed onto the arena at any time. Graduates may leave the arena to tend to children and then return to their seats.

There will be a special music guest performing at the end of the ceremony from 5pm - so don't make early dinner plans!

You will lose access to RMIT systems when you graduate. Back up your info before the ceremony.

A female graduate in academic dress smiles as she receives her graduation scroll from a female academic on stage at the ceremony.

Melbourne Graduation Ceremony highlight reel

Watch the highlights from 2023 and get a sense of what to expect at the RMIT Melbourne Graduation Ceremony at Marvel Stadium.

Ceremony schedule

Time Activity
1.30pm Graduates arrive, register at their stage and are seated (see your ticket for details). It's essential for the order of presentation that you sit in your designated seat.
2pm Guests arrive and take their seats. Guests don't have reserved seats. They may sit anywhere on levels 1, 2 or 3 behind your allocated stage.

Ceremony begins:

  • Academic procession
  • Music and entertainment
3.30pm Speeches, presentation of honorary doctorates
4pm Presentation of graduate awards

Guest musical act - G Flip

Post-ceremony refreshments for graduates on the arena


Ceremony ends

Return your academic dress in the bins provided (you can keep your mortarboard/ bonnet)

What to bring to the ceremony

  • Your graduation dress (you must be wearing your gown, hood or stole, mortarboard or bonnet)
  • Your seating ticket 
  • Your guests must have their guest tickets
  • Water bottle (it might be hot)
  • Ear plugs (if noise-sensitive - parts of the ceremony will be loud!)

Anything bulky must be stored under your seat.

What NOT to bring to the ceremony!

  • Pets! Only service animals are allowed in the stadium.

What to do before, during and after you go on stage

Before you go on stage:
  • A staff marshal will ask you to stand and line up in order of presentation. For this reason, it's important that you're in your designated seat.
When on stage:
  • Face the academic presenting the scroll.
  • Doff (touch the front of) your cap. Do not shake hands or take selfies. As tempting as it might be, we need to keep to a strict time limit to ensure all graduates are presented on time. 
  • Take the scroll from the academic. Your name and program/s you're graduating from will display on a screen above the stage (your name won't be announced).
  • A professional photo will be taken of you receiving the scroll (action shot, you don't need to pose).
  • Exit the stage.
After you come off stage:
  • If you're graduating at the ceremony, you'll be given your testamur at the side of the stage. If you graduated in absentia prior to the ceremony, you'll skip this step.
  • Return to your seat and stay seated until all graduates have been presented.

How to have your preferred name displayed

  • If your preferred name is different to your legal name, you can ask to have this shown at the ceremony when you go on stage.
  • Please submit your request to the Graduation team via Student Connect by Friday 29 November 2024.
  • Your graduation certificate and other academic statements are legal documents and must display your legal name. 

What you'll wear at the ceremony (and how to wear it)

RMIT’s graduation dress is based on the Oxford style so, if you're graduating at a ceremony, you'll wear a traditional black gown, a hood or stole and a mortarboard or bonnet.

Exactly what you'll wear is determined by your program’s discipline and the level of award you receive, e.g. Diploma, Bachelor or Master.

Because this is a formal ceremony, you are unable to adorn your gown in any way, e.g. with messages or decorations.

Award Dress
Certificate and Diploma Coloured stole, black gown and black mortarboard (cap made from black cloth with a folding crown and a black tassel)
Bachelor and Master's Coloured hood, black gown and black mortarboard
Double degree Two coloured hoods representing each award, plus black gown and black mortarboard.
PhD Scarlet hood, black gown and black velvet bonnet with a red tassel.

What colour will I wear?

Each discipline is represented by its own colour. Click the red arrow below to find out what colour/s you'll wear.

Discipline Colour
Applied Science Honeysuckle
Architecture Cherry
Arts Magenta
Business Heliotrope
Design Silver grey
Education Turquoise
Engineering Spectrum blue
Health Science Violet
Law White
Nursing Fuschia
Pharmacy Opaline green
Public Health Peacock green
Social Science Buttercup
Social Work Powder blue
Technology Spectrum green
Doctor of Philosophy Scarlet red

For instructions on how to wear your graduation dress, watch the video below or download the How to wear your academic dress flyer (PDF).


How to wear your graduation attire - higher education

A helpful guide to wearing your higher education academic attire when graduating from RMIT University.


How to wear your graduation attire - vocational education and associate degree

A helpful guide to wearing your vocational education and associate degree academic gown when graduating from RMIT University.

Need help with your gown?

Don't worry, we have people on the ground to get you looking your best. When you register at your School or College presentation stage, you can ask one of our staff marshals for help.


Returning your gown

As you leave Marvel Stadium, there will be large bins at each exit where you can leave your gown and stole/hood. Don't forget you can keep your mortarboard or bonnet as a memento!

Getting to Marvel Stadium

Public transport

We strongly recommend arriving by public transport. Traffic will be very heavy and there is extremely limited parking around Marvel Stadium. There will also be ongoing Metro tunnel works in the area. 

Please allow plenty of time to get to the ceremony.


Southern Cross Station is located adjacent to Marvel Stadium and stops for both V-line and Metropolitan train lines. It’s a short walk across the Spencer Street/Bourke Street pedestrian footbridge.


City trams run to Marvel Stadium::

  • Tram 30: St Vincents Plaza / Central Pier Docklands
  • Tram 35: Anticlockwise / Anticlockwise or Clockwise / Clockwise
  • Tram 70: Waterfront City Docklands / Wattle Park
  • Tram 75: Central Pier Docklands / Vermont South
  • Tram 86: Waterfront City Docklands / Bundoora RMIT

The following trams also stop in the CBD on Spencer Street, Bourke Street and Collins Street, and all are a short walk to Marvel Stadium:

  • Tram 96: St Kilda Beach / East Brunswick
  • Tram 11: West Preston / Victoria Harbour Docklands
  • Tram 48: North Balwyn / Victoria Harbour Docklands
  • The V/Line bus terminus is at Southern Cross Train Station. Marvel Stadium is a short walk across the Bourke Street pedestrian footbridge from the bus terminus.
  • The nearest metropolitan bus stops are located at Spencer Street and Collins Street.

To plan your journey, visit the PTV webpage or download the PTV App.


If you do choose to drive, please plan your journey and allow plenty of time for traffic delays and Metro works around the city.

There is parking available in the CBD, including at one of the following Wilson Car Parks. You can then either walk or take public transport to the Stadium.

  • Southern Cross Station Car Park – 163-235 Spencer Street, Melbourne
  • La Trobe Street Car parks – 300 and 380 La Trobe Street, Melbourne
  • Queen Street Car park – 189 Queen Street, Melbourne


Private property around Marvel Stadium

Please respect the buildings and private property around Marvel Stadium by using public footpaths and footbridges when arriving at the Stadium.

Please don't dwell or take photos in surrounding  private property on Graduation Day.


Accessible parking & entry

  • If you have an accessible parking permit, you can pre-book a car space via Marvel Stadium.
  • When you arrive on the day, stadium staff will direct you to an accessible parking bay best suited to your entry point. If these are all taken, you will be directed to the closest bays, or, if suitable, to be dropped off at the lift.
  • Guests may also be dropped off at Bourke Street or Harbour Esplanade where there are external lifts from the ground to concourse level.
  • There is no reserved seating, so we recommend arriving early to find the most suitable seat, e.g., on the lowest level possible or on an aisle. 


Which gate to enter at Marvel Stadium

  • Enter via the gate closest to your presentation stage.
  • Your stage is on your entry ticket and on your guests' tickets.
Thumbnail image of the Marvel Stadium map

Marvel Stadium map

Download the map to find the entry gate closest to your stage.

What to do when you arrive - registration and guest seating

  • When you arrive, go to your presentation stage. Your stage is listed on your seating ticket. 
  • A staff marshal will register you and show you to your seat.
  • You must sit in your allocated seat to ensure the correct name is shown when you're on stage. 


  • Guests don't have reserved seats. They may sit anywhere on levels 1, 2 or 3 behind your allocated stage (this is stated on their guest tickets). 
  • Guests should arrive early if they have a seating preference, e.g. lower level, aisle seat.
  • Guests are not allowed on the arena at anytime (apart from guests of doctoral degree graduates who are seated on the arena).

Customer service and facilities at Marvel Stadium

The table below lists commonly requested services and facilities. Please read the information carefully to know what is (and isn't) available on the day, and where you can find the services you need.

Service/facility Location
RMIT Customer Service desk Gate 5, open from 10am to 6pm.
Cloak room There is no cloak room at the ceremony. Please keep all belongings with you and store large items under your seat.
Food and drinks

Food outlets will be open around the stadium on the day of the ceremony. 

Please note that Marvel Stadium is a cashless stadium and will only accept payments via card. 

Lockers  There are no lockers at Marvel Stadium. However, you can hire a locker nearby at Southern Cross Station
Baby change/parents' rooms

Level 1, Aisle 3 

Level 1, between Aisle 22-24

Pram storage Prams and strollers can be stowed under your seat.
Multi-faith prayer rooms

Level 1, Aisle 3

Level 3, Aisle 17

Toilets Toilets (including Accessible and All-Gender) are located throughout the stadium. See the Marvel Stadium website for details.
Water stations A number of water stations are available around the stadium. We recommend you bring a water bottle with you.

If you're graduating at the ceremony, you will receive your hard-copy testamur at the ceremony after you have been presented on stage.

If you graduate in absentia before the ceremony, you won't receive a hard copy testamur. Your ceremony fee is reduced to reflect this.


The name on your testamur

Your testamur (certificate) and graduation statements are legal documents and can only be issued using your legal name.  

To change your legal name in RMIT systems:

  • Update your personal details byThursday 12 December 2024. We will then print your testamur with your updated legal name.
  • Any requested changes made after this date can't be guaranteed.

The Graduation team is not authorised to update legal names in RMIT systems.


Multiple programs

If you're graduating from more than one program e.g., a Diploma and a Bachelor, you'll graduate and be presented on stage only once under the higher award i.e., the Bachelor program. You'll receive both of your testamurs on the day of the ceremony.

Your academic dress will be provided for the higher award.

If you have graduated from an RMIT program in previous years, you will only receive the testamur for the program you're graduating from at the ceremony on 18 December 2024.


How to access and order your statements 

Refer to Types of academic statements and how to get them for information.

Female graduate looking at camera and holding a flag in front of people and a doughnut van on Bowen Street

Ceremony live stream

All presentation stages will be live streamed and recorded. Share with your family and friends so they can celebrate with you!

Photography and recording at RMIT events

When you attend RMIT official events or activities you may be photographed or recorded.

By attending the event, you agree to RMIT's Terms. To opt out of having your photography and recordings used by RMIT, email

Stay up-to-date on Instagram

Join our RMIT Graduation Instagram Broadcast Channel for live updates, instructions and announcements on all things grad!

Need help?

Contact the Graduation team via Student Connect.

More information for graduates

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.