Study consultations
Get help with assignments, finding information, referencing, academic writing, study techniques, and English, maths and science skills.
Peer mentoring
Connect with another student who can help you with coursework, general study skills and academic confidence.
Provide your assignment or written work and Studiosity will give you instant feedback on writing, grammar, spelling and more.
Ask the Library webchat
Get immediate help from a librarian with finding information, locating resources and using the Library.
Learn how to correctly cite all the sources of information you use in assignments and research papers.
Learning Lab
Access online activities and resources to build your study, writing, maths and English language skills.
Assignment planner
Learn how to stay on track with your assessments using this online tool.
Subject guides
Find the best online information resources for your study.
Software and apps
Access free software, apps and cloud storage for use in your studies.
RMIT Adobe Creative Campus
Access Adobe software for free and get in-person help using it from coaches at the Adobe Hub.
Academic integrity
Learn how to prepare your assessments and avoid plagiarism.
Disability and neurodiversity library support
A team of dedicated library staff can help you access library services, resources and facilities.
Covidence – Literature review tool
This online tool is designed to simplify and elevate the literature review process.