Admission to RMIT

RMIT admits students from a range of educational backgrounds, including completion of Year 12 results, previous higher education (HE) or vocational education training (VET) study, work and life experience, and for some programs - interviews, auditions or portfolios.

RMIT are committed to providing transparency to the admissions process. In line with this commitment, we have provided the information below to help applicants understand and make informed choices about applying to their chosen program (course).

Principles of selection

To meet program eligibility all applicants to RMIT are assessed based on the minimum academic entry requirements published on the RMIT program (course) page and the VTAC CourseSearch.

All applicants must meet the minimum academic entry requirements for the program (course). Applicants with overseas qualifications will be assessed for Australian equivalence.

Meeting these requirements does not guarantee entry into the program (course) due to the competitive nature of the program (course).

Where a program (course) requires the completion of a selection task this is outlined in the program (course) page and VTAC CourseSearch. For more information and tips about completing selection tasks visit RMIT’s selection task page. 

Eligibile applicants who have faced educational, financial and other disadvantages which may have impacted their most recent academic performance can apply for consideration though RMIT’s equity access schemes.

The following outlines the University’s minimum requirements based on the applicant’s highest completed qualifications/studies or experience.

Applicants with recent secondary education (within the past two years)

Applicants who are currently completing an Australian Year 12 (or equivalent), or International Baccalaureate (IB) or who have completed an Australian Year 12 (or equivalent) in the last two years  must meet the published minimum admissions criteria for the program which they are applying to, including any program prerequisites.

Some programs also consider ATAR as the basis of selection, applicants can view previous year’s ATAR profile as a guide.

Applicants with vocational education and training (VET) study

Applicants must have satisfactorily completed an accredited award at certificate IV or higher as published on the program page.

Applicants will be assigned an equivalent selection rank (comparable to an ATAR)  based on the AQF level of their highest VET qualification completed.

Applicants with higher education (HE) study

Applicants must have satisfactorily completed, on an award or non-award basis at any university (including Open Universities Australia), at least two courses (subjects) at undergraduate level equivalent in volume of learning to at least 24 RMIT University credit points, taught and assessed entirely in English, unless stated otherwise on the program (course) page

Applicants with a completed bridging or enabling program must meet the minimum admissions criteria specified for the program which you are applying to, visit RMIT’s pre-university study website for more information on available programs.

Applicants will be assigned an equivalent selection rank (comparable to an ATAR) based on their GPA.

Applicants with work and life experience

Where a program admits applicants based on their prior studies (VCE completed more than two years ago) and/or any work and life experience this will be published on the RMIT program (course) page or VTAC CourseSearch. Program (course) pages and VTAC CourseSearch will also publish where a program (course) does not admit applicants on the basis of work or life experience.

Applicants must meet the published minimum admissions criteria for the program (course) which they are applying to, including any program prerequisites.  

Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)

Where an applicant has no prior Year 12, VET qualifications, HE studies or relevant work experience that meets the program (course) minimum entry requirements and the applicant is 19 years of age or over (as of 1 January) and has not enrolled in secondary studies in the least two years; they may sit the STAT Multiple Choice and achieve the required minimum score to satisfy Year 12 English language prerequisite for the level of study they are applying to:

  • Bachelor degree: overall score of at least 156 or verbal reasoning sub-score of 155
  • Associate degree: overall score of at least 150 or verbal reasoning sub-score of 149

Where the program (course) which they are applying to states that an applicant may sit the STAT to meet the academic entry requirements, the results of the STAT will be converted to an equivalent ATAR and then used for selection.

 Applicants must meet all other prerequisites or equivalents. Learn more about the STAT.

Under 17 applicants - Transition from School

Direct applicants applying for a program (course) who are under 17 years of age and have not completed Year 12 but meet the program’s (course’s) entry requirements to which they are applying to will be made a conditional offer. The conditional offer will request that the applicant provide correspondence from the School Principal or Regional Director which confirms that the applicant has been granted an exemption from attending secondary school.

An offer will be made once the applicant has uploaded the required documentation to their online application and the RMIT Selection Officer has confirmed that the applicant has met the conditions of the offer.

Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

ATAR is a rank between 0.00 (lowest) to 99.95 (highest) that measures an individual’s overall academic achievement for the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) in relation to other students who graduated from senior secondary school in the same year for the purpose of making selection decisions to programs (courses).

The ATAR is derived from the aggregate which is the scaled scores achieved for the four primary subjects studied at senior secondary school subjects. The specific calculation used is different in each state and territory but the result is designed to be nationally equivalent.

RMIT uses an agreed equivalent ATAR rank conversion for applicants whose most recent qualification is the International Baccalaureate (IB), completed HE or VET studies or STAT.

Selection rank 

Selection rank is the ranking used to determine an applicant’s admission to a course (program).

A selection rank can include an applicant’s ATAR, any adjustments they are eligible for, such as equity or subject adjustments, other contributions calculated on the basis of work experience or previous non-secondary study, personal statement, portfolio assessments, results of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test or other supplementary tests.

Personal statement

Personal statement adjustment

A personal statement may be used by some programs to provide an adjustment to the selection rank for Non-year 12 applicants. The adjustment (up to 20 points) is added to the aggregate to determine a final selection rank.

Programs that offer a personal statement adjustment will provide details on the program webpage.

Personal statement used as a selection instrument

The personal statement is a selection instrument used to assess and select students for admission to a program.

The personal statement may be scored and ranked where selection is competitive.

Programs that use a personal statement as a selection instrument will provide details on the program webpage.

Personal statement to demonstrate suitability

As part of the program entry requirements applicants may be required to demonstrate their suitability for the program by providing a resume, personal statement, references, and/or attending an interview.

Programs that consider a personal statement to demonstrate suitability will provide details on the program webpage.

Personal statement to demonstrate likelihood of success

Applicants who have been excluded from a program (course) due to academic progress or those who have failed a course (subject) multiple times are encouraged to submit a personal statement outlining the strategies they will adopt to ensure academic success.


A prerequisite refers to studies an applicant must have completed (and achieved the required minimum study score) at secondary school or equivalent to be eligible for selection to a particular university program (course).

For example; an applicant wanting to apply for the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering must have  completed VCE Units 3 and 4 English and Mathematical Methods with a study score of 25 or equivalent to be considered for an offer.

Prerequisite studies are specific to each program and can be found on the RMIT program (course) page or under the course description of the VTAC CourseSearch page.

Selection and ranking methodology principles

  • Where a program (course) considers ATAR as part of its selection, an applicant who meets the program (course) minimum entry requirements will be ranked on ATAR, or equivalent ATAR and/or a range of criteria including selection tasks where applicable.
  • Where applicable, selection task outcomes will be applied during selection.
  • Where applicable, equity access and other admission scheme consideration will be applied during selection. 
  • Applicants applying as existing RMIT students or with previous RMIT qualifications may be given preference during selection.
  • In determining whether an applicant satisfies published requirements, an applicant’s most recent and/or relevant previous qualification, study, or experience may be given greater weight during selection.

Early Offer Program

The Early offer program allows eligible Current year 12 applicants to submit an additional application to the University outlining their ability to meet specific categories and criteria through experience attained outside the classroom, demonstrating suitability to study RMIT programs.

Applicants deemed suitable for an Early Offer will receive a conditional offer from the University before the VTAC rounds, which outlines the ATAR and prerequisites they would need to meet to be eligible for a full offer from VTAC.

Applicants need to meet the conditions and preference the relevant program as the highest eligible preference through VTAC to be eligible to receive a full offer.

Guaranteed Entry ATAR

Select RMIT programs have a Guaranteed ATAR.

If applicants receive an ATAR equal to or above the Guaranteed ATAR and meet the course prerequisites, they will be guaranteed an offer in the program.

Applicants who receive an ATAR below this guarantee may still receive an offer, depending on whether they are eligible to receive any adjustment factors and the availability of places in the program.

For VTAC applicants to receive an offer, the program must be their highest eligible preference.

Guaranteed Pathway

RMIT offers domestic applicants Guaranteed Pathways.

These Guaranteed Pathways give domestic applicants the option to preference pathway packages in addition to their desired undergraduate qualification.

Applicants who are not eligible to gain direct entry into the undergraduate qualification but are eligible for the pathway will gain admission into the VE or associate degree qualification as a starting point and, upon successful completion, are automatically admitted into the relevant undergraduate qualification.

English language proficiency

Applicants are required to meet the minimum English language requirements for the program they are applying to.

Some RMIT programs (courses) may require a higher minimum English language requirement then the University’s minimum requirements, it’s recommended that you check the program (course) page or VTAC CourseSearch page for the program (course) specific requirements.


Pathways provide opportunities for applicants to progress from one program (course) to another, and may provide advanced standing or credit towards the higher qualification. There are various pathway options available to eligible applicants, including:


Applicants with previous study and or work/life experience can apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or credit.

Applicants may be eligible to receive adjustment factors which are additional points that may be used in combination with an applicant’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) to determine an applicant’s final course (program) selection rank. Applicants can receive  a maximum of 28 aggregate adjustment points which can be applied across any of the following categories that are considered by RMIT.

Equity access schemes

RMIT’s access schemes ensure that people from the widest range of backgrounds have the opportunity to access RMIT programs. Eligible applications can receive an adjustment to their selection rank, which can increase the chances of receiving an offer. 

Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) and RMIT Access

SEAS or RMIT Access application allows RMIT to apply equity-related adjustments to an applicant’s selection rank, by taking into consideration circumstances that have affected their performance in their studies.  

The maximum equity adjustment an applicant can receive when applying for SEAS or RMIT Access is 20 aggregate points.

For programs (course) that select on a range of criteria, where selection is based on the applicant’s performance in selection tasks such as interviews and folio presentations, applicants will receive an equivalent level of consideration in these selection tasks.

Regional Adjustment Scheme

The Regional Adjustment Scheme applies adjustments to the selection ranks of applicants whose highest qualification is Year 12 and are from low socio-economic status areas and are applying VTAC or RMIT Direct for programs that select primarily on ATAR.

This adjustment is automatically applied, and applicants do not need to do anything.

Applicants are identified as being from a low socio-economic status area by matching their permanent residential address to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) Index of Education and Occupation. This index provides a population weighted rank value for geographical areas and those areas in the bottom 25% of the population aged 15-64 are classified as low SES.

Schools Network Access Program (SNAP)

The SNAP access scheme provides priority entry to RMIT programs (courses) for applicants from designated Victorian secondary schools.

Eligible SNAP applicants that have an ATAR within 20 points of the lowest selection rank (including adjustments) for their preferred program/s (course/s) can receive an equity adjustment. Depending on their initial ATAR and the competitiveness of the program/s (course/s), this may deem some applicants eligible for an offer.

For programs (courses) that select on a range of criteria such as folio or interview, SNAP applicants receive equivalent consideration on their performance in these tasks.

Indigenous Access Program

The Indigenous Access Program supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to gain access to study at RMIT. The Indigenous Access Program is a priority access scheme which selects applicants independent of their final results, and takes into consideration relevant life, work, educational and training experience as preparation for study, as well as any formal qualifications in the selection process through an informal interview process supported by the Ngarara Willim Centre.

Applicants applying for bachelor degree courses are required to meet an alternative minimum English study score which is 5 points lower than the published minimum English study score.

Other admissions schemes

Year 12 Subject Adjustments

Subject adjustments are applied to applicants whose highest qualification is Year 12 studying one or more courses (subjects) that are relevant to their chosen undergraduate program. Adjustments will be automatically applied to their ATAR when they apply for eligible RMIT programs (courses) through VTAC or direct application to the university. Where a program considers subject adjustments a list of relevant subjects is available on individual program (course) pages or the VTAC CourseSearch program (course) page. 

Adjustments are cumulative up to a maximum of 8 aggregate points.

Elite Athlete Adjustment

The RMIT Elite Athlete Program (REAP) supports eligible elite and emerging athletes to achieve sporting and academic excellence, allowing students to balance the demands of both their studies and their athletic responsibilities.

Eligible elite or emerging athletes who are seeking admission into a vocational education or degree course will receive 10 aggregate adjustment factors applied to their selection rank.

Depending on the applicant’s current status and the level of the program (course) they are applying to there are several options for applying to study with us at RMIT.

Applicants who are currently undertaking an Australian year 12 (or equivalent) in Australia or overseas should apply through VTAC.

All other applicants, who are not currently studying an Australian year 12 (or equivalent) can apply direct to RMIT, provided they have not:

  • commenced an application through VTAC and,
  • are applying for one (1) program (course) that is listed as available through VTAC.

Otherwise, applications should be made through VTAC.

For programs not offered through VTAC all applicants can apply direct to RMIT.

Some programs only accept applications direct to the relevant RMIT school. Find out more information about RMIT school-based applications.

International applicants should follow the how to apply guide for international applicants.

RMIT offers students a range of support services and networks to help them through their journey every step of the way. RMIT offers a range of student support and support services to ensure students have a positive, healthy and happy university experience.

As an RMIT student, you can take advantage of RMIT’s study overseas program. With over 200 international exchange partners to choose from you’ll have an experience of a lifetime without putting your studies on hold.

Student Profile

View the student profile to gain an insight of the students previously admitted into all RMIT programs.

ATAR Profile

View the ATAR profile and selection rank from students offered a place into an RMIT program wholly or partly on the basis of ATAR.

An applicant who is dissatisfied with the outcome of their application for admission may seek a formal review of a selection decision in accordance with RMIT’s Selection Procedure.

Find out more information about RMIT’s approach to education and RMIT's Admission and Credit policies where you can find out about the process for selection, applying for credit and appealing a decision.

More information can be found at the following Education Agencies websites:

Common admission terminology

The following common admission-related terminology have been adopted by Australian higher education providers, tertiary admission centres and other related bodies, to establish a consistent approach to the delivery of admission related information to support applicants applying to higher education studies.  

Admission-related terms Definition
Advanced standing Credit for prior learning which contributes towards the volume of learning required to complete a program at RMIT whereby the student enters the program at a later semester or year of the program. Advanced standing may be granted as specified or unspecified credit.
Applicant A person who has already lodged an application to study a specific course.
Prospective student A person who is thinking about lodging an application to study a particular course but has not yet done so.
Credit transfer

A process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for

components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications (Australian Qualifications Framework definition).

Direct application

Application made to a higher education provider rather than through a tertiary

admission centre.

Early offer Where an offer of enrolment is made to a current year 12 student prior to release of ATARs or equivalent (e.g. OP in Queensland, IB). Such offers are generally conditional on other requirements being met, such as successful completion of a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or achievement of a specified minimum ATAR.
Applicants with recent secondary education

Recent secondary education

Applicants whose admission is based mostly on secondary education undertaken at school, TAFE or other VET or higher education provider (Australian or overseas equivalent) that was (or will be) completed either in the current year or within the previous two years.

  • For example, data for ‘recent secondary education’ cohorts that commenced higher education in 2017 would include those students who completed secondary education in 2016, 2015 and 2014.
  • This group includes students who may have undertaken or completed some VET or higher education study while still at school.
  • Includes applicants whose secondary education was undertaken interstate or overseas.
Applicants with Higher Education study

Higher education study
Applicants whose highest level of study enrolment since leaving secondary education is a HE course including:

  • study at university and non-university higher education providers, whether recent (transfers) or some time ago.
  • students who have completed a bridging or enabling course delivered by or on behalf of a higher education provider. 
Applicants with Vocational Education and Training study

Vocational education and training (VET) study

Applicants whose highest level of study enrolment since leaving secondary education is a VET course including study at a public TAFE or other VET provider, whether a qualification was completed or not.

Note these students may have other qualifications such as Year 10 or Year 12 secondary school certificate.

Applicants with work and life experience

Work and life experience (including less recent secondary results)

Applicants who left secondary education more than two years previously (i.e. who are not classified as recent secondary education applicants) and have not undertaken VET or higher education study

since then.

  • “Experience” could include a combination of factors sufficient to demonstrate readiness for higher education. Includes mature age entry, professional experience whether completion of the Special Tertiary Admission Test (STAT) is required or not, community involvement or work experience.
  • Applicants may have undertaken non-formal programs that have helped prepare them for tertiary education or are relevant to the proposed higher education field of study.
International Baccalaureate

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma program is a senior secondary education curriculum and assessment framework offered by some schools as an alternative to the Australian National Curriculum and overseen by state and territory curriculum and assessment authorities.

Australian tertiary admission centres convert IB scores to a notional ATAR or QTAC Selection Rank (not an OP), enabling IB students to be ranked for tertiary entrance alongside their peers.

Offer rounds Refers to the series of dates on which offers of admission are issued to applicants throughout the year, whether through a tertiary admission centre or directly by an institution.
Lowest ATAR to which an offer was made

The lowest “raw” ATAR or unadjusted ATAR of an applicant to which an offer of a place was made in the relevant year or year-to-date.

Note: this figure must consider all offers made regardless of whether the Selection Rank was increased through equity or other adjustments or where the ATAR threshold may have been lowered due to equity considerations. It is not just the figure for those who had no adjustments applied.

Lowest Selection Rank to which an offer was made The lowest Selection Rank of an applicant to which an offer of a place was made in the relevant year or year-to-date (including the consideration of any adjustments the applicant may have been eligible for).
Minimum ATAR or Selection Rank required for consideration to enter in next intake For use where a threshold minimum ATAR or Selection Rank must be achieved to be considered for admission to a course or institution.
Guaranteed Entry ATAR For use where achievement of a specified ATAR will guarantee acceptance into a course or institution, subject to any non-ATAR criteria being met, such as prerequisite study or English language proficiency.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

A process used to assess an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit that may be granted

towards completion of a qualification (adapted from Australian Qualifications Framework definition).

TAC application Application made through a tertiary admission centre, namely QTAC, UAC, VTAC, SATAC, TISC and University of Tasmania, in relation to applications to study in that state.
aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.