
A general guide to the qualifications delivered in Europe that may be used to determine English language proficiency for admission to RMIT University.

Minimum scores by level of study.

Location of Study Qualification Type Foundation Studies/ Vocational Education Associate Degree Undergraduate Postgraduate
Denmark Studentereksamen

Studentereksamen with at least a 7 in English Level A or a 10 in English Level B, completed within 5 years before the commencement of the RMIT program.

English proficiency assessment may also be based on the completion of a tertiary level program where English is the language of instruction for the majority (minimum of 60 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) of the subjects/courses taken in that program.    

Finland Ylioppilastutkintoto / Lukionpäästötodishis

Ylioppilastutkintoto / Lukionpäästötodishis at least a grade 8 or better in English or English A in final year of secondary school, completed within 5 years before the commencement of the RMIT program.

English proficiency assessment may also be based on the completion of a tertiary level program where English is the language of instruction for the majority (minimum of 60 ECTS^) of the subjects/courses taken in that program.

Germany Fachhochschulreife, Arbitur or DAAD Fachhochschulreife with at least grade 3 in English, or, Abitur with at least 7 points in English, or, DAAD language test with minimum of B in all sections, completed within 5 years before commencement of the RMIT program.
The Netherlands

Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)


Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs(HAVO)

VWO with at least 8 in English, completed within 5 years before commencement of the RMIT program or,

HAVO (Senior General Secondary Education – 5 years) with a minimum grade of 8, completed within 5 years before commencement of the RMIT program.

English proficiency assessment may also be based on the completion of a tertiary level program where English is the language of instruction for the majority of the subjects/courses taken in that program.

Norway Vitnemal Vitnemal with 4 or better in English, completed within 5 years before commencement of the RMIT program.
Sweden Hogskoleforberedande Examen / Examensbevis Yrkesexamen Hogskoleforberedande Examen / Examensbevis Yrkesexamen with at least VG or C in English, completed within 5 years before commencement of the RMIT program.
The United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) GCSE C / 4 or better in English, English Language / English Literature, completed within 5 years before commencement of the RMIT program.     Not applicable
GCE ‘A’ Levels Achieve minimum C grade for A Level English, completed within 5 years before commencement of the RMIT program. Not applicable

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Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.