To graduate you must complete the following. All courses listed may not be available each semester.
You must complete a total of sixteen courses (192 credit points) as follows:
Four (4) core courses (48 credit points); and
One (1) capstone course (12 credit points); and
Three (3) courses (36 credit points) from any major/minor, professional placement optional course list or University Postgrad Elective; and
Eight (8) courses (96 credit points) from one of the below options:
Option 1: One (1) major; or
Option 2: Two (2) minors; or
Option 3: One (1) minor and any four (4) courses from the majors/minors.
University Postgrad Electives:
University Postgrad Electives can be found on the RMIT Electives site and may include study tours, and research courses.
A maximum of 36 credit points can be taken as University Postgrad Electives.
Program and course advice:
The capstone course should be taken in the final semester of your program.
If you use a course toward the completion of a major or minor, you cannot use that same course again to count toward another major or minor.
The courses in each major and minor need to be completed in the sequence listed. Please ensure you check course requisites prior to enrolling.
Most courses are 12 credit points each, but please note some courses are 24 or more credit points.
Year One of Program
Students must complete a series of compulsory onboarding modules during their first semester or study period. Complete 48 credit points from the following:AND{
Option 1: Complete 48 credit points from One (1) Major at the end of the program structure. OR
Option 2: Complete 48 credit points from One (1) Minor at the end of the program structure. OR
Option 3: Complete 48 credit points from a Minor at the end of the program structure. AND
Year Two of Program
Complete 12 credit points from the following:AND{
Complete 36 credit points from any:University Postgrad Elective OR
Complete 36 credit points from the listed Majors, Minors and/or professional placement optional course list at the end of this program structure. }AND{
Option 1: Complete the remaining 48 credit points from your chosen Major at the end of the program structure. OR
Option 2: Complete 48 credit points from a second Minor at the end of the program structure. OR
Option 3: Complete 48 credit points from a Major or Minor at the end of the program structure. AND
Major: Business Analytics
Complete 96 credit points from the following: AND
Major: Digital Economy
Complete 96 credit points from the following: AND
Major: International Business
Complete 96 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Accounting for Commerce
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Business Analytics
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Business Finance
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Business & Technology
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Digital Economy
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Contemporary Supply Chain & Logistics
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Financial Planning
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Managing People in Organisations
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Marketing
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: International Business
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Professional Placement Optional Course List
Complete 36 credit points from the following. Please note, these courses do not count towards a major or minor.