For students who commence their study in this program from 1 January 2016 onwards, please note that some courses listed in this structure will have their course marks count toward your program's weighted average mark. Your weighted average mark will determine the honours level of your award once you have completed the program. If a course counts toward your weighted average mark, that fact will be stated in its course guide. In Enrolment Online, after you have completed your course enrolment, you will be notified which of the enrolled courses will count toward the weighted average mark.
For more information about the weighted average mark, please click here.
To graduate you must complete the following. All courses listed may not be available each semester.
You must complete a total of 528 credit points as follows:
– Twenty one (21) Engineering core courses (252cp)
– Two (2) Engineering Capstone courses (24cp)
– Two (2) Engineering Option courses (24cp) or up to two (2) University Electives (Students who are required to complete Introduction to Engineering Mathematics may only choose One (1) course from the program option list or One (1) University Elective)
– Three (3) courses (36cp) from Engineering Options or the Minor lists at the end of the program structure
– Twelve (12) Computer Science core courses (10x12cp & 2x24cp = 168cp)
– One (1) Computer Science Capstone course (12cp)
– One (1) Computer Science Option course (12cp)
Year One of Program
Students must complete a series of compulsory onboarding modules during their first semester or study period. Complete 84 credit points from the following:AND
Complete 12 credit points from the following. However, if you have NOT completed VCE Maths Methods or VCE Specialist Maths or equivalent, you must choose Introduction to Engineering Mathematics. AND
Year Two of Program
Complete 96 credit points from the following: AND
Year Three of Program
Complete 96 credit points from the following:AND
Complete 12 credit points from the following. However, if you completed Introduction to Engineering Mathematics in Year 1, you must complete Introduction to Environmental and Sustainable Systems Engineering. AND
Year Four of Program
Complete 48 credit points from the following:AND
Complete 12 credit points from the following. However, if you completed Introduction to Engineering Mathematics in Year 1, you must complete Systems Engineering PrinciplesAND
Complete 12 credit points from the following Program Options list or from any University ElectiveAND
Complete 36 credit points from the Engineering Options list. Please refer to the Engineering Option courses listed at the end of this program structure. AND
Year Five of Program
Complete 72 credit points from the following:AND
Complete 12 credit points from the following. However, if you have completed Introduction to Engineering Mathematics in Year 1, you must complete Engineering Design 3AND
Complete 12 credit points from the following Computer Science Program Option Courses: AND
Engineering Minor List
List of Engineering Minors
Minor: Electronic & Communication Engineering
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Security Engineering
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Humanitarian Innovation
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Engineering Enterprise & Project Management
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Engineering Innovation & Design
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Computer Science Minor List
List of Computer Science Minors:
Minor: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Complete 48 credit points from the following (that have not already been completed as Core Courses): AND
Minor: Blockchain Technologies
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Cloud Computing
Complete 48 credit points from the following (that have not been completed as Core Courses): AND
Minor: Cyber Assurance
Complete 48 credit points from the following (that have not already been completed as Core Courses): AND
Minor: Data Science
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Enterprise Systems Development
Complete 12 credit points from the following. (Note: students who do not complete 'Full Stack Development' as a Core Course in their program must complete it to successfully complete this minor.)AND
Complete 36 credit points from the following (that have not already been completed as Core Courses):