Prosthetic leg donation program changes lives in Southeast Asia
A pioneering rehabilitation program has fitted more than 200 prosthetic legs and delivered 4,600 biomechanical therapy and counselling sessions in partnership with local programs across the region.
Gold beats platinum for chemo drugs in new lab study
Gold-based drugs can slow tumour growth in animals by 82% and target cancers more selectively than standard chemotherapy drugs, according to new research out of RMIT University.
RMIT responds to critical skills shortage to support early cancer diagnosis in Queensland
RMIT University will offer Queensland’s first nuclear medicine degree, addressing critical workforce shortages and shoring up cancer services across the state.
Shorter menus could reduce food waste and save cafes thousands: study
A new Australian study of small to medium sized cafes has found making small changes could prevent hundreds of tonnes of food waste while saving struggling businesses thousands of dollars.
New RMIT degree responds to high demand for physiotherapists
RMIT has launched a new Master of Physiotherapy to respond to increasing health demand and skills shortages, particularly in private and community practices.
Top five health tech trends give a glimpse of the future of healthcare
A new report reveals the five most significant tech transformations for health – and how to advance adoption over the next 12 months.
Low-carb, high-fat diets boost diabetes risk
A comprehensive study of 40,000 Australians over 17 years found low-carbohydrate, high-fat diets increased a person's chances of developing diabetes by 20%.
Digital solutions for active healthy living
RMIT Europe has contributed to a European project aimed at empowering citizens to live a healthy and active lifestyle.
Low-dose aspirin could help prevent pregnancy complications caused by flu infections
A world-first study has found low-dose aspirin may treat flu-induced blood vessel inflammation, creating better blood flow to the placenta during pregnancy.
New health research hub to improve patient care and build health workforce in Victoria’s northern corridor
RMIT University and Northern Health have partnered to establish a Clinical Translation Research Partnership.
New industry-research partnership accelerates Medtech innovation in Melbourne
Australian medical device company Signature Orthopaedics is partnering with leading Medtech researchers at the University of Melbourne and RMIT University.
Silicon spikes take out 96% of virus particles
An international research team led by RMIT University has designed and manufactured a virus-killing surface that could help control disease spread in hospitals, labs and other high-risk environments.