Mike Xie

Distinguished Professor Yi Min 'Mike' Xie

Australian Laureate Fellow

Black background. Multiple coloured clouds in the foreground. Colours range from white, pink, green, and blue.
Profile photo of Yi Min Mike Xie in a suit. Mike is smiling towards the camera against a solid grey background.

Contact details

STEM | School of Engineering

Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials


Phone: +61 39925 3655

Campus: Bundoora


More information

Profile photo of Yi Min Mike Xie in a suit. Mike is smiling towards the camera against a solid grey background.

Contact details

STEM | School of Engineering

Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials


Phone: +61 39925 3655

Campus: Bundoora


More information

Yi Min ‘Mike’ Xie is Australian Laureate Fellow, Director of Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials, and Fellow of Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering.


Yi Min 'Mike' Xie is a Distinguished Professor of RMIT University and an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow. He and his co-workers pioneered and established the evolutionary structural optimisation (ESO) and bi-directional evolutionary structural optimisation (BESO) methods, which are widely used by designers and researchers around the globe to create many lightweight and high-performance structures and materials.

His team has developed the topology optimisation software Ameba. Professor Xie served as the Head of Civil Engineering discipline at RMIT between 2002 and 2012. Since 2012 he has been the Director of RMIT Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials. He was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) in 2011. He won the Clunies Ross Innovation Award from the ATSE in 2017 and received the AGM Michell Medal from the Institution of Engineers Australia in the same year.

In 2019 he was recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours List and was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for his significant service to civil engineering and higher education. In 2020 he was awarded the Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation by the State Government of Victoria, Australia.

 Photo of Mike Xie looking at an angle off camera and smiling. Bottom left of image has transparent red shapes as an overlay and white text saying "Professor Yi-Min (Mike) Xie FTSE" and "Director, Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials RMIT University"

2017 Clunies Ross Innovation Award - Professor Mike Xie FTSE


Industry experience

Professor Xie has collaborated with a wide range of local and international companies, including Arup, Aurecon and Boeing.



Professor Xie's research is focused on the following areas:

  1. Shape and topology optimisation of structures for a wide range of applications;
  2. Novel structural designs for free-form architecture;
  3. Additive manufacturing and robotic fabrication of complex-shaped structures;
  4. Design of metamaterials and composites for exceptional mechanical properties.

Research keywords

Topology optimisation, Evolutionary structural optimisation, Computational mechanics, Free-form architecture, Advanced manufacturing, Robotic fabrication

Research output summary








Supervisor interest areas

  • Structural design and optimisation
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Robotic fabrication
  • Computational mechanics
  • Form-finding
  • Free-form architecture

Supervisor projects

  • Designing innovative and efficient structures using topological optimisation techniques
  • Digital design and advanced manufacturing of customised façade panels and structural components
  • Computational geometry for free-form architecture
  • Optimal design and additive manufacture of novel metamaterials for exceptional mechanical performance

Feature publications

A simple evolutionary procedure for structural optimization

Computers & Structures 49:885–896

YM Xie, GP Steven .(1993).

Evolutionary Structural Optimization

Springer, London, England

M Xie, GP Steven. (1997).

Evolutionary Topology Optimization of Continuum Structures: Methods and Applications

John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England.

X Huang, YM Xie. (2010).

Key publications by year

  • Y Li, YM Xie (2021), ‘Evolutionary topology optimization for structures made of multiple materials with different properties in tension and compression’, Composite Structures 259:113497, 11 pp.
  • TU Lee, YM Xie (2021), ‘Simultaneously optimizing supports and topology in structural design’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 197:103633, 12 pp.
  • Y Li, YM Xie (2021), ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of spatial steel-concrete structures’, Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 62:102–112.
  • K Long, X Yang, N Saeed, Z Chen, YM Xie (2021), ‘Topological design of microstructures of materials containing multiple phases of distinct Poisson's ratios’, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 126:293–310.
  • A Chen, K Cai, ZL Zhao, Y Zhou, L Xia, YM Xie (2021), ‘Controlling the maximum first principal stress in topology optimization’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 63:327–339.
  • S Zhou, YM Xie (2021), ‘Numerical simulation of three-dimensional multicomponent Cahn–Hilliard systems’, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 198:106349, 14 pp.
  • J Ma, Z Li, ZL Zhao, YM Xie (2021), ‘Creating novel furniture through topology optimization and advanced manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping Journal 27/12, 10 pp.
  • Z Zhuang, YM Xie, S Zhou (2021), ‘A reaction diffusion-based level set method using body-fitted mesh for structural topology optimization’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 381:113829, 37 pp.
  • Q Cai, L He, YM Xie, R Feng, J Ma (2021), ‘Simple and effective strategies to generate diverse designs for truss structures’, Structures 32:268–278.
  • XY Zhang, XY Wang, X Ren, YM Xie, Y Wu, YY Zhou, SL Wang, CZ Han (2021), ‘A novel type of tubular structure with auxeticity both in radial direction and wall thickness’, Thin-Walled Structures 163:107758, 11 pp.
  • C Luo, CZ Han, XY Zhang, XG Zhang, X Ren, YM Xie (2021), ‘Design, manufacturing and applications of auxetic tubular structures: A review’, Thin-Walled Structures 163:107682, 12 pp.
  • X Meng, TU Lee, Y Xiong, X Huang, YM Xie (2021), ‘Optimizing support locations in the roof-column structural system’, Applied Sciences 11:2775, 13 pp.
  • Y Xiong, D Bao, X Yan, T Xu, YM Xie (2021), ‘Lessons learnt from a national competition on structural optimization and additive manufacturing’, Current Chinese Science 1:151–159.
  • J Pooni, D Robert, F Giustozzi, S Setunge, YM Xie, J Xia (2021), ‘Performance evaluation of calcium sulfoaluminate as an alternative stabilizer for treatment of weaker subgrades’, Transportation Geotechnics 27:100462, 14 pp.
  • R Picelli, R Sivapuram, YM Xie (2021), ‘A 101-line MATLAB code for topology optimization using binary variables and integer programming’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 63: 935–954.

  • ZL Zhao, S Zhou, XQ Feng, YM Xie (2020), ‘Morphological optimization of scorpion telson’, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 135:103773, 15 pp.
  • T Xu, W Shen, X Lin, YM Xie (2020), ‘Mechanical properties of additively manufactured thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) material affected by various processing parameters’, Polymers 12:3010, 16 pp.
  • Z Zhang, YM Xie, Q Li, Z Chen, S Zhou (2020), ‘A computational investigation into the impact resistance of a precise finite element model derived from micro-CT data of a woodpecker's head’, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 112:104107, 9 pp.
  • M Bi, P Tran, YM Xie (2020), ‘Topology optimization of 3D continuum structures under geometric self-supporting constraint’, Additive Manufacturing 36:101422, 17 pp.
  • J Pooni, D Robert, F Giustozzi, S Setunge, YM Xie, J Xia (2020), ‘Novel use of calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cement for treating problematic soils’, Construction and Building Materials 260:120433, 16 pp.
  • A Ghazlan, T Ngo, P Tan, YM Xie, P Tran, M Donough (2020), ‘Inspiration from Nature's body armours—A review of biological and bioinspired composites’, Composites Part B: Engineering, 108513, 22 pp.
  • Z Zhang, YM Xie, Q Li, S Zhou (2020), ‘A reaction–diffusion based level set method for image segmentation in three dimensions’, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 96:103998, 13 pp.
  • S Lin, L Chen, M Zhang, YM Xie, XD Huang, SW Zhou (2020), ‘On the interaction of biological and mechanical factors in leaf vein formation’, Advances in Engineering Software 149:102905, 8 pp.
  • Y Sheng, J Yang, R Hou, L Chen, J Xu, H Liu, X Zhao, X Wang, R Zeng, W Li, YM Xie (2020), ‘Improved biocompatibility and degradation behavior of biodegradable Zn-1Mg by grafting zwitterionic phosphorylcholine chitosan (PCCs) coating on silane pre-modified surface’, Applied Surface Science 527:146914, 14 pp.
  • W Xu, X Lin, YM Xie (2020), ‘A novel non-planar interlocking element for tubular structures’, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 103:103503, 10 pp.
  • H Xu, YM Xie, R Chan, S Zhou (2020), ‘Piezoelectric properties of triply periodic minimum surface structures’, Composites Science and Technology 200:108417, 10 pp.
  • B Xu, Y Han, L Zhao, YM Xie (2020), ‘Topological optimization of continuum structures for additive manufacturing considering thin feature and support structure constraints’, Engineering Optimization, 23 pp.
  • Y He, K Cai, ZL Zhao, YM Xie (2020), ‘Stochastic approaches to generating diverse and competitive structural designs in topology optimization’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 173:103399, 9 pp.
  • Z Chen, YM Xie, Z Wang, Q Li, X Wu, S Zhou (2020), ‘A comparison of fast Fourier transform-based homogenization method to asymptotic homogenization method’, Composite Structures 238:111979, 10 pp.
  • H Wang, J Liu, G Wen, YM Xie (2020), ‘The robust fail-safe topological designs based on the von Mises stress’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 171:103376, 12 pp.
  • H Seifi, AR Javan, X Lin, YM Xie (2020), ‘An innovative and inexpensive experimental setup for testing connections in gridshell structures’, Engineering Structures 207:110257, 11 pp.
  • Z Chen, X Wu, YM Xie, Z Wang, S Zhou (2020), ‘Re-entrant auxetic lattices with enhanced stiffness: a numerical study’, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 178:105619, 8 pp.
  • Y Xiong, S Yao, ZL Zhao, YM Xie (2020), ‘A new approach to eliminating enclosed voids in topology optimization for additive manufacturing’, Additive Manufacturing 32:101006, 11 pp.
  • D Li, W Liao, N Dai, YM Xie (2020), ‘Anisotropic design and optimization of conformal gradient lattice structures’, Computer-Aided Design 119:102787, 15 pp.
  • AR Javan, H Seifi, X Lin, YM Xie (2020), ‘Mechanical behaviour of composite structures made of topologically interlocking concrete bricks with soft interfaces’, Materials & Design 186:108347, 12 pp.
  • ZL Zhao, S Zhou, K Cai, YM Xie (2020), ‘A direct approach to controlling the topology in structural optimization’, Computers & Structures 227:106141, 12 pp.
  • ZL Zhao, S Zhou, XQ Feng, YM Xie (2020), ‘Static and dynamic properties of pre-twisted leaves and stalks with varying chiral morphologies’, Extreme Mechanics Letters 34:100612, 6 pp.

  • Z Chen, YM Xie, X Wu, Z Wang, Q Li, S Zhou (2019), ‘On hybrid cellular materials based on triply periodic minimal surfaces with extreme mechanical properties’, Materials & Design 183:108109, 11 pp.
  • YS Han, B Xu, L Zhao, YM Xie (2019), ‘Topology optimization of continuum structures under hybrid additive-subtractive manufacturing constraints’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 60:2571–2595.
  • J Liu, H Ou, R Zeng, J Zhou, K Long, G Wen, YM Xie (2019), ‘Fabrication, dynamic properties and multi-objective optimization of a metal origami tube with Miura sheets’, Thin-Walled Structures 144:106352, 14 pp.
  • Z Liu, P Zhang, M Yan, YM Xie, G Huang (2019), ‘Additive manufacturing of specific ankle-foot orthoses for persons after stroke: a preliminary study based on gait analysis data’, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 16:8134–8143.
  • S Lin, L Xia, G Ma, S Zhou, YM Xie (2019), ‘A maze-like path generation scheme for fused deposition modeling’, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 104:1509–1519.
  • K Yang, ZL Zhao, Y He, S Zhou, Q Zhou, W Huang, YM Xie (2019), ‘Simple and effective strategies for achieving diverse and competitive structural designs’, Extreme Mechanics Letters 30:100481, 6 pp.
  • B Xu, YS Han, L Zhao, YM Xie (2019), ‘Topology optimization of continuum structures for natural frequencies considering casting constraints’, Engineering Optimization 51:941–960.
  • L Yang, K Cai, J Shi, YM Xie, QH Qin (2019), ‘Nonlinear dynamic behavior of a clamped–clamped beam from BNC nanotube impacted by fullerene’, Nonlinear Dynamics 96:1133–1145.
  • Y Yang, K Cai, J Shi, YM Xie (2019), ‘Nanotextures from orthogonal graphene ribbons: Thermal stability evaluation’, Carbon 144:81–90.
  • L Zhao, B Xu, Y Han, YM Xie (2019), ‘Topology optimization of dynamic stress response reliability of continuum structures involving multi-phase materials’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 59:851–876.
  • J Liu, T Chen, Y Zhang, G Wen, Q Qing, H Wang, R Sedaghati, YM Xie (2019), ‘On sound insulation of pyramidal lattice sandwich structure’, Composite Structures 208:385–394.
  • D Li, W Liao, N Dai, YM Xie (2019), ‘Comparison of mechanical properties and energy absorption of sheet-based and strut-based gyroid cellular structures with graded densities’, Materials 12:2183, 15 pp.
  • B Song, K Cai, J Shi, YM Xie, Q Qin (2019), ‘Coupling effect of van der Waals, centrifugal, and frictional forces on a GHz rotation–translation nano-convertor’, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21:359–368.

  • ZL Zhao, S Zhou, XQ Feng, YM Xie (2018), ‘On the internal architecture of emergent plants’, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 119:224–239.
  • L Wang, K Cai, YM Xie, QH Qin (2018), ‘Thermal shrinkage and stability of diamondene nanotubes’, Nanotechnology 30:075702, 11 pp.
  • R Sivapuram, R Picelli, YM Xie (2018), ‘Topology optimization of binary microstructures involving various non-volume constraints’, Computational Materials Science 154:405–425.
  • D Li, W Liao, N Dai, G Dong, Y Tang, YM Xie (2018), ‘Optimal design and modeling of gyroid-based functionally graded cellular structures for additive manufacturing’, Computer-Aided Design 104:87–99.
  • J Shi, K Cai, YM Xie (2018), ‘Thermal and tensile properties of diamondene at finite temperature: a molecular dynamics study’, Materials & Design 156:125–134.
  • CS Zhang, GS Zhang, S Xu, B Li, AL Zhang, CC Xue, YM Xie (2018), ‘Examination of needle surface corrosion in electroacupuncture’, Acupuncture in Medicine 36:367–376.
  • GS Zhang, CS Zhang, HY Tan, Y Wang, C DaCosta, AL Zhang, CC Xue, YM Xie (2018), ‘Systematic review of acupuncture placebo devices with a focus on the credibility of blinding of healthy participants and/or acupuncturists’, Acupuncture in Medicine 36:204–214.
  • S Lin, YM Xie, Q Li, X Huang, Z Zhang, G Ma, S Zhou (2018), ‘Shell buckling: from morphogenesis of soft matter to prospective applications’, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 13:051001, 13 pp.
  • K Cai, L Wang, YM Xie (2018), ‘Buckling behavior of nanotubes from diamondene’, Materials & Design 149:34–42.
  • AR Javan, H Seifi, S Xu, X Lin, YM Xie (2018), ‘Impact behaviour of plate-like assemblies made of new and existing interlocking bricks: a comparative study’, International Journal of Impact Engineering 116:79–93.
  • J Liu, G Wen, Q Qing, F Li, YM Xie (2018), ‘Robust topology optimization for continuum structures with random loads’, Engineering Computations, 35:701–732.
  • K Long, PF Yuan, S Xu, YM Xie (2018), ‘Concurrent topological design of composite structures and materials containing multiple phases of distinct Poisson’s ratios’, Engineering Optimization 50:599–614.
  • S Zhou, YM Xie, S Lin, XQ Feng, Q Li (2018), ‘Buckling-induced assembly of three-dimensional tunable metamaterials’, Physica Status Solidi – Rapid Research Letters 12:1870314, 6 pp.
  • H Seifi, AR Javan, S Xu, Y Zhao, YM Xie (2018), ‘Design optimization and additive manufacturing of nodes in gridshell structures’, Engineering Structures 160:161–170.
  • D Lu, YF Li, H Seifi, S Zhou, ZL Zhao, YM Xie (2018), ‘Designing novel structures with hierarchically synchronized deformations’, Extreme Mechanics Letters 19:1–6.
  • X Ren, J Shen, P Tran, TD Ngo, YM Xie (2018), ‘Design and characterisation of a tuneable 3D buckling-induced auxetic metamaterial’, Materials & Design 139:336–342.
  • K Yang, S Xu, S Zhou, YM Xie (2018), ‘Multi-objective optimization of multi-cell tubes with origami patterns for energy absorption’, Thin-Walled Structures 123:100–113.
  • X Ren, R Das, P Tran, TD Ngo, YM Xie (2018), ‘Auxetic metamaterials and structures: a review’, Smart Materials and Structures 27:023001, 38 pp.
  • K Cai, J Shi, YM Xie, QH Qin (2018), ‘A nano continuous variable transmission system from nanotubes’, Nanotechnology 29:075707, 8 pp.
  • L Wang, K Cai, S Wei, YM Xie (2018), ‘Softening to hardening of stretched diamondene nanotubes’, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20:21136–21143.
  •  J Liu, S Xu, G Wen, YM Xie (2018), ‘Mechanical behaviour of a creased thin strip’, Mechanical Sciences 9:91–102.
  • L Xia, Q Xia, X Huang, YM Xie (2018), ‘Bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization on advanced structures and materials: A comprehensive review’, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 25:437–478.
  • X Ren, J Shen, P Tran, TD Ngo, YM Xie (2018), ‘Auxetic nail: Design and experimental study’, Composite Structures 184:288–298.

  • J Liu, G Wen, Q Qing, YM Xie (2017), ‘An efficient method for topology optimization of continuum structures in the presence of uncertainty in loading direction’, International Journal of Computational Methods 14:1750054, 23 pp.
  • C Ding, H Seifi, S Dong, YM Xie (2017), ‘A new node-shifting method for shape optimization of reticulated spatial structures’, Engineering Structures 152:727–735.
  • H Seifi, AR Javan, A Ghaedizadeh, J Shen, S Xu, YM Xie (2017), ‘Design of hierarchical structures for synchronized deformations’, Scientific Reports 7:41183, 7 pp.
  • AR Javan, H Seifi, S Xu, D Ruan, YM Xie (2017), ‘The impact behaviour of plate-like assemblies made of new interlocking bricks: An experimental study’, Materials & Design 134:361–373.
  • ZL Zhao, S Zhou, S Xu, XQ Feng, YM Xie (2017), ‘High-speed spinning disks on flexible threads’, Scientific Reports 7:13111, 11 pp.
  • ZL Zhao, S Zhou, XQ Feng, YM Xie (2017), ‘Pump drill: A superb device for converting translational motion into high-speed rotation’, Extreme Mechanics Letters 16:56–63.
  • A Ghaedizadeh, J Shen, X Ren, YM Xie (2017), ‘Designing composites with negative linear compressibility’, Materials & Design 131:343–357.
  • B Xu, H Ding, YM Xie (2017), ‘Optimal design of material microstructure for maximizing damping dissipation velocity of piezoelectric composite beams’, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 128:527–540.
  • B Xu, L Zhao, YM Xie, J Jiang (2017), ‘Topology optimization of continuum structures with uncertain-but-bounded parameters for maximum non-probabilistic reliability of frequency requirement’, Journal of Vibration and Control 23:2557–2566.
  • WM Vicente, ZH Zuo, R Pavanello, TKL Calixto, R Picelli, YM Xie (2017), ‘Concurrent topology optimization for minimizing frequency responses of two-level hierarchical structures’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 301:116–136.
  • K Yang, S Xu, S Zhou, J Shen, YM Xie (2017), ‘Design of dimpled tubular structures for energy absorption’, Thin-Walled Structures 112:31–40.

  • X Wang, S Xu, S Zhou, W Xu, M Leary, P Choong, M Qian, M Brandt, YM Xie (2016), ‘Topological design and additive manufacturing of porous metals for bone scaffolds and orthopaedic implants: a review’, Biomaterials 83:127–141.
  • B Xu, X Huang, S Zhou, YM Xie (2016), ‘Concurrent topological design of composite thermoelastic macrostructure and microstructure with multi-phase material for maximum stiffness’, Composite Structures 150:84–102.
  • X Ren, J Shen, A Ghaedizadeh, HQ Tian, YM Xie (2016), ‘A simple auxetic tubular structure with tuneable mechanical properties’, Smart Materials and Structures 25:065012, 9 pp.
  • K Long, X Du, S Xu, YM Xie (2016), ‘Maximizing the effective Young’s modulus of a composite material by exploiting the Poisson effect’, Composite Structures 153:593–600.
  • B Xu, L Zhao, W Li, J He, YM Xie (2016), ‘Dynamic response reliability based topological optimization of continuum structures involving multi-phase materials’, Composite Structures 149:134–144.
  • A Ghaedizadeh, J Shen, X Ren, YM Xie (2016), ‘Tuning the performance of metallic auxetic metamaterials by using buckling and plasticity’, Materials 9:54, 17 pp.
  • S Xu, J Shen, S Zhou, X Huang, YM Xie (2016), ‘Design of lattice structures with controlled anisotropy’, Materials & Design 93:443–447.
  • K Yang, S Xu, J Shen, S Zhou, YM Xie (2016), ‘Energy absorption of thin-walled tubes with pre-folded origami patterns: numerical simulation and experimental verification’, Thin-Walled Structures 103:33–44.
  • B Xu, X Huang, YM Xie (2016), ‘Two-scale dynamic optimal design of composite structures in the time domain using equivalent static loads’, Composite Structures 142:335–345.
  • J Liu, G Wen, YM Xie (2016), ‘Layout optimization of continuum structures considering the probabilistic and fuzzy directional uncertainty of applied loads based on the cloud model’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 53:81–100.
  • WM Chen, YM Xie, G Imbalzano, J Shen, S Xu, PVS Lee (2016), ‘Lattice Ti structures with low rigidity but compatible mechanical strength: design of implant materials for trabecular bone’, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 17:793–799.
  • D Lu, YM Xie, Q Li, X Huang, YF Li, S Zhou (2016), ‘A finite-element approach to evaluating the size effects of complex nanostructures’, Royal Society Open Science 3:160625, 9 pp.
  • S Lin, YM Xie, Q Li, X Huang, S Zhou (2016), ‘A kirigami approach to forming a synthetic buckliball’, Scientific Reports 6:33016, 9 pp.
  • S Lin, YM Xie, Q Li, X Huang, S Zhou (2016), ‘On the shape transformation of cone scales’, Soft Matter 12:9797–9802.
  • M Yazdanpanah, G Ren, YM Xie, M Wasim (2016), ‘A new approach based on strain sensitivity for reinforcement optimization in slope stability problems’, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 34:713–724.
  • S Merkt, C Hinke, J Bultmann, M Brandt, YM Xie (2016), ‘Mechanical response of TiAl6V4 lattice structures manufactured by selective laser melting in quasi-static and dynamic compression tests’, Journal of Laser Applications 27:S17006, 6 pp.

  • S Lin, YM Xie, Q Li, X Huang, S Zhou (2015), ‘Buckling-induced retraction of spherical shells: a study on the shape of aperture’, Scientific Reports 5:11309, 12 pp.
  • X Ren, J Shen, A Ghaedizadeh, H Tian, YM Xie (2015), ‘Experiments and parametric studies on 3D metallic auxetic metamaterials with tuneable mechanical properties’, Smart Materials and Structures 24:095016, 15 pp.
  • B Xu, YM Xie (2015), ‘Concurrent design of composite macrostructure and cellular microstructure under random excitations’, Composite Structures 123:65–77.
  • X Huang, S Zhou, G Sun, G Li, YM Xie (2015), ‘Topology optimization for microstructures of viscoelastic composite materials’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 283:503–516.
  • ZH Zuo, YM Xie (2015), ‘A simple and compact Python code for complex 3D topology optimization’, Advances in Engineering Software 85:1–11.
  • WM Vicente, R Picelli, R Pavanello, YM Xie (2015), ‘Topology optimization of frequency responses of fluid-structure interaction systems’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 98:1–13.
  • B Xu, JS Jiang, YM Xie (2015), ‘Concurrent design of composite macrostructure and multi-phase material microstructure for minimum dynamic compliance’, Composite Structures 128:221–233.
  • J Shen, S Zhou, X Huang, D Ruan, YM Xie (2015), ‘Inertia effect on buckling-induced auxetic metamaterials’, International Journal of Protective Structures 6:311–322.
  • R Picelli, WM Vicente, R Pavanello, YM Xie (2015), ‘Evolutionary topology optimization for natural frequency maximization problems considering acoustic-structure interaction’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 106:56–64.
  • D Lu, YM Xie, Q Li, X Huang, S Zhou (2015), ‘Investigating size effects of complex nanostructures through Young-Laplace equation and finite element analysis’, Journal of Applied Physics 118:204301, 6 pp.
  • X Wang, J Shen, ZH Zuo, X Huang, S Zhou, YM Xie (2015), ‘Numerical investigation of compressive behaviour of luffa-filled tubes’, Composites Part B: Engineering 73:149–157.
  • G Chen, G Zhang, YM Xie (2015), ‘Impact of transaction attributes on transaction costs in project alliances: Disaggregated analysis’, ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering 31:04014054, 10 pp.
  • X Yan, X Huang, G Sun, YM Xie (2015), ‘Two-scale optimal design of structures with thermal insulation materials’, Composite Structures 120:358–365.
  • CS Zhang, HY Tan, GS Zhang, AL Zhang, CC Xue, YM Xie (2015), ‘Placebo devices as effective control methods in acupuncture clinical trials: a systematic review’, PLoS One 10:e140825, 22 pp.

  • YM Xie, S Xu, CS Zhang, CC Xue (2014), ‘Examination of surface conditions and other physical properties of commonly used stainless steel acupuncture needles’, Acupuncture in Medicine 32:146–15.
  • CS Zhang, AL Zhang, CC Xue, YM Xie (2014), ‘New approach to preventing long acupuncture needles from buckling and contamination during insertion’, Acupuncture in Medicine 32:520–522.
  • CS Zhang, M Pannirselvan, CC Xue, YM Xie (2014), ‘Relationship between buckling of acupuncture needles and the handle type’, Acupuncture in Medicine 32:400–405.
  • H Latifi, YM Xie, X Huang, M Bilgen (2014), ‘Computational simulations of bone remodeling under natural mechanical loading or muscle malfunction using evolutionary structural optimization method’, Engineering 6:43530, 14 pp.
  • YM Xie, X Yang, J Shen, X Yan, A Ghaedizadeh, J Rong, X Huang, S Zhou (2014), ‘Designing orthotropic materials for negative or zero compressibility’, International Journal of Solids and Structures 51:4038–4051.
  • YM Xie, ZH Zuo, X Huang, T Black, P Felicetti (2014), ‘Application of topological optimization technology to bridge design’, Structural Engineering International 24:185–191.
  • J Shen, S Zhou, X Huang, YM Xie (2014), ‘Simple cubic three-dimensional auxetic metamaterials’, Physica Status Solidi B 251:1515–1522.
  • A Radman, X Huang, YM Xie (2014), ‘Topological design of microstructures of multi-phase materials for maximum stiffness or thermal conductivity’, Computational Materials Science 91:266–273.
  • ZH Zuo, YM Xie (2014), ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures with a global displacement control’, Computer-Aided Design 56:58–67.
  • X Huang, Y Li, S Zhou, YM Xie (2014), ‘Topology optimization of compliant mechanisms with desired structural stiffness’, Engineering Structures 79:13–21.
  • YM Xie, ZH Zuo (2014), ‘Architectural design through bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization’, Time and Architecture 2014(5):20–25.
  • Y Tong, S Zhao, J Ma, L Wang, Y Zhang, Y Gao, YM Xie (2014), ‘Improving cracking and drying shrinkage properties of cement mortar by adding chemically treated luffa fibres’, Construction and Building Materials 71:327–333.
  • S Zhou, S Townsend, YM Xie, X Huang, J Shen, Q Li (2014), ‘Design of fishnet metamaterials with broadband negative refractive index in the visible spectrum’, Optics Letters 39:2415–2418.
  • ZH Zuo, YM Xie (2014), ‘Maximizing the effective stiffness of laminate composite materials’, Computational Materials Science 83:57–63.
  • X Yan, X Huang, Y Zha, YM Xie (2014), ‘Concurrent topology optimization of structures and their composite microstructures’, Computers & Structures 133:103–110.
  • D Lu, YM Xie, Q Li, X Huang, S Zhou (2014), ‘Towards ultra-stiff materials: Surface effects on nanoporous materials’, Applied Physics Letters 105:101903, 4 pp.
  • JW Tang, YM Xie, P Felicetti (2014), ‘Conceptual design of buildings subjected to wind load by using topology optimization’, Wind & Structures 18:21–35.
  • A Radman, X Huang, YM Xie (2014), ‘Maximizing stiffness of functionally graded materials with prescribed variation of thermal conductivity’, Computational Materials Science 82:457–463.
  • G Ren, ZH Zuo, YM Xie, JV Smith (2014), ‘Underground excavation shape optimization considering material nonlinearities’, Computers & Geotechnics 58:81–87.
  • J Shen, YM Xie, S Zhou, X Huang, D Ruan (2014), ‘Water-responsive rapid recovery of natural cellular material’, Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials 34:283–293.
  • Y Li, X Huang, YM Xie, S Zhou (2014), ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of hinge-free compliant mechanism’, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 86:69–75.

  • YM Xie, ZH Zuo, X Huang, XY Yang (2013), ‘Predicting the effective stiffness of cellular and composite materials with self-similar hierarchical microstructures’, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 8:341–357.
  • S Zhou, X Huang, Q Li, YM Xie (2013), ‘A study of shape optimization on the metallic nanoparticles for thin-film solar cells’, Nanoscale Research Letters 8:447, 6 pp.
  • ZH Zuo, X Huang, JH Rong, YM Xie (2013), ‘Multi-scale design of composite materials and structures for maximum natural frequencies’, Materials & Design 51:1023–1034.
  • JH Rong, ZJ Zhao, YM Xie, JJ Yi (2013), ‘Topology optimization of finite similar periodic continuum structures based on a density exponent interpolation model’, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 90:211–231.
  • JH Rong, ZL Tang, YM Xie, FY Li (2013), ‘Topological optimization design of structures under random excitations using SQP method’, Engineering Structures 56:2098–2106.
  • XY Yang, X Huang, JH Rong, YM Xie (2013), ‘Design of 3D orthotropic materials with prescribed ratios for effective Young’s moduli’, Computational Materials Science 67:229–237.
  • A Radman, X Huang, YM Xie (2013), ‘Topology optimization of functionally graded cellular materials’, Journal of Materials Science 48:1503–1510.
  • X Huang, S Zhou, YM Xie, Q Li (2013), ‘Topology optimization of microstructures of cellular materials and composites for macrostructures’, Computational Materials Science 67:397–407.
  • JW Tang, YM Xie, P Felicetti, JY Tu, JD Li (2013), ‘Numerical simulations of wind drags on straight and twisted polygonal buildings’, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 22:62–73.
  • ZH Zuo, X Huang, X Yang, JH Rong, YM Xie (2013), ‘Comparing optimal material microstructures with optimal periodic structures’, Computational Materials Science 69:137–147.
  • S Zhou, X Huang, Q Li, YM Xie (2013), ‘Optimizing two-level hierarchical particles for thin-film solar cells’, Optics Express 21:A285–A294.
  • B Ghabraie, G Ren, K Ghabraie, YM Xie (2013), ‘A study on truss bolt mechanism in controlling stability of underground excavation and cutter roof failure’, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 31:667–682.
  • J Shen, YM Xie, X Huang, S Zhou, D Ruan (2013), ‘Behaviour of luffa sponge material under dynamic loading’, International Journal of Impact Engineering 57:17–26.
  • A Radman, X Huang, YM Xie (2013), ‘Topological optimization for the design of microstructures of isotropic cellular materials’, Engineering Optimization 45:1331–1348.

  • YM Xie, ZH Zuo, X Huang, JH Rong (2012), ‘Convergence of topological patterns of optimal periodic structures under multiple scales’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 46:41–50.
  • ZH Zuo, YM Xie, X Huang (2012), ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of structures with multiple displacement and frequency constraints’, Advances in Structural Engineering 15:385¬–398.
  • X Huang, YM Xie, B Jia, Q Li, S Zhou (2012), ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of periodic composites for extremal magnetic permeability and electrical permittivity’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 46:385–398.
  • G Chen, G Zhang, YM Xie, XH Jin (2012), ‘Overview of alliancing research and practice in the construction industry’, Architectural Engineering and Design Management 8:103–119.
  • J Shen, YM Xie, X Huang, S Zhou, D Ruan (2012), ‘Mechanical properties of luffa sponge’, Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials 15:141–152.
  • S Zhou, J Cadman, Y Chen, W Li, YM Xie, X Huang, R Appleyard, G Sun, Q Li (2012), ‘Design and fabrication of biphasic cellular materials with transport properties—A modified bidirectional evolutionary structural optimization procedure and MATLAB program’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55:8149–8162.

  • X Huang, A Radman, YM Xie (2011), ‘Topological design of microstructures of cellular materials for maximum bulk or shear modulus’, Computational Materials Science 50:1861–1870.
  • XY Yang, X Huang, YM Xie, Q Li, JH Rong (2011), ‘Topology optimization of composite materials with optimal stiffness and thermal conductivity’, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering 1:397–417.
  • X Huang, YM Xie (2011), ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures including design-dependent self-weight loads’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47:942–948.
  • R Das, R Jones, YM Xie (2011), ‘Optimal topology design of industrial structures using an evolutionary algorithm’, Optimization and Engineering 12:681–717.
  • ZH Zuo, YM Xie, X. Huang (2011), ‘Reinventing the wheel’, Journal of Mechanical Design 133:024502, 4 pp.
  • ZH Zuo, YM Xie, X Huang (2011), ‘Optimal topological design of periodic structures for natural frequencies’, Journal of Structural Engineering 137:1229–1240.
  • H Tokhi, G Ren, Y Xie (2011), ‘A new application of radar in improving the pile dynamic formulae used in quality control of pile foundation’, Australian Geomechanics 46(4):35–49.

  • X Huang, YM Xie (2010), ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of geometrically and materially nonlinear structures under prescribed design load’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 34:581–595.
  • ZH Zuo, YM Xie, X Huang (2010), ‘An improved bi-directional evolutionary method for topology optimization for frequencies’, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 10:55–75.
  • X Huang, YM Xie (2010), ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures with an additional displacement constraint’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 40:409–416.
  • X Huang, ZH Zuo, YM Xie (2010), ‘Evolutionary topological optimization of vibrating continuum structures for natural frequencies’, Computers & Structures 88:357–364.
  • YC Koay, YM Xie, S Setunge (2010), ‘Investigation of various methods for minimising uneven displacements in pedestrian concrete pavements’, Road Materials and Pavement Design 11:479–488.
  • K Ghabraie, RW Chan, X Huang, YM Xie (2010), ‘Shape optimization of metallic yielding devices for passive mitigation of seismic energy’, Engineering Structures 32:2258–2267.
  • K Ghabraie, YM Xie, X Huang, G Ren (2010), ‘Shape and reinforcement optimization of underground tunnels’, Journal of Computational Science and Technology 4:51–63.
  • X Huang, YM Xie (2010), ‘A further review of ESO type methods for topology optimization’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 41:671–683.

  • X Huang, YM Xie (2009), ‘Bi-directional evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures with one or multiple materials’, Computational Mechanics 43:393–401.
  • ZH Zuo, YM Xie, X Huang (2009), ‘Combining genetic algorithms with BESO for topology optimization’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 38:511–523.
  • JA Frumar, YY Zhou, YM Xie, MC Burry (2009), ‘Tensegrity structures with 3D compression members: development, assembly and design’, Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 50:99–110.

  • YC Koay, YM Xie, S Setunge (2008), ‘Evaluating stepping displacement of pedestrian concrete pavements using EPDM rubber and PVC joiners’, International Journal of Pavement Engineering 9:287–301.
  • X Huang, YM Xie (2008), ‘Topology optimization of nonlinear structures under displacement loading’, Engineering Structures 30:2057–2068.
  • X Huang, YM Xie (2008), ‘A new look at ESO and BESO optimization methods’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 35:89–92.
  • X Huang, YM Xie (2008), ‘Optimal design of periodic structures using evolutionary topology optimization’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 36:597–606.

  • X Huang, YM Xie, MC Burry (2007), ‘Advantages of bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) over evolutionary structural optimization (ESO)’, Advances in Structural Engineering 10:727–737.
  • T Molyneaux, S Setunge, R Gravina, YM Xie (2007), ‘An evaluation of the learning of structural engineering concepts during the first two years of a project based engineering degree’, European Journal of Engineering Education 32:1–8.
  • X Huang, YM Xie (2007), ‘Numerical stability and parameters study of an improved bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization method’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 27:49–61.
  • J Rong, J Jiang, YM Xie (2007), ‘Evolutionary structural topology optimization for continuum structures with structural size and topology variables’, Advances in Structural Engineering 10:681–695.
  • X Huang, YM Xie (2007), ‘Bidirectional evolutionary topology optimization for structures with geometrical and material nonlinearities’, AIAA Journal 45:308–313.
  • X Huang, YM Xie (2007), ‘Convergent and mesh-independent solutions for bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization method’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43:1039–1049.
  • X Huang, YM Xie, G. Lu (2007), ‘Topology optimization of energy absorption structures’, International Journal of Crashworthiness 12:663–673, 2007.

  • X Huang, YM Xie, MC Burry (2006), ‘A new algorithm for bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization’, JSME International Journal Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing 49:1091–1099.
  • E Kita, H Saito, T Tamaki, H Shimizu, YM Xie (2006), ‘Three-dimensional structural design based on cellular automata simulation’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 23:29–42.

  • XY Yang, YM Xie, GP Steven (2005), ‘Evolutionary methods for topology optimization of continuous structures with design dependent loads’, Computers & Structures 83:956–963.
  • G Ren, JV Smith, JW Tang, YM Xie (2005), ‘Underground excavation shape optimization using an evolutionary procedure’, Computers and Geotechnics 32:122–132.
  • R Das, R Jones, YM Xie (2005), ‘Design of structures for optimal static strength using ESO’, Engineering Failure Analysis 12:61–80.
  • YM Xie, P Felicetti, JW Tang, MC Burry (2005), ‘Form finding of complex structures using evolutionary structural optimization method’, Design Studies 26:55–72.
  • J Burry, P Felicetti, JW Tang, MC Burry, YM Xie (2005), ‘Dynamical structural modelling—a collaborative design exploration’, International Journal of Architectural Computing 3:27–42.
  • W Li, Q Li, GP Steven, YM Xie (2005), ‘An evolutionary shape optimization for elastic contact problems subject to multiple load cases’, Computer Method in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 194:3394–3415.

  • E Kita, T Toyoda, T Tamaki, YM Xie (2004), ‘Application of cellular automata simulation to truss structure design’, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences 11:321–335.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, YM Xie, QM Querin (2004), ‘Evolutionary topology optimization for temperature reduction of heat conducting fields’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47:5071–5083.

  • W Li, Q Li, GP Steven, YM Xie (2003), ‘An evolutionary approach to elastic contact optimization of frame structures’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 40:61–81.
  • H Guan, YJ Chen, YC Loo, YM Xie, GP Steven (2003), ‘Bridge topology optimization with stress, displacement and frequency constraints’, Computers & Structures 81:131–145.
  • W Li, Q Li, GP Steven, YM Xie (2003), ‘An evolutionary shape optimization procedure for contact problems in mechanical designs’, Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 217:435–446.

  • XY Yang, YM Xie, JS Liu, GT Parks, PJ Clarkson (2002), ‘Perimeter control of the bidirectional evolutionary optimization method’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 24:430–440.
  • H Kim, OM Querin, GP Steven, YM Xie (2002), ‘Improving efficiency of evolutionary structural optimization by implementing fixed grid mesh’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 24:441–448.
  • H Kim, OM Querin, GP Steven, YM Xie (2002), ‘Determination of an optimal topology with a predefined number of cavities’, AIAA Journal 40:739–744.
  • GP Steven, Q Li, YM Xie (2002), ‘Multicriteria optimization that minimizes maximum stress and maximizes stiffness’, Computers & Structures 80:2433–2448.
  • A Lencus, OM Querin, GP Steven, YM Xie (2002), ‘Aircraft wing design automation with ESO and GESO’, International Journal of Vehicle Design 28:356–369.

  • KA Proos, GP Steven, OM Querin, YM Xie (2001), ‘Stiffness and inertia multicriteria evolutionary structural optimization’, Engineering Computations 18:1031–1054.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, OM Querin, YM Xie (2001), ‘Stress based optimization of torsional shafts using an evolutionary procedure’, International Journal of Solids and Structures 38:5661–5677.
  • KA Proos, GP Steven, OM Querin, YM Xie (2001), ‘Multicriteria evolutionary structural optimization using the weighting and the global criterion methods’, AIAA Journal, 39:2006–2012.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, YM Xie (2001), ‘Evolutionary structural optimization for connection topology design of multi-component systems’, Engineering Computations 18:460–479.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, YM Xie (2001), ‘Thermoelastic topology optimization for problems with varying temperature fields’, Journal of Thermal Stresses 24:347–366.
  • QQ Liang, YM Xie, GP Steven (2001), ‘A performance index for topology and shape optimization of plate bending problems with displacement constraints’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 21:393–399.
  • QQ Liang, YM Xie, GP Steven (2001), ‘Generating optimal strut-and-tie models in prestressed concrete beams by performance-based optimization’, ACI Structural Journal 98:226–232.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, YM Xie (2001), ‘A simple checkerboard suppression algorithm for evolutionary structural optimization’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 22:230–239.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, YM Xie (2001), ‘Evolutionary thickness design with stiffness maximization and stress minimization criteria’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 52:979–995.
  • W Li, GP Steven, YM Xie (2001), ‘Shape design for two- and three-dimensional contact problems using an evolutionary method’, International Journal of Computational Engineering and Science 2:181–198.
  • JH Rong, YM Xie, XY Yang (2001), ‘An improved method for evolutionary structural optimization against buckling’, Computers & Structures 79:253–263.

  • Q Li, GP Steven, YM Xie (2000), ‘Evolutionary structural optimization for stress minimization problems by discrete thickness design’, Computers & Structures 78:769–780.
  • D Manickarajah, YM Xie, GP Steven (2000), ‘Optimum design of frames with multiple constraints using an evolutionary method’, Computers & Structures 74:731–741.
  • OM Querin, GP Steven, YM Xie (2000), ‘Evolutionary structural optimization using an additive algorithm’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 34:291–308.
  • H Kim, OM Querin, GP Steven, YM Xie (2000), ‘A method for controlling the number of cavities in an optimized topology using evolutionary structural optimization’, Structural Optimization 19:140–147.
  • QQ Liang, YM Xie, GP Steven (2000), ‘Optimal topology selection of continuum structures with displacement constraints’, Computers & Structures 77:635–644.
  • QQ Liang, YM Xie, GP Steven (2000), ‘Topology optimization of strut-and-tie models in reinforced concrete structures using an evolutionary procedure’, ACI Structural Journal 97:322–330.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, OM Querin, YM Xie (2000), ‘Structural topology design with multiple thermal criteria’, Engineering Computation 17:715–734.
  • JH Rong, YM Xie, XY Yang, QQ Liang (2000), ‘Topology optimization of structures under dynamic response constraints’, Journal of Sound and Vibration 234:177–189.
  • GP Steven, Q Li, YM Xie (2000), ‘Evolutionary topology and shape design for general physical field problems’, Computational Mechanics 26:129–139.
  • QQ Liang, YM Xie, GP Steven (2000), ‘Optimal topology design of bracing systems for multistorey steel frames’, Journal of Structural Engineering 126:823–829.
  • H Kim, MJ Garcia, OM Querin, GP Steven, YM Xie (2000), ‘Fixed grid finite element analysis in evolutionary structural optimisation’, Engineering Computations 17:427–439.
  • OM Querin, V Young, GP Steven, YM Xie (2000), ‘Computational efficiency and validation of bi-directional evolutionary structural optimisation’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 189:559–573.
  • GP Steven, OM Querin, YM Xie (2000), ‘Evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) for combined topology and size of discrete structures’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 188:743–754.
  • D Manickarajah, YM Xie, GP Steven (2000), ‘Optimization of columns and frames against buckling’, Computers & Structures 75:45–54.

  • QQ Liang, YM Xie, GP Steven (1999), ‘Optimal selection of topologies for the minimum-weight design of continuum structures with stress constraints’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 213:755–762.
  • XY Yang, YM Xie, GP Steven, OM Querin (1999), ‘Topology optimization for frequencies using an evolutionary method’, Journal of Structural Engineering 125:1432–1438.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, YM Xie (1999), ‘Displacement minimization of thermoelastic structures by evolutionary thickness design’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 179:361–378.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, OM Querin, YM Xie (1999), ‘Shape and topology design for heat conduction by evolutionary structural optimization’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 42:3361–3371.
  • XY Yang, WJ Yi, YM Xie (1999), ‘Eigenvalue sensitivity of cracked beam structures’, Advances in Structural Engineering 2:199–205.
  • DN Chu, YM Xie, G.P. Steven (1999), ‘An evolutionary method for optimal design of plates with discrete variable thickness subject to constant weight’, Structural Optimization 17:55–64.
  • XY Yang, YM Xie, GP Steven, OM Querin (1999), ‘Bidirectional evolutionary method for stiffness optimization’, AIAA Journal 37:1483–1488.
  • H Guan, GP Steven, YM Xie (1999), ‘Evolutionary structural optimization incorporating tension and compression materials’, Advances in Structural Engineering 2:273–288.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, OM Querin, YM Xie (1999), ‘Optimization of thin shell structures subjected to thermal loading’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 7:401–412.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, OM Querin, YM Xie (1999), ‘Evolutionary structural optimization for stress minimization’, Mechanics Research Communications 26:657–664.
  • V Young, OM Querin, GP Steven, YM Xie (1999), ‘3D and multiple load case bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO)’, Structural Optimization 18:183–192.
  • H Guan, GP Steven, OM Querin, YM Xie (1999), ‘Optimization of bridge deck positioning by the evolutionary procedure’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 7:551–559.
  • Q Li, GP Steven, YM Xie (1999), ‘On equivalence between stress criterion and stiffness criterion in evolutionary structural optimization’, Structural Optimization 18:67–73.
  • C Zhao, GP Steven, YM Xie (1999), ‘Simultaneously evolutionary optimization of several natural frequencies of a two-dimensional structure’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 7:447–456.

  • DN Chu, YM Xie, GP Steven (1998), ‘An evolutionary structural optimization method for sizing problems with discrete design variables’, Computers & Structures 68:419–431.
  • D Manickarajah, YM Xie, GP Steven (1998), ‘An evolutionary method for optimization of plate buckling resistance’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 29:205–230.
  • C Zhao, GP Steven, YM Xie (1998), ‘A generalized evolutionary method for natural frequency optimization of membrane vibration problems in finite element analysis’, Computers & Structures 66:353–364.
  • C Zhao, P Hornby, GP Steven, YM Xie (1998), ‘A generalized evolutionary method for numerical topology optimization of structures under static loading conditions’, Structural Optimization 15:251–260.
  • OM Querin, GP Steven, YM Xie (1998), ‘Evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) using a bidirectional algorithm’, Engineering Computations 15:1031–1048.

  • BG Falzon, GP Steven, YM Xie (1997), ‘Multiple cutout optimization in composite plates using evolutionary structural optimization’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 5:609–624.
  • C Zhao, GP Steven, YM Xie (1997), ‘Effect of initial nondesign domain on optimal topologies of structures during natural frequency optimization’, Computers & Structures 62:119–131.
  • C Zhao, GP Steven, YM Xie (1997), ‘Evolutionary natural frequency optimization of two-dimensional structures with nonstructural lumped masses’, Engineering Computations 14:233–251.
  • C Zhao, GP Steven, YM Xie (1997), ‘Evolutionary optimization of maximizing the difference between two natural frequencies of a vibrating structure’, Structural Optimization 13:148–154.
  • DN Chu, YM Xie, A Hira, GP Steven (1997), ‘On various aspects of evolutionary structural optimization for problems with stiffness constraints’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 24:197–212.

  • BG Falzon, GP Steven, YM Xie (1996), ‘Shape optimization of interior cutouts in composite panels’, Structural Optimization 11:43–49.
  • C Zhao, GP Steven, YM Xie (1996), ‘General evolutionary path for fundamental natural frequencies of membrane vibration problems: Towards optimum from below’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 4:513–527.
  • C Zhao, GP Steven, YM Xie (1996), ‘Evolutionary natural frequency optimization of thin plate bending vibration problems’, Structural Optimization 11:244–251.
  • DN Chu, YM Xie, A Hira, GP Steven (1996), ‘Evolutionary structural optimization for problems with stiffness constraints’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 21:239–251.
  • YM Xie (1996), ‘An assessment of time integration schemes for non-linear dynamic equations’, Journal of Sound and Vibration 192:321–331.
  • YM Xie (1996), ‘An unusual stability property of a direct integration algorithm’, Journal of Sound and Vibration 192:1015–1017.
  • YM Xie (1996), ‘Discussion on a precise time step integration method’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 210:395–396.
  • YM Xie, GP Steven (1996), ‘Evolutionary structural optimization for dynamic problems’, Computers & Structures 58:1067–1073.
  • YM Xie (1996), ‘Comments on a direct integration algorithm and the consequence of numerical stability’, Journal of Sound and Vibration 192:605–605.

  • YM Xie (1995), ‘Further comments on relationship between fundamental natural frequency and maximum static deflection for various linear vibratory systems’, Journal of Sound and Vibration 186:689–693.

  • YM Xie, G.P. Steven (1994), ‘Instability, chaos, and growth and decay of energy of time-stepping schemes for nonlinear dynamic equations’, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 10:393–401.
  • YM Xie, GP Steven (1994), ‘Improving finite element predictions of buckling loads of beams and frames’, Computers & Structures 52:381–385.
  • YM Xie, GP Steven (1994), ‘Optimal design of multiple load case structures using an evolutionary procedure’, Engineering Computations 11:295–302.
  • YM Xie, GP Steven (1994), ‘A simple approach to structural frequency optimization’, Computers & Structures 53:1487–1491.

  • YM Xie, WL Wood (1993), ‘On the accuracy of time-stepping schemes for dynamic problems with negative stiffness’, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 9:131–137.
  • YM Xie, GP Steven (1993), ‘Explicit formulas for correcting finite-element predictions of natural frequencies’, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 9:671–680.
  • YM Xie, GP Steven (1993), ‘A simple evolutionary procedure for structural optimization’, Computers & Structures 49:885–896.

  • LF Zeng, NE Wiberg, XD Li, YM Xie (1992), ‘A posteriori local error estimation and adaptive time-stepping for Newmark integration in dynamic analysis’, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 21:555–571.

  • OC Zienkiewicz, YM Xie (1991), ‘A simple error estimator and adaptive time-stepping procedure for dynamic analysis’, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 20:871–887, 1991.
  • OC Zienkiewicz, YM Xie (1991), ‘Analysis of the Lower San Fernando Dam failure under earthquake’, Dam Engineering 2:307–322.

  • X Li, OC Zienkiewicz, YM Xie (1990), ‘A numerical model for immiscible two-phase fluid flow in porous medium and its time domain solution’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 30:1195–1212.
  • OC Zienkiewicz, YM Xie, BA Schrefler, A Ledesma, N Bicanic (1990), ‘Static and dynamic behaviour of soils: a rational approach to quantitative solutions. II. Semi-saturated problems’, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, A429:311–321.

Feature projects

New technologies for delivering sustainable free-form architecture

Funding - ARC Australian Laureate Fellowship

2019 - 2024

Design optimisation and advanced manufacturing of structural connections

Funding - ARC Discovery Project

2020 - 2022

Design of novel metamaterials considering large deformation and plasticity

Funding - ARC Discovery Project

2016 - 2018

Key projects by year

  • Design optimisation and advanced manufacturing of structural connections
    Funding - ARC Discovery Project

  • Design of novel metamaterials considering large deformation and plasticity
    Funding - ARC Discovery Project

  • Design of composites for exceptional functional properties by maximising the Poisson effect
    Funding - ARC Discovery Project

  • Design of microstructures for materials and composites with desired functional properties
    Funding - ARC Discovery Project
  • Topological optimisation of load-carrying structural systems with repetitive geometrical patterns
    Funding - ARC Discovery Project


Yi Min Mike Xie posing in front of a wall and holding a framed certificate of the award. Mike is wearing a suit and smiling towards the camera. On one side of the photo there is text against a solid blue background that says 'Congratulations Distinguished Professor Yi-Min (Mike), RMIT University' with a logo of Victoria State Government underneath.

Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation, State Government of Victoria, Australia

Award date: 2020

Recipients: Mike Xie

Member of the Order of Australia (AM), Council for the Order of Australia

Award date: 2019

Recipients: Mike Xie

Clunies Ross Innovation Award, Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering

Award date: 2017

Recipients: Mike Xie

AGM Michell Medal, Institution of Engineers Australia

Award date: 2017

Recipients: Mike Xie

Key awards by year

  • Pioneers’ Award, Spatial Structures Research Centre, University of Surrey, United Kingdom

  • Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation, State Government of Victoria, Australia

  • Member of the Order of Australia (AM), Council for the Order of Australia

  • Clunies Ross Innovation Award, Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering
  • AGM Michell Medal, Institution of Engineers Australia
  • Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Research Impact, RMIT University, Australia

  • Elected Fellow, Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering

  • Teaching Quality Award, RMIT University, Australia

  • Vice-Chancellor’s Medal for Excellence in Research, Victoria University, Australia

  • The Most Inspiring Lecturer in Civil Engineering Prize, Victoria University, Australia


  • New technologies for delivering sustainable free-form architecture. Funded by: ARC Australian Laureate Fellowship, 2019–2024
  • Design optimisation and advanced manufacturing of structural connections. Funded by: ARC Discovery Project, 2020–2022
  • Design of novel metamaterials considering large deformation and plasticity. Funded by: ARC Discovery Project, 2016–2018
  • Design of composites for exceptional functional properties by maximising the Poisson effect. Funded by: ARC Discovery Project, 2014–2016
  • Design of microstructures for materials and composites with desired functional properties. Funded by: ARC Discovery Project, 2010–2012
  •  Topological optimisation of load-carrying structural systems with repetitive geometrical patterns. Funded by: ARC Discovery Project, 2010–2012
aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business.