Transdisciplinary research for sustainability and social cohesion
“Nature based solutions are harnessing the power of nature to address environmental, social and economic challenges.
RMIT is focused on bringing together a network of researchers who are using nature to drive environmental sustainability and social cohesion.”
Marta Fernández, Executive Director, RMIT Europe
Building resilience in urban areas
“Nature based solutions are one of the most logical ways of addressing the problems that we have right now with climate change and lack of social cohesion in cities.
They bring multiple benefits from many different perspectives – such as helping to regulate climate in urban areas and addressing issues related to resilience in urban areas, such as flooding events, heat island events or extreme drought.
Nature based solutions can address these issues in a very logical and cost-efficient way.”
Susana Saiz, Associate Director, Sustainability & Energy Consulting, ARUP
Environmental sustainability
“Nature based solutions work in a human environment because we are part of nature ourselves. They have been working for centuries and have proven to be sustainable.
I think we can learn a lot from nature – about how to improve our quality of life, our health and our leisure time.”
Martí Franch, Founder Manager, EMF Landscape Architects
Social cohesion
“We need to take a look at rural areas and bring these elements to cities. Bringing nature, through nature based solutions, delivers benefits to neighbourhoods, and ultimately, the whole city.”
Núria Noguer, Urban Planning Director, OUA Group
Climate change mitigation
“From the municipal point of view, nature based solutions are a gateway to addressing the impacts of climate change.
We’re talking about resilience and the effects of climate change – take examples in Madrid of heatwaves and a lack of hydric resources. Nature based solutions can help tackle these issues.”
Juan Azcárate, Deputy General Manager, Energy and Climate Change, Madrid City Council
Story: Marlen Kakkori and Patricia Lora