RMIT spin-off launches new manufacturing hub in the heart of Melbourne
The company producing an early fault detection (EFD) system that helps prevent bushfires and blackouts globally has established a new manufacturing hub in Richmond.
Water movement on surfaces makes more electric charge than expected
Researchers from RMIT University and the University of Melbourne have discovered that water generates an electrical charge up to 10 times greater than previously understood when it moves across a surface.
Time to count plastics in climate action and counter Trump effect
Scientists from RMIT University are calling for countries to include carbon emissions from plastic production and waste in their climate action plans before the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 30) in Brazil.
New guidelines help fashion brands cut waste and emissions
RMIT sustainable fashion experts have collaborated with brands to create guidelines aimed at eliminating wasteful designs and promoting durable fashion that supports reuse and recycling.
Sea sponge inspires super strong compressible material
Inspired by the humble deep-sea sponge, RMIT University engineers have developed a new material with remarkable compressive strength and stiffness that could improve architectural and product designs.
Coffee concrete wins national research award
RMIT University’s coffee concrete innovators have won an award at Universities Australia’s Shaping Australia Awards in the Problem Solver category, after tallying the most votes from the public.
Prosthetic leg donation program changes lives in Southeast Asia
A pioneering rehabilitation program has fitted more than 200 prosthetic legs and delivered 4,600 biomechanical therapy and counselling sessions in partnership with local programs across the region.
Housing policies leaving vulnerable Australians exposed to natural disasters
A coalition of urban planning experts has called for natural disaster resilience and recovery to be embedded into housing planning policies.
AI-generated journalism falls short of audiences’ expectations: report
A new industry report has found audiences and journalists are growing increasingly concerned by generative artificial intelligence (AI) in journalism.
Report reveals grim reality for Australia’s migrant meat workers
A new RMIT University report gives voice to the experiences of Pacific Island workers in Australia’s meat industry who say they feel trapped and exploited.
New study on drug checking: trend warnings and alerts
As more Australian jurisdictions begin drug checking trials at festivals and in the community, experts are exploring how the data could reach significantly more people.
New sat-nav tech boosted by Australia-India collaboration
A satellite navigation system incorporating light-based microchip technology is being scaled up for low Earth orbit applications through a new Australia-India collaboration.