Associate Professor Chrystal Zhang
Associate Professor
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|School of Engineering
City Campus
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Research supervision
- Zhang, C.,Yarde, K. (2022). Destination organisations’ collaboration in developing and sustaining air services In: Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 33, 183 - 196
- Zhang, C. (2021). China’s Air Transport Policymaking: Policy Objectives, Institutions and Airlines’ Political Activity In: Aviation Law and Policy in Asia: Smart Regulation in Liberalized Markets, Brill, Leiden, the Netherlands
- Arblaster, M.,Zhang, C. (2021). Independent or self-regulation: An assessment of economic oversight of air traffic management in Australia and New Zealand In: Utilities Policy, 68, 1 - 9
- Lin, Y.,Zhang, C. (2021). Investigating air travellers’ travel motivation during a pandemic crisis In: Journal of Air Transport Management, 97, 1 - 13
- Arblaster, M.,Zhang, C. (2020). Liberalisation of airport air traffic control: A case study of Spain In: Transport Policy, 91, 38 - 47
- Zhang, C.,Yarde, K. (2020). China's Trade Policy on International Air Transport: Policy Goals, Driving Forces and Impact, Routledge, United Kingdom
- Aherne, B.,Zhang, C.,Chen, W.,Newman, D. (2019). Systems safety risk analysis of fatal night helicopter emergency medical service accidents In: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 90, 396 - 404
- Aherne, B.,Zhang, C.,Chen, W.,Newman, D. (2018). Pilot Decision Making in Weather-Related Night Fatal Helicopter Emergency Medical Service Accidents In: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 89, 830 - 836
- Zhang, C.,Yarde, K.,Lin, Y. (2018). Floodgate effect of liberalizing international air transport market: the case of China and Australia market In: Proceedings of the 22nd ATRS World conference (ATRS 2018), Seoul, South Korea, 2-5 July 2018
- Lin, Y.,Ryan, C.,Zhang, C.,Lai, Y.,Low, L. (2018). The factors affecting passengers' choices for low cost carriers In: Proceedings of the 22nd ATRS World conference (ATRS 2018), Seoul, South Korea, 2-5 July 2018
1 PhD Completions3 PhD Current Supervisions
- Airspace Risk Modelling - Research Program (ARM-RP). Funded by: Civil Aviation Safety Authority - Competitive from (2020 to 2020)