Centre for Urban Research

Centre for Urban Research


Connecting people and ideas for sustainable urban and regional futures.

In a time of rapid population growth, a changing climate, and volatile global economic conditions, the need to improve how our cities work has never been more urgent. 

Most people on the planet already live and work in cities and by 2050, 70 percent of the world's population will be urban dwellers. Cities are vital for our social wellbeing, economic vitality and for addressing urgent issues of climate change and ecological degradation.  

We need better insights into these intersecting challenges across housing and land, resource and energy use, infrastructure and mobility, environmental justice and action on climate.  

The Centre for Urban Research is a dynamic hub for interdisciplinary research on these critical issues. Through our research, we aim to contribute new knowledge and understanding that is grounded in real-world problems, critical in orientation and collaborative in our approach to making and sharing knowledge.  

Our researchers are leading experts in the fields of geography, urban planning, public policy, economics, environmental science, ecology, spatial analysis, history and political science.

Centre for Urban Research is located at RMIT University's city campus and has strong partnerships with researchers, centres, practitioners and change-makers across Australia and internationally.

Centre for Urban Research Themes

Geographies of Home, Land and Place

Regenerative Environments and Climate Action

Planning and Transport for Healthy Cities

Feature projects

Our projects are strongly committed to interdisciplinary research, with staff expertise in urban planning, geography, economics, environmental sciences, public health, transport, history, sociology, and more.

Latest Centre for Urban Research projects


Message from Centre for Urban Research director

Libby Porter, Director, Centre for Urban Research

“Through our research, the Centre is directly responding to the globally important need to shape cities that are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. Join us in shaping the future of urban and regional environments to drive positive changes for our communities.”

Meet Centre for Urban Research researchers and members


Meet the Centre for Urban Research team

Our members are expert researchers in their fields.

What’s going on at Centre for Urban Research

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Get in touch

Key contact: Libby Porter, Director, Centre for Urban Research

Address: School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, Melbourne City Campus, Building 8, Level 11

Email: cur@rmit.edu.au

Stay connected

Stay connected with our work by joining our mailing list and following us on LinkedIn. We are open to new partnerships from industry, not-for-profits, governments and community. Please get in touch with us at cur@rmit.edu.au.

Connect with RMIT Research

If you're not sure how you can best work with us, our team can explain what's possible and put you in touch with the right person. 

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.