New RMIT Report Exposes Exploitation of PALM Scheme Workers in Australia's Meat Industry
A new report from the RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre (BHRIGHT) reveals the severe exploitation faced by migrant workers under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme in the Australian meat industry.
New report: Where’s the beef? An evaluation of meat company modern slavery statements over two years.
The 'Where's the Beef' report assesses the responses of Australia's meat sector to Australia's Modern Slavery Act.
New BHRIGHT research theme to investigate the changing face of employment
RMIT’s Business and Human Rights Centre (BHRIGHT) is proud to launch a new research theme that will investigate how workers’ lives and human rights are being impacted by changing business practices, globalisation, advancing technologies and climate change.
BHRIGHT Blog Competition: Legal Waivers And The Limits Of Non-Judicial Grievance Mechanisms In Business And Human Rights
Presenting the blog by Justin Jos that won second place in our annual Business and Human Rights Blog Competition.
Two reports on Australian university progress towards combatting modern slavery and labour abuses
The RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre, led by Associate Professor Shelley Marshall, published two reports that assess Australian university efforts to combat modern slavery and labour abuses.
BHRIGHT Blog Competition: World Cup Victories for Qatar’s Migrant Workers and International Law
BHRIGHT conducts an annual Business and Human Rights Blog Competition – open to all university students around Australia.
Event: 2022 Asia and Oceania Business and Human Rights Doctoral Symposium
Hosted by the RMIT Centre for Business and Human Rights and the Macquarie Law School, this virtual Symposium will nurture the next generation of business and human rights scholars.
Interview in New Mandala on garment workers in Myanmar with BHRIGHT’s Sara Tödt
Myanmar has been on the centre stage of world politics with the recent coup seeing the military reclaim power on 1 February.
Event: Climate Change & Business Policy Panel. How should Australia respond? 12 October 2021
This event brings together three experts in the field to develop policy recommendations capable of addressing this unsustainable situation. Recommendations arising from the panel will be sent to PM Scott Morrison prior to the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference.
Event: International forum: Global Business Ethics and Covid-19 Vaccines. 5 October 2021
The forum Addresses the global inequity of trials, intellectual property and distribution.
Event: Making Native Title consent laws matter: a conversation with politicians about reform agendas. 28 Sept 2021
In this important event, politicians from the main Australian political parties will outline their policies and reform programs for how Traditional Owners give consent for use of their lands and waters.
Event: Launch of ‘First Peoples and Land Justice Issues in Australia’. 17 March 2021
We invite you to join Professor Julie Cogin, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, College of Business, RMIT University and the RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre for the launch of the report, "First Peoples and Land Justice Issues in Australia" on 17th March 2021 at 10.30am.
Event: 2021 Asia & Oceania Business & Human Rights Doctoral Symposium. February 3,4,9, 2021
Informing the business and human agenda of the next decade: 3, 4, 9th February 2021, 2 - 6pm AEST, Online
Human rights concerns with cross-border commercial surrogacy during the COVID-19 pandemic points to the need for urgent legal intervention
Imagine wanting to have a baby, but not being able to conceive naturally. Imagine spending significant personal savings—and time—coordinating with lawyers and ‘baby brokers’ in order to have your own baby born through surrogacy.
You better hope your work cleaner is one of the few who has time to do a thorough job
As many of us gingerly return to our workplaces, we are relying on cleaners to keep us safe.
The global recession will increase the risk of modern slavery. Banks can reduce this risk.
As the global recession caused by COVID-19 deepens, the risk that banks are funding activities associated with modern slavery and land grabbing increases. Australia’s big banks are shielding homeowners from COVID’s economic impact. But they need to do more to protect the vulnerable outside Australia as well, where they have big business.
Opportunity from adversity: COVID-19 lock down measures facilitate business leadership in the creation of Australia’s low-carbon economy
As the world focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 United Nations conference to progress international efforts to mitigate climate change under the Paris Agreement has been deferred until 2021.
Women workers in fashion supply chains are bearing the brunt of the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. What can you do?
An estimated 1 million garment workers have already lost their wages in Bangladesh since the outbreak of the pandemic. The cost of the Covid-19 on apparel workers is likely to be greater than the world has ever witnessed.
Should you download the COVID-19 Tracing App?
The Australian Government has announced its intention to roll out an app which alerts you to possible contact with anyone who has (a) installed the same app and (b) been diagnosed COVID-19.