Foundation Studies enrolment guide

Use this step-by-step guide to enrol in your Foundation Studies program.

Enrolment Online system unavailable 1 February 2025

Enrolment Online will be unavailable from 1:30pm AEDT on Saturday 1 February until 12:40am AEDT on Sunday 2 February due to scheduled system maintenance. Please complete any enrolment activities outside the outage period.

Before you start, you will need:

You’ll use your Student ID, RMIT email address and temporary password to access Enrolment Online (RMIT’s enrolment system) and other RMIT systems. 

Student ID

Your student ID is the letter 's' followed by your student number (excluding any extra letters) e.g., s1234567. Your student number is in your RMIT offer email.

RMIT email address

Your RMIT email address is your Student ID and ‘’ e.g., 


Your temporary password is the letter 'p' followed by your date of birth backwards (YYYYMMDD) with an exclamation mark '!' e.g., p20020418! 

After your first login, update your password to something more secure by following the instructions on the RMIT ID and password page.

If you have studied at RMIT before: Your password is the last password you had while studying at RMIT. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it.

Home address

This must be a residential address from your home country.

Mailing address

This must be an Australian address to receive your student card and other mail (you don't need to be living at this address).

Australian residential address

A correct Australian residential address is needed for your student visa. If you are enrolling before you arrive in Australia and don't have an Australian address yet, use RMIT's address: 124 La Trobe Street, Melbourne VIC 3000.

If you use RMIT's address, update it within 7 days of your arrival in Australia.

You must also update it within 7 days of any change. This is a student visa requirement.

To enrol in Enrolment Online, you need to use a desktop or laptop computer and enable pop-ups in your browser settings. 

Deadline to enrol

To know the last day to enrol and when your classes begin, go to the Foundation Studies important dates page

Let's get started

To enrol in your program and add classes, you will need to:

1.     Start your enrolment

2.     Accept the Student Declaration

3.     Fill out your details

4.     Select and add your classes

1. Start your enrolment

a. Log in to Enrolment Online using your RMIT email address and temporary password

To log in to Enrolment Online you need:

  1. Your RMIT email address
  2. Your temporary password
  3. A mobile phone to register for multi-factor authentication (MFA). You will be automatically prompted to download the Microsoft Authenticator app once you have entered your email address and password.

If you register for MFA with a mobile phone number outside Australia, remember to update it when you arrive.

For help updating your phone number contact IT Service Connect.

b. Click the 'Enrol' button under 'Action'

You must have a Full Acceptance in Foundation Studies to see this.

If you can't see this, please contact Student Connect for help.

Screenshot for FS enrolment guide

2. Accept the Student Declaration

Read the Student Declaration which outlines your responsibilities at RMIT University and click on the checkbox to agree and continue.

3. Fill out your details

You will be asked to enter information including:

  • personal details such as your email address, contact phone number, and emergency contact information
  • details for RMIT statistical purposes.

You do not need to add a USI (Unique Student Identifier). When you get to the USI page, click on the 'Continue' button.

4. Select and add your classes

a. Select your semester


b. Click on 'Show classes'
c. Select the classes for the Semester you are enrolling into

You will study four core courses in your first semester. Select the four courses that appear.

Once you have selected the classes you want to enrol into, or if your classes are already selected, click the Add selected classes button to continue.

Congratulations! You’re now officially an RMIT student!

Four students talking on the RMIT City campus

Resources for new students

Now that you're enrolled, it's time to prepare for your studies and life at RMIT.  Access the information, systems, and resources you will need to be ready for your first semester.

Need help?

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.