Apprentice and trainee enrolment guide

To enrol and secure your place as an apprentice or trainee, complete all steps in this enrolment guide.

Enrolment Online system unavailable 1 February 2025

Enrolment Online will be unavailable from 1:30pm AEDT on Saturday 1 February until 12:40am AEDT on Sunday 2 February due to scheduled system maintenance. Please complete any enrolment activities outside the outage period.

It can take some time to complete all enrolment steps. We recommend you start your enrolment as soon as possible.

To enrol, please use a desktop or laptop computer, and enable pop-ups in your browser settings.

How to enrol – Part 1

You need to complete the following steps before you can enrol. 

Step 1. Complete a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment

All students commencing a vocational education program must complete the LLN, an online English and maths assessment.

You must complete the LLN before you can enrol.

Already completed the LLN?

If you’ve already completed the RMIT LLN assessment, you don’t need to complete it again. You can continue to Step 2. Collect your documents and information.

Complete the LLN

It will take about 45 minutes to complete each assessment.

Log in to complete the LLN

Access the reference guide for the LLN (PDF, 653KB)

  • Your username is the letter 's' followed by your student number (excluding any additional letters), eg: s1234567. 
  • Your password is the letter ‘p’ followed by your date of birth backwards and an exclamation mark (example: p19920428!)

It will take up to 48 hours for your results to be registered with RMIT. You'll be contacted via email or receive a phone call if we need to clarify any information.

Step 2. Collect your documents and information

You must have the following documents and information to successfully enrol.


a. Passport, birth certificate or documents to verify your citizenship

You will need your current Australian/New Zealand passport (preferred), Australian citizenship certificate, birth certificate or other approved documentation to verify your citizenship. You'll need the same documents to prove your eligibility for a government subsidised place (see How to enrol Part 2, Step 3)

IMPORTANT: If you used a different name to apply to RMIT, i.e. not your full legal name as it appears on your document, you’ll have the chance to update it when you log in to Enrolment Online.  

If your names don't match, you won't be able to enrol. 

Find out how to update your legal name and preferred name options.


b. Student ID, RMIT email address and temporary password 

You’ll use your student ID, RMIT email address and temporary password to access Enrolment Online (RMIT’s enrolment system) and other RMIT systems. 


  • Student ID

Your Student ID (also referred to as your RMIT ID) is the letter 's' followed by your student number (excluding any additional letters).  

Example: s1234567 

Your student number is in your offer email from RMIT. 

  • RMIT email address

Your RMIT email address is the letter 's' followed by your student number (excluding any additional letters) and ‘’. 


Your student number is in your offer email from RMIT.

You may need to access your email to complete the enrolment process. Find out how to access and use your RMIT email

  • Password

New students: Your temporary password is the letter 'p' followed by your date of birth backwards, with an exclamation mark '!' at the end.

Example: If your date of birth is 8 April 1998, then your password is p19980408! 

Returning students: Your password is the last password you set while studying at RMIT. We recommend resetting your password if you don't remember it. 

Find out more about your login details, password and accessing RMIT systems.


c. Register for multi-factor authentication (MFA) 

MFA requires a user to provide two factors of verification:

  1. an email address and password, and
  2. a request (yes or no response) or a passcode sent to your mobile phone. MFA adds an extra layer of protection to keep your data and RMIT networks more secure. 

d. Centrelink Concession Card (if eligible)

If you’re enrolling in a Certificate I–IV program, you can use your current Commonwealth Health Care Card, Pensioner Card or Veteran’s Gold Card to apply for a VE fee concession.


e. Transcripts from previous study (if applying for credit)

You'll need your transcripts if you want to apply for credit.


Give yourself plenty of time to get the documents you need - if you’re applying for a passport or concession card, it can take some weeks to arrive.

Step 3. Create your Unique Student Identifier (USI)

The USI is a reference number that will give you access to an online record of all of your recognised training and qualifications.

It’s a government requirement that you have a USI to enrol in a vocational education program.


a. Get your ID ready

You’ll need ID such as a current passport, full birth certificate or driver’s license. You must use the same ID when you verify your citizenship and identity.


b. How to get a USI 

You must use your full legal name to create a USI. Make a note of your USI because you’ll need to provide it when you enrol. 

Note: your name must match the order and placement of your full legal name recorded at RMIT. If there’s a discrepancy between your recorded name in the USI Registry and our systems, you won’t be able to verify your USI and enrol. 

How to enrol – Part 2

Follow these steps in Enrolment Online before attending your enrolment session (if you have one scheduled). 

Some steps may require a response from RMIT, but you can 'Save for later' and finish enrolling when ready to continue. 

Step 1. Log in to Enrolment Online (EOL)


a. Log in to the Enrolment Online system

Log in to Enrolment Online using your RMIT email address, temporary password and MFA (see Part 1, Step 2, b. and c. above). 

Screenshot of the Microsoft login screen

b. Select Enrol next to your program

How to enrol in current program for Higher Education

Step 2. Complete a pre-training review

Your pre-training review allows RMIT to determine whether: 

  • the program is the most suitable qualification for you.
  • you’ll need any support during your studies. If applicable, you’ll receive an email providing links to support resources.

These questions are straightforward - they relate to your previous education, career goals, access to technology and any special needs that you may have.

You may need to wait until a staff member has reviewed this information before being able to enrol in classes. In some cases, an RMIT staff member may call you to discuss your reasons for undertaking the program to ensure this is the most suitable and appropriate program for you.

Typically, documents are assessed within 48 hours from when they are submitted. Please allow sufficient time when submitting your documents.

Step 3. Complete the evidence of student eligibility declaration

If you've been offered a government subsidised place in your program (as stated in your offer email), you must complete the evidence of student eligibility declaration. 


a. Answer questions and provide documents

You'll be asked to:


b. Wait to hear from RMIT

Wait while RMIT assesses your eligibility. We may call you to ask you some questions. Typically, documents are assessed within 48 hours from when they are submitted.

You'll get an email as soon as your documents have been assessed.


c. Accept your assessment outcome

Log back in to Enrolment Online to accept your assessment outcome.

If assessed as eligible, you're now in a government subsidised place (GSP) which has a discounted fee rate.

Step 4. Find out about your fees


a. Estimate your fee amount

Use the RMIT fee finder to get an estimate of your fees.


b. Find out about employer sponsorship

After speaking with your employer, you may want to apply for a sponsorship. This means that your employer will pay the remainder of your fees. See Step 4a. for more information.


c. Find out if you're eligible for an Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan

The Australian Government provides Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans to eligible apprentices to assist with everyday costs while you complete your apprenticeship.

Find out if you're eligible for an Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan.


d. Find out if you’re eligible for a fee concession

This can mean an 80% discount on your tuition fees!

Check your eligibility

Step 4a. Apply for employer sponsorship of your fees

Fees for government subsidised places are subsidised by the Victorian Government, with the remainder payable by you or your employer.

After speaking with your employer you may wish to apply for a sponsorship, which means they will pay the remainder of your fees. Refer to the terms and conditions below.

You're ineligible for sponsorship if you have any outstanding fees.


When to apply

You must apply when you first enrol, or immediately after enrolment.

You must then re-apply each year during the enrolment period.


How to apply

  1. Register your intent to apply for a sponsorship through Enrolment Online. After you register in Enrolment Online you will be presented with a link to the hard copy Apprentice/trainee sponsorship application
  2. Print the application. You and your employer must both complete and sign the application. 
  3. Submit the application by email or post by the deadline specified in Enrolment Online:
  • by email to:, or
  • by post to: 

Student Sponsors
Financial Services Group
RMIT University
GPO Box 2476
VIC 3001

You and your employer must each retain a copy of your completed signed application.

If you don't complete and submit your application by the deadline specified in Enrolment Online, you will be responsible for all fees and charges.


After you apply

Applications that are fully and accurately completed are normally processed within 5 working days.

If RMIT approves your application, we will send your employer a tax invoice outlining fees and charges to be paid via their nominated mailing or email address.

All fees and charges must be paid by the due date stated on the invoice. Any delay in payment of these charges may result in a late payment fee being charged and the student’s enrolment may be cancelled.

RMIT will contact you and your employer if your application is not approved.


Terms and conditions for sponsored students


To become and remain a sponsored student you must be an apprentice or trainee and provide a signed Apprentice/trainee sponsorship application each calendar year.

If you do not submit a completed Apprentice/trainee sponsorship application by the due date of the first tax invoice you will, as an enrolled student, be liable for fees incurred.

In the event that your sponsor’s application is not accepted, you will remain enrolled and will continue to be personally responsible for any fees and charges.



An agreed sponsor will be liable for the debt incurred for the new sponsorship period indicated on the Apprentice/trainee sponsorship application. A new signed Apprentice/trainee sponsorship application must be completed each calendar year.

All fees and charges must be paid by the sponsor by the original due date stated on the tax invoice. Any delay in payment of these charges may result in the imposition of a late payment fee.

Having signed the Apprentice/trainee sponsorship application, a company shall remain liable for fees invoiced by RMIT for that enrolment, even if:

  • the student’s employment with the sponsor is terminated
  • the student cancels their enrolment with RMIT
  • the student fails to satisfy the assessment criteria of the RMIT program.
  • See Fees, including materials and the student services and amenities fee.



On receipt of a completed Apprentice/trainee sponsorship application, RMIT maintains the right to perform any appropriate data validation and credit worthiness checks prior to accepting the application of sponsorship.

RMIT reserves the right to make a decision on the application of any company wishing to become a sponsor based on information provided via the above processes.

Where a sponsorship application is not accepted, the student will remain enrolled and be advised that they continue to be personally responsible for any charges.


Apprenticeship/Traineeship enrolment administrator

Advice will be provided to apprentices and trainees and employers regarding the terms and conditions for sponsored students.

Step 5. Attend your enrolment session (if scheduled)

If your RMIT school schedules an enrolment information session, they'll send you an email with the details.

If you don't have a session scheduled, go to How to enrol - Part 3 and complete the steps to add classes and enrol. 


What to bring to your session:

  • The documents and information listed in How to enrol Part 1 - Step 2. Collect your documents and information
  • Your USI.

At the session, your school will give you details about your program and the classes to enrol into. You're then ready to complete your enrolment in Enrolment Online.

How to enrol – Part 3

You’re nearly there! Follow the steps below to complete your enrolment and become an official RMIT student.

Step 1. Complete My Checklist

In Enrolment Online, you'll now be prompted to complete My Checklist.


a. Select Enrol to start My Checklist


b. Accept RMIT’s terms and conditions


c. Fill in your personal details 


d. Provide statistical information


Not finished the checklist? Click Save for later and come back to it when you're ready.

Step 2. Apply for a fee concession (if eligible)


You're eligible for a fee concession if:

  • you're enrolling for a certificate I - IV program and
  • you hold a current Centrelink concession card or are waiting for a Centrelink concession card.

Find out more about the fee concession

Not eligible? Go to Step 3. Agree to your Training Plan


I'm eligible, but don’t yet have my Centrelink concession card

If you don’t yet have your concession card, you can skip this step (go to Step 4. Add classes) and complete it later by selecting ‘Apply for fee concession’ from the My student record page in Enrolment Online. You must apply before your class start date to access the concession fee rate.


I'm eligible and the named Centrelink concession card holder

Enter your Customer Reference Number (CRN) or Veterans’ Affairs Reference Number (VRN). 

You’ll be notified immediately of your eligibility for a fee concession and can then proceed to Step 4. Add classes.


I'm eligible and listed as a child or dependent on the Centrelink concession card

Complete an Application for vocational education fee concession and exemption form. You can collect a hard copy application form from Student Connect or the RMIT School that runs your program.

Submit your completed form to Student Connect or your RMIT School along with: 

  • the original concession card, and
  • any other documentation required to support your application (e.g. Job Seeker referral form for Job Seekers).

Step 3. Agree to your Training Plan


a. Select Continue next to the semester you’re enrolling into.


b. Select your Training Plan.


c. Select Generate training plan to review, print or save a copy.

Vocational Education training plan.


d. Agree to the acknowledgement statement

Once you’ve agreed to the acknowledgement statement, you can continue to enrol.

If you need to refer back to the Training Plan message, or check that you’ve agreed to it for all programs, go to My Student Record and select View vocational education training plan.

Step 4. Add classes

a. Select Continue next to the semester you’re enrolling into.

Vocational Education enrolment process.


b. Select Show classes.

Show classes - Vocational Education

Your classes will be pre-selected for you.

Select classes - Apprentices and Trainees.


c. Select Add selected classes. Your class enrolments will now be displayed.

Add classes - Vocational Education


d. Select Exit EOL and check the pop-up summary of your enrolment to ensure all details are correct.


Prove your enrolment

If you need proof of your enrolment, e.g. for Centrelink, your official Statement of Enrolment (SoE) will be available in Enrolment Online the day after you enrol.

Congratulations! You’re now officially an RMIT student!

Now you're enrolled, it's time to get set for study and life at RMIT!  Access the info, systems and resources you need to be ready for your first semester.

Need help?

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.