Public Relations major
Prepare for the fast-evolving landscape of corporate, government, non-profit and consulting sectors. Public relations is for enquiring minds – develop expertise in strengthening relationships, boosting reputation and adeptly conveying organisational messages to diverse audiences.
Advertising major
Acquire industry-relevant creative and strategic skills while gaining an understanding of advertising in the broader context of communication and marketing practice. Learn about advertising’s pivotal role in driving brand awareness, influencing consumer perceptions and achieving business objectives.
Media minor
Blend practical skills with creativity so you can build the knowledge needed to work across film, television, radio, social and digital media. You will produce innovative and compelling content across a wide range of existing and emerging media platforms.
Journalism minor
Build the practical journalism skills required for a contemporary or allied journalism career. Using RMIT’s world-class facilities, you'll address practical and theoretical aspects of journalism, including reporting and writing, ethics, law, podcasting and photography.
Law and Emerging Technology minor
Develop specialist knowledge and skills related to the laws and policies that govern the digital media environment including in intellectual property, artificial intelligence and blockchain.