Infrastructure and Information Technology Committee

Role and responsibilities of the Infrastructure and Information Technology Committee


Composition Appointment Status
A  Chair (member of Council) Appointed by Council
B  Chancellor Ex Officio
C  Chair ARMC Ex Officio
D  Up to 3 members of Council Appointed by Council
E  External Expert* Appointed by Council

*The appointment of external experts will be considered and recommended to Council by NRPC. The appointment will be for a three-year term (unless specified otherwise). External experts are eligible for reappointment; however, terms cannot exceed 12 years in total (whether consecutive or not).

In the absence of the Chair, the Committee will elect a chair from the Category B, C or D members.

In attendance


Appointment Status

Chief Operating Officer

In attendance

Chief Financial Officer

In attendance

University Secretary

In attendance

Executive Director, Property Services

In attendance

Chief Information Officer

In attendance

Director Portfolio Governance Performance

In attendance


The Committee is responsible to Council for the oversight and provision of advice  matters relating to the planning and development of the University’s major property, physical and digital infrastructure.

Unless indicated otherwise, ‘University’ refers to the RMIT Group (RMIT University and its Controlled Entities). 


Pursuant to Section 18 of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Act 2010, a committee of Council will be known as the Infrastructure and Information Technology Committee (“the Committee”).  Council authorises the Committee to:

  • approve major capital infrastructure and information technology projects and investments involving any expenditure up to $20million other than those that fall within the delegated limits of the VC and the Executive
  • approve project expenditure variations up to 5% of the initial project budget approved by IITC or Council and changes in scope for Council or IITC approved projects, including any benefit reductions
  • establish internal working groups as required to assist in exercising the responsibilities set out in the Terms of Reference
  • obtain outside legal and/or other independent professional advice and to secure the attendance of external parties with relevant experience and expertise if it considers this necessary.
  • obtain all information it requires and request reports from management which it considers necessary for the performance of its duties.


    1. Monitor, review and where appropriate, make recommendations to Council on:

    a. major capital infrastructure and information technology projects/investments of significant complexity or risk, or of strategic significance to the organisation and make recommendations to Council about future directions (it is the responsibility of Management to bring to the attention of the Committee any project variance of significance)

    b. significant projects already in progress to ensure they evidence value for money, efficiency, meet key milestones and performance indicators, align with the University’s strategy, are designed to improve the student and staff experience, and produce measurable benefits for the organisation (Vice-Chancellor to identify significant projects for Committee oversight)

    c. the University’s operating and capital expenditure on infrastructure and information technology assets and projects

    d. an environmental scan of factors external to RMIT that may impact on the University’s infrastructure and how it can be used by the University to maximise its impact

    e. the University’s asset management, covering the physical assets of the University, their condition, maintenance and lifecycle planning

    f. the identification and analysis of risks to the University's infrastructure and information technology assets and the development of appropriate mitigation strategies to support resilience and operational effectiveness

    2. Endorse, and where appropriate, monitor progress on:

    g. the Masterplan

    h. proposals for the acquisition or disposal of land or property, or entering into leases exceeding the Vice-Chancellors delegated authority.

    i. the ITS Strategy and the Property Plan, including long-term and short-term priorities, in accordance with the University Strategic Plan

    3. Approve major capital infrastructure and information technology projects and investments involving any expenditure up to $20million other than those that fall within the delegated limits of the VC and the Executive

    4. Notwithstanding clause 3 of these Terms of Reference, approve:

    a. project expenditure variations up to 5% of the initial project budget approved by IITC or Council 

    b. changes in scope for Council or IITC approved projects, including any benefit reductions

    5. Consider any appropriate matters referred to it by Council or the Vice Chancellor, and refer issues to Council that require decisions by Council as they arise

Regulatory Compliance

The Committee plays an important and active role in oversight of many elements of educational regulatory compliance, including but not limited to:

Oversight of elements of the Higher Education Standards Framework

  • 6.2.1 (c and d) – Monitoring financial viability and sustainability (specifically relating to capital expenditure and investment)
  • 6.2.1 (e) – Oversight of Risk Management (specifically relating to Risk Domains that fall within the remit of the Committee).

Committee Administration

There shall be an agenda and minutes for all meetings and the Secretary (who shall not be a Committee member) shall record the proceedings of the meeting and distribute Chair approved minutes within 10 days of the meeting.

The Committee shall review its own performance on an annual basis and refer findings and actions arising from the review process to Council.

The Terms of Reference for the Committee shall be reviewed on an annual basis and any amendments recommended to Council for approval.


To Council after each meeting. The Committee will immediately escalate to Council any significant or material matters of concern.


Quorum is a majority of current members. The Chair holds an additional ‘casting’ vote if there is a tie in the vote.

Frequency of meetings

Four times a year or more as required. Members will receive regular reporting between meetings where that facilitates the Committee’s functions.

List of sub-committees



University Secretariat


Name: Ms Nicole Knight

Role: Associate Director University Governance


Phone: 03 9225 2008

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business.