[1] L. Wu, X. Ding, Z. Zheng, Y. Ma, A. Atrens, X. Chen, Z. Xie, D. Sun, F. Pan, Fabrication and characterization of an actively protective Mg-Al LDHs/Al2O3 composite coating on magnesium alloy AZ31, Appl. Surf. Sci. 487 (2019) 558–568. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.05.115.
[2] M.-S. Song, R.-C. Zeng, Y.-F. Ding, R.W. Li, M. Easton, I. Cole, N. Birbilis, X.-B. Chen, Recent advances in biodegradation controls over Mg alloys for bone fracture management: A review, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 35 (2019) 535–544. doi:10.1016/J.JMST.2018.10.008.
[3] A. Truskewycz, M. Taha, D. Jampaiah, R. Shukla, A.S. Ball, I. Cole, Interfacial separation of concentrated dye mixtures from solution with environmentally compatible nitrogenous-silane nanoparticles modified with Helianthus annuus husk extract, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 560 (2020) 825–837. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2019.10.108.
[4] Z. Gao, M. Song, R.L. Liu, Y. Shen, L. Ward, I. Cole, X.B. Chen, X. Liu, Improving in vitro and in vivo antibacterial functionality of Mg alloys through micro-alloying with Sr and Ga, Mater. Sci. Eng. C. 104 (2019) 109926. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2019.109926.
[5] C. Ke, M.-S. Song, R.-C. Zeng, Y. Qiu, Y. Zhang, R.-F. Zhang, R.-L. Liu, I. Cole, N. Birbilis, X.-B. Chen, Interfacial study of the formation mechanism of corrosion resistant strontium phosphate coatings upon Mg-3Al-4.3Ca-0.1Mn, Corros. Sci. (2019).
[6] A. Truskewycz, S.A. Beker, A.S. Ball, B. Murdoch, I. Cole, Incorporation of quantum carbon dots into a PVP/ZnO hydrogel for use as an effective hexavalent chromium sensing platform, Anal. Chim. Acta. 1099 (2020) 126–135. doi:10.1016/j.aca.2019.11.053.
[7] A. Truskewycz, S. Beker, A.S. Ball, I. Cole, Photoluminescence measurements of carbon quantum dots within three-dimensional hydrogel matrices using a high throughput 96 well plate method, MethodsX. 6 (2019) 437–441. doi:10.1016/j.mex.2019.02.014.
[8] B. Qian, L. Váradi, A. Trinchi, S. Reichman, L. Bao, M. Lan, G. Wei, I. Cole, The Design and Synthesis of Fluorescent Coumarin Derivatives and Their Study for Cu2+ Sensing with an Application for Aqueous Soil Extracts, Molecules. 24 (2019). doi:10.3390/molecules24193569.
[9] N. Palaniappan, I.S. Cole, F. Caballero-Briones, S. Manickam, C. Lal, J. Sathiskumar, Neodymium-decorated graphene oxide as a corrosion barrier layer on Ti6Al4V alloy in acidic medium, RSC Adv. 9 (2019) 8537–8545. doi:10.1039/c9ra00106a.
[10] X. Wang, R. Li, Z. Li, R. Xiao, X. Chen, T. Zhang, Design and preparation of nanoporous Ag–Cu alloys by dealloying Mg–(Ag,Cu)–Y metallic glasses for antibacterial applications, J. Mater. Chem. B. 7 (2019) 4169–4176. doi:10.1039/c9tb00148d.
[11] S. Papula, M. Song, A. Pateras, X.B. Chen, M. Brandt, M. Easton, Y. Yagodzinskyy, I. Virkkunen, H. Hänninen, Selective laser melting of duplex stainless Steel 2205: Effect of post-processing heat treatment on microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance, Materials (Basel). 12 (2019) 1–15. doi:10.3390/ma12152468.
[12] N. Palaniappan, J. Alphonsa, I.S. Cole, K. Balasubramanian, I.G. Bosco, Rapid investigation expiry drug green corrosion inhibitor on mild steel in NaCl medium, Mater. Sci. Eng. B Solid-State Mater. Adv. Technol. 249 (2019) 114423. doi:10.1016/j.mseb.2019.114423.
[13] S. Jeschke, I.S. Cole, 3D-QSAR for binding constants of β-cyclodextrin host-guest complexes by utilising spectrophores as molecular descriptors, Chemosphere. 225 (2019) 135–138. doi:10.1016/J.CHEMOSPHERE.2019.03.020.
[14] M.S. Song, R.C. Zeng, Y.F. Ding, R.W. Li, M. Easton, I. Cole, N. Birbilis, X.B. Chen, Recent advances in biodegradation controls over Mg alloys for bone fracture management: A review, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 35 (2019) 535–544. doi:10.1016/j.jmst.2018.10.008.
[1] J. Zhao, R. Lippi, D. Kennedy, R. Caruso, I. Cole, Novel photocatalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to chemical fuels, in: 3rd Act. Integr. Matter Conf. 2019, 14-16 May, Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
[2] J. Ye, Bab-Hadiashar, N. Alam, I. Cole, In-situ monitoring for laser metal deposition (LMD) system, in: MISE 2020, 10-12 February, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2020.
[3] G. Zeng, S. Zahiri, S. Gulizia, Y. Chen, X. Chen, I. Cole, Cold Spray additive manufacturing of biocompatible structures, in: 10th Pacific Rim Int. Conf. Adv. Mater. Process., 18-22 August 2019, Xi’an Qujiang International Conference Center, Xi’an, China, 2019.
[4] M.F. Morks, C. X, S. Zahiri, S. Gulizia, I. Cole, Influence of silica sealer on the corrosion properties of cold spray Ti-6Al-4V, in: Mater. Innov. Surf. Eng. 2020, 10-12 February, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2020.
[5] M. Patel, I. Cole, Enhancing aircraft corrosion risk management via microclimate simulation, in: Aircr. Airworth. Sustain. 2018, 3-6 July, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia, 2018.
[6] O. Bafkar, G. Rosengarten, D. Lester, V. Nguyen, S. Gulizia, I. Cole, Study on airflow phenomena and its effect on the respiratory system, in: RMIT Sleep Brain Heal. Symp., 23 October, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 2018.
[7] S. Jeschke, C. Samarawickrama, L. Ward, I. Cole, P. Eiden, P. Deglmann, P. Keil, Effect of inhibitor structure on its efficiency on automotive aluminium alloys, in: EUROCORR 2019, 9 - 13 September, Barceló Sevilla Renacimiento, Seville, Spain, 2019: p. presentation 221981.
[8] G. Zeng, S. Zahiri, S. Gulizia, Y. Chen, X. Chen, I. Cole, Biocompatible Ti-Ta structures through cold spray, in: 6th Conf. Comb. Aust. Mater. Soc. (CAMS 2018), 2018.
[9] O. Bafkar, J. Cajas, H. Calmet, G. Houzeaux, G. Rosengarten, D. Lester, V. Nguyen, S. Gulizia, I. Cole, Sleeping position and its effect on OSA, in: Sleep DownUnder 2019, 16-19 October, Sydney, Australia, 2019: p. Presentation 1567-5684A3.
[10] Q. Deng, P. Keil, L. Ward, S. Jeschke, X. Chen, I. Cole, Rapid evaluation of inhibitors for zinc coating using high-throughput methods, in: MISE2020, 10-12 February, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2020.
[11] G. Zeng, C. Xiaobo, S. Zahiri, S. Gulizia, I. Cole, Cold spray additive manufacturing of biocompatible Ti-Ta structures, in: AM&ST18, 22-25 July, Brisbane, Australia., 2018.
[12] O. Bafkar, J. Cajas, H. Calmet, G. Houzeaux, G. Rosengarten, D. Lester, V. Nguyen, S. Gulizia, I. Cole, FSI as an approach for sleep disorder treatments, in: World Sleep 2019, 20-25 September, Vancouver, Canada, 2019: p. Presentation A-1055-0020-00779.
[13] K. Wang, I. Cole, L. Ward, Electrochemical validation of semi-solid agar as an analogue for soil in corrosion studies, in: Australas. Corros. Assoc. Corros. Prev. 2018, 11-14 November, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia, 2018.
[14] M. Jakeria, I. Cole, L. Ward, Influence of azole derivates on corrosion inhibition of AA6022, in: ACA Corros. Prev. 2019, 23-27 November, Melbourne, Australia, 2019: p. paper 112.
[15] M. Song, R. Li, I. Cole, N. Birbilis, X. Chen, Multifunctional coatings on Mg alloys based implants for biomedical application, in: Int. Symp. Adv. Mater. Sustain. Technol., 22-25 July, Brisbane, Australia, 2018.
[16] O. Bafkar, G. Rosengarten, D. Lester, V. Nguyen, S. Gulizia, I. Cole, Impact of tissue properties on sleep apnoea via FSI technique, in: Digit. Twin Symp. Present. AS36608, 4 July 2018, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. https://digitaltwin.aimfuturescience.com/program/abstracts/digital-twin-symposium-2019-omid-bafkar.html.
[17] S. Beker, A. Truskewycz, I. Cole, A. Ball, Carbon dots as metal free catalysts for the removal of industrial hazardous dyes, in: Trends Nanotechnol. 2019, 30 September - 4 October, Donostia San Sebastian, Spain, 2019.
[18] M. Song, I. Cole, N. Birbilis, X. Chen, Multifunctional coatings on Mg alloys based implants for biomedical applications, in: 6th Conf. Comb. Aust. Mater. Soc. (CAMS 2018), 27-29 November, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, 2018.
[19] G. Zeng, S. Zahiri, S. Gulizia, Y. Chen, X. Chen, I. Cole, Cold spray additive manufacturing of biocompatible Ti-Ta structures, in: 2nd NACE Conf. Expo 2018 - A Eur. Event Corros. Prev. - From Ind. to Ind., 27-29 May, Genoa, Italy, 2018.
[20] K. Wang, L. Ward, I. Cole, A. Spark, Effects of electrochemical corrosion techniques on carbon steel in semi-solid agar medium, in: Australas. Corros. Assoc. Corros. Prev. 2019, 23-27 November, Melbourne, Australia, 2019: p. paper 45.
[21] I.S. Cole, F. Chen, M. Breedon, C. Chu, E.D. Sapper, D.A. Jackson, C. C, E.D. Sapper, D.A. Jackson, Computational design of coating systems: A framework for multi-scale modelling, in: EUROCORR 2017, 3-7 September, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic, 2017. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Y_FVp_hMi-VXTBaowU_YfNusj_NytO2LV6Ji_TwbtQc/edit.
[22] P. O’Toole, M. Patel, P. Lahur, D. Gunasegaram, A. Murphy, I. Cole, T. Chao, M. Gan, C. Wong, Integrated Computational Materials Engineering of additive manufacturing – Linkage of open-source CFD and phase-field packages for process simulation & optimization of metal alloy part manufacturing, in: 2nd Asia-Pacific Int. Conf. Addit. Manuf. (APICAM 2019), 30 June-3 July, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
[23] C. Samarawickrama, P. Keil, I. Cole, L. Ward, Studies on the film-forming behaviour of mercapto-based compounds for corrosion inhibitors of AA2024-T3, in: ACA Corros. Prev. 2019, 23-27 November, Melbourne, Australia, 2019: p. paper 52.
[24] G. Zeng, S. Zahiri, S. Gulizia, X. Chen, I. Cole, Cold spray additive manufacturing of biocompatible structures, in: Mater. Innov. Surf. Eng. 2020, 10-12 February, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2020.
[25] M. Patel, I. Cole, Enhancing aircraft corrosion risk management via microclimate simulation, in: Aircr. Airworth. Sustain. 2018, 3-6 July, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia, 2018.
[26] C. Samarawickrama, P. Keil, I. Cole, L. Ward, A comparison between the effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors with distinctive molecular structures in film formation and corrosion inhibition of AA2024-T3, in: EUROCORR 2019, 9 - 13 September, Barceló Sevilla Renacimiento, Seville, Spain, 2019.
[27] J. Zhao, R. Lippi, D. Kennedy, R. Caruso, I. Cole, Novel photocatalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to chemical fuels, in: CSIRO Energy Sci. Symp. 2019, 14-16 May, Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
Acknowledgement of Country
RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.