Joe Jiang

Professor Joe Jiang

Head of Department (Business Administration)


Open to

  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision
  • Industry Projects
  • Join a web conference as a panellist or speaker
  • Media enquiries
  • Membership of an advisory committee


Professor Zhou (Joe) Jiang is Head of Department (Business Administration) at Graduate School of Business and Law, RMIT University, Australia. Prior to joining RMIT University in Feburary 2022, he was an Associate Professor in Human Resource Management at Flinders University where he worked in roles of Head of Research and ERA Discipline Leader. Before that, he was a Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor at Deakin University where he also occupied the positions of Director of MBA (International), Director of Executive MBA (International), and Deputy Director of China Business and Economics Research Center. He also worked as a Lecturer/Assistant Professor and sat on the steering committee of Center for Work, Organization and Wellbeing in Griffith University and a Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Management at Central Queensland University. 

Professor Jiang is currently an Associate Editor for Human Resource Management (US) (2023 – ; ABDC ranking – A*; a Financial Times 50 Journal), Applied Psychology: An International Review (ABDC ranking – A), and The International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABDC ranking – A). He also sits on the editorial boards of Journal of Organizational Behavior (A*), Journal of Vocational Behavior (A*), Human Resource Management Journal (A), and Australian Journal of Management (A). He co-chaired the Organizational Behavior Stream (2017-2023) at Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) and was on the ANZAM Board of Directors (2020-2021) as the Research Committee Chair. He has served as a lead or co-editor for journal special issues, including “Enabling a Thriving Workforce: Human Resource Management Perspectives” (Human Resource Management), “The Effects of Childhood Experiences in Adulthood: Implications for Business Activity and Research” (Journal of Business Research),  “Vocational Experiences and Quality of Life of Migrants” (Social Indicators Research), and “Thrive in Future of Work through Knowledge Management” (Knowledge Management Research & Practice).

Professor Jiang is a researcher ranked in the Top 2% of scientists globally by the Stanford University (single year impact: 2021, 2022, and 2023). He was a recipient of the ANZAM Early Career Researcher Award (2016), which is to foster and recognize the research and scholarly achievements of emerging researchers who are at an early stage in an academic career. He also received Best Paper Awards from the US Southern Management Association (Careers/Social Issues/Diversity Issues/Ethics Track) (2022) and the ANZAM Gender, Diversity, and Indigeneity Stream (2015) for a paper focussed on LGB individuals’ work-related wellbeing.

In addition to serving as an editorial review board member for multiple journals, he is also a regular ad hoc reviewer for other journals such as Journal of Management Studies, British Journal of Industrial RelationsJournal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Cross-Cultural PsychologyHuman Resource Management Review, Personality and Individual Differences, International Journal of Manpower, Social Indicators Research, Asian Journal of Social PsychologyCareer Development InternationalCross Cultural & Strategic Management, Journal of Management & Organization, Australian Journal of Career Development, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, and Journal of Happiness Studies. His work has also been featured in Harvard Business Review, and cited in media such as The Sydney Morning HeraldThe Age, and Brisbane Times.

Supervisor projects

  • Redesigning Work Design Theories: The Rise of Personalized Perspectives
  • 22 Aug 2023
  • Joint Mediating Role of Employee Work Engagement and Psychological Capital and Moderating Role of Ethical Leadership between Workplace Bullying and Employee Well-being
  • 15 Dec 2022
  • Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Employee Outcomes: Evidence from Multicultural Contexts.
  • 23 Aug 2022

Research interests

Career development; thriving at work; human resource management; employee wellbeing

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Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.