Club committee framework and meetings

Find everything you need to know about how club committees work and how to run official club or society committee meetings.

Club Committee structure

Club executive

Each club has an executive committee who reports directly to RMIT Student Life. 

The club must nominate an executive committee consisting of the following as a minimum: 

  • President.
  • Vice President.
  • Secretary.
  • Treasurer.

Other roles in portfolios such as Media, Social, Marketing & Public Relations, Club Captain, Fundraising and Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer can be created if required.

Only financial members of the club are eligible to nominate for election to club executive committee positions. Elections take place annually at the clubs Annual General Meeting. 

The club committee must consist of a minimum of the four executive committee positions; a minimum of one executive committee positions must by occupied by a current RMIT student. It is encouraged that the club executive consists of members of all genders. 

Members may carry or share responsibility for more than one portfolio, with the exception of President. The newly created Welfare Officer position can be filled by a standalone member or an existing committee position. 

Position descriptions

The president of an RMIT Student Life Club is primarily responsible for ensuring the Club sets and meets its goals and objectives and is administered according to RMIT Student Life policies and procedures.

The role of vice president generally is to work closely with and support the club President. The vice president will undertake the duties and responsibilities of the president if the president becomes unavailable for any reason (In accordance with club rules).

The key responsibilities of the secretary are to understand the Club Rules, By Laws, Policies and Procedures, RMIT obligations, and ensure the club is always run according to these core requirements.

The treasurer is responsible for ensuring the committee is empowered to manage the financial affairs of the club, is responsible for protection of club assets and the volunteers who handle them, ensuring the collection of all revenues and payment of all financial obligations.

Executive committee meetings

Executive committee meetings enhance communication among club committee members, ensure progress on actions and foster a level of accountability. A minimum of five executive committee meetings are to be held during the year, the first of which shall be held within the first three weeks of Semester 1. Anyone may attend an executive committee meeting as an observer. 

It is recommended the business of the first meeting include a presentation from the club president detailing the club activities for the upcoming year. The club secretary should put a call (usually electronically) to the club executive committee members for general business items prior to the agenda being sent out. The secretary must provide all committee and club members with a notice (Agenda) of each meeting at least one week prior to the meeting. 

The order of business at a general committee meeting is to: 

  • Confirm the minutes of the previous meeting. 
  • Receive portfolio reports from each committee member. 
  • Receive a report on the status of the club accounts. 
  • Discuss special business items of which due notice have been given. 

There are several compulsory agenda items that need to be in place for every meeting: 

  • Current financial membership numbers.
  • Financial report from treasurer.
  • Summary of events since the last meeting.

Clubs are required to submit meeting minutes via email not more than 10 days after the meeting to the RMIT clubs team via the clubs relevant contact person. 

The quorum for an executive committee meeting is over 50% of the total number of committee members. 

Proposals put forward to executive committee meetings (motions) must be moved, seconded and passed by a majority of committee members present. 

An executive committee member may be given an official written warning if they are absent without apology at two consecutive meetings. The executive committee can in writing request the resignation or expel a member if they are absent without apology to three consecutive meetings, these actions must be ratified by RMIT Student Life. Minutes of every club meeting shall be kept by the club secretary and prepared and distributed to all club members within 10 days of the meeting being held.

Special General Meetings

The Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting (SGM) of the club when: 

  • Requested on petition of not less that 10% of total club membership, the petition must outline the business to be dealt with in writing. 
  • Requested by the executive. 
  • Requested by RMIT Student Life, the request must outline the business to be dealt with and be in writing. 

Members shall be given at least 10 days notice of a SGM. Quorum for a SGM shall be 50% or 20 of the total financial members. If within 15 minutes of the appointed start time a quorum is not present the meeting shall lapse. The meeting may be reconvened at the discretion of those present either within the next hour or at a more convenient time.

Annual General Meetings

Annual General Meetings (AGMs) for RMIT Student Life clubs are held in September and October. AGM’s main aim is to review club operations, elect next year’s executive and to declare results.

All clubs must provide members and RMIT with written notification of their AGM, including the agenda at least 10 days prior to the meeting date. For an AGM to be successful, quorum of at least 50% of total financial members or a minimum of 20 financial members, whichever is less should be achieved. If the attendance can’t be achieved, the meeting can be postponed.

Candidates should nominate themselves for the executive committee before the meeting, preferably more than 24 hours in advance. Voting should be via secret ballot to a neutral person, proxy votes are not to be accepted. Note, if only one person is running for a role then they can be elected unopposed. 

Any complaints about results must be lodged with 72 hours to the Clubs and Societies Program Coordinator.

The AGM proceedings include:

  • Agenda presentation.
  • Attendance and apologies record.
  • Approval of previous year's AGM minutes.
  • Current year reports by Chairperson, Treasurer, and other relevant members.
  • Presentation and approval of financial report from the previous AGM to the current one.
  • Election of four club executive positions with at least one being an RMIT student.
  • Discussion and voting on motions, with results noted in minutes.

After the AGM, RMIT Student Life clubs must provide the following details to the Clubs & Societies Program Coordinator within ten business days:

  • AGM agenda.
  • AGM minutes.
  • Club attendance list.
  • Copies of presented reports.
  • Financial statements.
aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Luwaytini' by Mark Cleaver, Palawa.