Dr Sarah Sinclair
Senior Lecturer
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law
School / Department:
COBL|Economics Finance & Marketing
City Campus
Contact me about:
Research supervision
Research Interests
- Economic policy analysis
- Family economics
- Economic demography: in particular structural ageing and fertility choice
- Economic geography: Housing
- Labour supply decision making
- Child support
- Multivariate time series modelling
Research Projects and Funding
- Friendship Research Grant award: School of Global Urban and Social Studies and School of Economics, Finance and Marketing. 2014
- Competitively awarded internal research grants 2010 / 2012 (10,000) RMIT School of Economics, Finance and Marketing
- Macroeconomics 1: ECON1010 (Coordinator)
- Macroeconomics 2 ECON1042
- Economic Analysis for Business: ECON1113
- International Monetary Economics: ECON1082 (from 2015)
- Property Economics
- Ph.D. Economics, RMIT University: February 2014
- Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching and Learning: RMIT University Melbourne: 2010
- M.A. (Economics), National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG): 1997
- B.A. (Economics, Geography), National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG): 1996
- Angelopoulos, S.,De Silva, A.,Navon, Y.,Sinclair, S.,Yanotti, M. (2023). Economic Resilience in a Pandemic: Did COVID-19 Policy Effects Override Industry Diversity Impacts in Australia? In: Economic Papers, 42, 153 - 171
- De Silva, A.,Yanotti, M.,Sinclair, S.,Angelopoulos, S. (2023). Place-Based Policies and Nowcasting In: Australian Economic Review, 56, 363 - 370
- Hakovirta, M.,Cook, K.,Sinclair, S. (2021). Gender Equality Prior to and Following Separation: Nordic and Liberal Policy Inconsistencies In: Social Politics, 28, 1115 - 1136
- Sinclair, S.,De Silva, A.,Kopanidis, F.,Thomas, S. (2020). Housing and Ageing Well In: Measuring, Understanding and Improving Wellbeing Among Older People, Springer Nature, Singapore
- Skinner, C.,Cook, K.,Sinclair, S. (2017). The potential of child support to reduce lone mother poverty: Comparing population survey data in Australia and the UK In: Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 25, 79 - 94
- De Silva, A.,Dalton, T.,Dodson, J.,Sinclair, S. (2017). Housing, multi-level governance and economic productivity In: AHURI Melbourne, Australia
- Keam, G.,Cook, K.,Sinclair, S.,McShane, I. (2017). A qualitative study of the role of playgroups in building community capacity In: Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 29, 65 - 71
- De Silva, A.,Sinclair, S.,Angelopoulos, S. (2016). Retirees, creatives and housing market complexity: challenges for policy-makers In: Australian Economic Review, 49, 340 - 351
- McShane, I.,Cook, K.,Sinclair, S.,Keam, G.,Fry, J. (2016). Relationships matter: The social and economic benefits of community playgroups In: Playgroup Australia Melbourne, Australia
- De Silva, A.,Thomas, S.,Sinclair, S.,Alavi Fard, F. (2016). Home Equity Release: Challenges and opportunities In: Australian Centre for Financial Studies Melbourne, Australia
Note: Supervision projects since 2004
2 PhD Completions3 PhD Current Supervisions
Economics assessment of policy: Health, Demography, Education, Child support and housing
- Gendered housing opportunities, pathways, assistance and impacts (administered by Swinburne University of Technology). Funded by: Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute (AHURI) - Competitive from (2022 to 2023)
- Harnessing housing policy for economic productivity: A multilevel governance and spatial perspective. Funded by: AHURI National Housing Research Program Grants 2015 from (2015 to 2016)
- Are Reverse Mortgages a Pathway to a Deeper Annuities Market?. Funded by: Australian Centre for Financial Studies Research Grants 2014 from (2014 to 2015)