Research interests
Her expertise lies at the intersection of ubiquitous computing (on capturing and modelling human mobility and dynamic user behaviours) and data science and machine learning (particularly on time-series, spatiotemporal, and multimodal sensor data). She has many years of experience in analysing human behaviours in multiple contexts and developing key techniques to enable situational awareness for stakeholders and personalised intelligent assistance for the end users. She always take user-centric approaches of data capture and analysis in modelling and profiling human behaviours. Given the nexus of the two research areas, her research contributions on human behaviour (including mobility) modelling have been largely published in the pervasive/ubiquitous computing venues (including UbiComp/IMWUT, PerCom, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, and IEEE IoT Journal), and the contributions in machine learning with time-series, spatio-temporal, and trajectory data have been published in NeurIPS, WWW, KDD, WSDM, TKDE, PAKDD, and many more.
Research keywords:
Machine learning, Deep learning, Time-series, Sensor data, Spatio-temporal data, Ubiquitous computing, Mobility, Data science, Behaviour modelling, Human activity Recognition, Trajectory, Forecasting, Predictive analytics, Emotion sensing, Wearable computing, Trustworthy AI, Fairness in machine learning, Explainable AI