Professor Mary Tolcos
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|Health and Biomedical Sciences
Bundoora West
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Research supervision
- Gilchrist, C.,Thompson, D.,Tolcos, M.,Cumberland, A., et al, . (2023). Growth of prefrontal and limbic brain regions and anxiety disorders in children born very preterm In: Psychological Medicine, 53, 759 - 770
- Gilchrist, C.,Kelly, C.,Cumberland, A.,Dhollander, T.,Tolcos, M., et al., . (2023). Fiber-Specific Measures of White Matter Microstructure and Macrostructure Are Associated With Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Children Born Very Preterm and Full-term In: Biological Psychiatry, 93, 575 - 585
- Tran, N.,Muccini, A.,Hale, N.,Tolcos, M.,Snow, R.,Walker, D.,Ellery, S. (2023). Creatine in the fetal brain: A regional investigation of acute global hypoxia and creatine supplementation in a translational fetal sheep model In: Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 17, 1 - 16
- Gilchrist, C.,Thompson, D.,Kelly, C.,Beare, R.,Tolcos, M., et al, . (2022). The Structural Connectome and Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms at 7 and 13 Years in Individuals Born Very Preterm and Full Term In: Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 7, 424 - 434
- Cumberland, A.,Hale, N.,Azhan, A.,Gilchrist, C.,Chincarini, G.,Tolcos, M. (2022). Excitatory and inhibitory neuron imbalance in the intrauterine growth restricted fetal guinea pig brain: Relevance to the developmental origins of schizophrenia and autism In: Developmental Neurobiology, 83, 40 - 53
- Pagnin, M.,Kondos-Devcic, D.,Chincarini, G.,Cumberland, A.,Richardson, S.,Tolcos, M. (2021). Role of thyroid hormones in normal and abnormal central nervous system myelination in humans and rodents In: Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 61, 1 - 16
- Gilchrist, C.,Cumberland, A.,Kondos- Devcic, D.,Hill, R.,Khore, M.,Quezada Rojas, S.,Reichelt, A.,Tolcos, M. (2021). Hippocampal neurogenesis and memory in adolescence following intrauterine growth restriction In: Hippocampus, 31, 321 - 334
- Hickmott, R.,Bosakhar, A.,Quezada Rojas, S.,Barresi, M.,Walker, D.,Ryan, A.,Quigley, A.,Tolcos, M. (2021). The One-Stop Gyrification Station - Challenges and New Technologies In: Progress in Neurobiology, 204, 1 - 18
- Quezada Rojas, S.,van de Looij, Y.,Hale, N.,Rana, S.,Sizonenko, S.,Gilchrist, C.,Castillo-Melendez, M.,Tolcos, M.,Walker, D. (2020). Genetic and microstructural differences in the cortical plate of gyri and sulci during gyrification in fetal sheep In: Cerebral Cortex, 30, 6169 - 6190
- Ross-Munro, E.,Kwa, F.,Kreiner, J.,Khore, M.,Miller, S.,Tolcos, M.,Fleiss, B.,Walker, D. (2020). Midkine: The Who, What, Where, and When of a Promising Neurotrophic Therapy for Perinatal Brain Injury In: Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 1 - 22
- The capacity for exceptional brain repair in a novel rodent species.. Funded by: ARC-Discovery Projects from (2024 to 2027)
- Mini-brains as personalised medicine tools for cerebral palsy. Funded by: Brain Foundation Research Grants 2023 from (2023 to 2024)
- Brain injury in the premature born infant - stem cell regeneration research network (PREMSTEM), NHMRC European Union Grant 2020. Funded by: NHMRC European Union (2020 onwards) from (2020 to 2025)
- Brain injury in the premature born infant: stem cell regeneration research network (PREMSTEM) - administered by Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM). Funded by: Horizon Europe 2021 onwards Research and Innovation Actions from (2020 to 2025)
- Improving neurodevelopmental outcomes following fetal growth restriction. Funded by: NHMRC Project Grants 2018 from (2019 to 2024)
10 PhD Current Supervisions5 PhD Completions
Brain development, Perinatal brain injury, Fetal growth restriction, Prematurity, Fetal hypoxia, Neuroprotection, Myelination, White matter injury, Cerebellum, Cerebral palsy