Dr Brianna Chesser
Dr Brianna Chesser is the Program Manager of the Bachelor of Criminology and Psychology Program and an Associate Professor in Criminology and Justice. She is a member of the Health, Arts, Social sciences and Humanities (HASH) Research Network at RMIT
Brianna is responsible for the management of the Bachelor of Criminology and Psychology Program (BP295).
She has taught in the following subjects:
- Evidence and Proof in Litigation
- Criminal Law
- Therapeutic Jurisprudence
- Introduction to Criminal Psychology
Brianna's scholarly interests lie within two broad areas; the criminal justice system; and in therapeutic jurisprudence which acknowledges the law's potential to enhance wellbeing. Her recent published work focused on emerging areas within the criminal law, such as the crime of 'stealthing'. Her upcoming works on the laws of evidence and criminal defence focus on witness scrutiny and criminal defences.
Research areas
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Liability
- The Laws of Evidence
- Therapeutic Jurisprudence
- Psychology and Law
Brianna has undertaken extensive study in several areas including Law, Psychology and Music, and has obtained the following qualifications:
- Doctor of Philosophy (Law) (La Trobe University)
- Master of Laws (Legal Practice) (Australian National University)
- Master of Psychology (Clinical) (ISN Psychology)
- Bachelor of Laws (La Trobe University)
- Bachelor of Psychology (La Trobe University)
- Bachelor of Music (H1 Honours) (Australian Catholic University)
- Bachelor of Arts (Australian Catholic University)
- Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology (Charles Sturt University)
- Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (Australian National University)
- Graduate Diploma of Professional Psychology (Cairnmillar Institute)
- Graduate Diploma of Forensic Psychology (Swinburne University)
- Diploma in Modern Languages (Italian) (University of New England)
- Associate Diploma in Classical Voice (AMEB)
- Graduate Certificate of Higher Education (Australian Catholic University)
- Certificate of Church Music (Australian Catholic University)
- Chesser, B.,Thomas, G.,Horgan, G. (2023). Evicence in Practice, Thomson Reuters, Australia
- Chesser, B.,Smith, K.,Sigamoney, A.,Becker, C. (2023). Specialist courts and borderline personality disorder: a pilot study of the efficacy of the assessment and referral court list to reduce recidivist behaviour In: Journal of Criminal Psychology, 13, 282 - 299
- Parrot, S.,Chesser, B. (2022). Stealthing: Legislating for change In: Australia Institute Canberra, Australia
- Chesser, B.,David, N.,Zahra, A. (2022). Consent, Stealthing and Desire-Based Contracting in the Criminal Law, Routledge, United Kingdom
- Hemming, A.,Chesser, B. (2021). Evidence: Commentary and Materials, Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia, Australia
- Chesser, B.,Horgan, G.,Thomas, G. (2019). Evidence in Practice, Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited, Sydney, Australia
- Chesser, B.,Zahra, A. (2019). Stealthing: A Criminal Offence? In: Current Issues In Criminal Justice, 31, 217 - 235
- Chesser, B. (2016). Criminal Courts and Mental Illness, Thomson Reuters, Australia
- Chesser, B.,Smith, K. (2016). The Assessment and Referral Court List program in the Magistrates Court of Victoria: An Australian study of recidivism In: International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 45, 141 - 151
- Chesser, B. (2015). The Art of Musical Borrowing: A Composers Guide to the Current Copyright Regime Five Years on from Larrikin In: Musicology Australia, 37, 60 - 75
1 PhD Completions
- Stealthing: A scoping study of impact. Funded by: Victorian Women's Trust Grant from (2022 to 2023)