Dr Joseph Kim
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law
School / Department:
City Campus
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Research supervision
Dr Joseph Kim is a Lecturer at the School of Management. His research interests include international management and leadership, political economy and cultural industry. His research particularly focuses on firms, industries and the public sector in the Asia-Pacific region.
Course coordinator
- BUSM1222 Global Business (Melbourne)
- BUSM1227 Global Business (Singapore)
- BUSM3311 & 4626 Global Business (Vietnam)
- BUSM3085 Global Business (China)
Work Integrated Learning (International Business) Coordinator
- OMGT2123 & 2124 Work Integrated Learning 1 & 2
- OMGT2125 & 2126 Work Experience in Industry 1 & 2
- PhD (Management) - UNSW
- Master of International Business and Law - University of Sydney
- B.Com (International Business) & LLB - UNSW
BUSM4178 Issues in International Business
BUSM3886 Business and Government in the Global Context
- Turner, M.,Kim, J.,Kwon, S. (2022). The Political Economy of E-Government Innovation and Success in Korea In: Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 8, 1 - 15
- Kim, J.,Kwon, S. (2022). K-Pop’s Global Success and Its Innovative Production System In: Sustainability, 14, 1 - 17
- Kim, K.,Rou, S.,Mohd Ali, T.,Kim, J. (2019). Female Stereotyping and Gender Socialization through Proverbs and Idioms: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Korea In: Asian Women, 35, 25 - 44
- Kwon, S.,Kim, J. (2017). Efficiency versus public good: Electricity privatization in South Korea In: Asian Perspective, 41, 185 - 214
- Kwon, S.,Kim, J. (2014). The cultural industry policies of the Korean government and the Korean Wave In: International Journal of Cultural Policy, 20, 422 - 439
- Kwon, S.,Kim, J. (2013). From censorship to active support: The Korean state and Korea's cultural industries In: Economic and Labour Relations Review, 24, 517 - 532
2 PhD Current Supervisions and 1 Masters by Research Current Supervisions