Dr Irene Barberis is a Senior Lecturer in Drawing and International research at the School of Art. She is also Founding Director of Metasenta Pty. Ltd, an international arts research 'satellite' which functions between Universities, arts organizations and artists.
Born in London, Australian-British artist Irene Barberis has been exhibiting since the mid- seventies and internationally since the early eighties. She works as artist, curator and academic and holds a PhD from Victoria University and an MFA from Melbourne University VCA, Melbourne. .
Inventing, making, curating and generating projects, exhibitions and platforms around the globe, Barberis’ initiatives span countries and borders throughout Europe, UK, USA, the Middle East and the Far East, often incorporating smaller more intimate intercultural dialogues and exchanges within the international University system. She has had tenure at RMIT University in Melbourne for two decades and has worked offshore in Hong Kong for much of this time.
In 2006, Barberis established Metasenta®, a nimble and flexible international arts research hub that links Universities, artists and the wider global arts community, creating ‘safe spaces’ for arts dialogue and exhibitions in all forms across the world.
Known for her provocative high-chroma works and installations utilising cutting edge materials, she is a painter, installation and new media artist working also with performative drawing and spatial kinesthetics. Minimal and conceptual systems and structures undergird her practice encapsulating in part the notion of painting and drawing as a flux, an organically growing and poetic tectonic. She has completed major commissions, is collected in both public and private collections internationally and continues to push the boundaries through her research into the history of ideas, faith and the female and global drawing. Her doctorate for the millennial crossover explored the abstract and figurative elements of the Apocalypse and its representations throughout history.
Her latest major projects and artworks involve Art and Science. ‘The Tapestry of Light’: Intersections of Illumibations, a 36 x 3.2meter jacquard tapestry of the Apocalypse is the only known full cycle of the Apocalypse in tapestry form by a female artist. Collaborating with scientist David E. Mainwaring, inventor of a new nano-particle phosphorescent pigment embedded into fibre, Barberis incorporated the new material into the design and weaving of the artwork, allowing layers of imagery within the narrative to be visible separately at various times.
The same science is utilised in her new work( 2025) , ‘The LeWitt Tapestry Suie: The Chester and Italian Studios’ which are projected to be completed and exhibited in 2027 with The Tapestry of Light - a 21st century Apocalypse
The LeWitt/Barberis Project explores the thirty-33 -year friendship between Sol LeWitt and Irene Barberis from 1974, and his influence on her work and thinking. These influences are investigated on location in each of his three studios, the Chester studio in the USA, the Mahler LeWitt studios and the Praiano studio in Italy and are the pivot for ongoing solo and group exhibitions. LeWitt’s influence on a wider selection of artists from around the world are curated by Barberis into twenty international exhibitions, ten indentify and ignite discourses around the 'Core' artists, and ten exhibit the work of ten artists from each participating country. Each exhibition is captured in an e-catalog which can be found on www.thesollewittproject.net and will be recorded in a two-volume publication, catalogues and a series of Metasenta® small books. Barberis published the first and only publication of LeWitt's Chester studio 'Sol LeWitt Irene Barberis: The Chester Studio A Visual Documentation. She is currently working on a publication of LeWitt's gouache painting practice in his Chester studio.
Current Art Research Projects:
The LeWitt Project : Ten Countries. (2019–ongoing)
The Tapestry of Light: Intersections of Illumination; a 21st Century Apocalypse (1998– ongoing)
Selected Metasenta® Projects (all ongoing):
The Global Centre for Drawing – international exhibitions, projects and publications ( 2010 - ongoing)
Gallery Langford120 – in partnership with artist Wilma Tabacco, commercial exhibitions and curated projects in Australia ( 2011 - ongoing)
Metasenta Publishing - including the Metasenta Small Book Series ( 2009 - ongoing)
Artists in Leadership – global dialogues (2009) - ongoing
Across the Gulf – exhibitions and exchanges in the Middle East (2008 - ongoing)
Moving Cultures – exhibitions and exchanges in Tibet/China (2009)
Barberis has collaborated on and initiated multiple international projects with Universities, Galleries and Museums in the UK, USA, Europe, the Middle East and Far East. As a painter, installation and new media artist, she has held over 100 solo exhibitions in Australia and abroad, and participated in over 140 group exhibitions.
Irene currently works in the RMIT School of Art as a Senior Lecturer in Drawing. Barberis was one of three academic/artists who founded and built the RMIT Drawing program in 1998 together with James Taylor and Godwin Bradbeer. She was Head and Co Head of RMIT Drawing in the mid 2000's and then broadened her industry collaborations through her invention of the Metasenta® International Research Hub. Irene was the first female lecturer in the RMIT Hong Kong BFA in 1999 and has been lecturing in the offshore program since that time. She is the Director of multiple intiatives some of which are Metasenta Publications, Metaspace, Metasenta Projects, Gallery Langford120, the Global Art Program, and specialises in International projects, many focusing on International Drawing and intercultural projects.
Selected earlier international projects
The Tapestry of Light; Lux, Lumen and Illumination: Dr. I. Barberis, Professor D. Mainwarring, Emerita Professor M.P. Brown, Professor B. Muir, Dr Janet McKenzie
Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East 2, International Conference and exhibition program Global Centre for Drawing, American University in Dubai.
The Art and Science of Illumination: Tapestry of Light; intersections across the gulf; CI, Dr. I. Barberis, Professor D. Mainwarring, Emerita Professor M. P. Brown, Professor B. Muir. Artist Residency, Tasara Experimental Weaving, Sth. India
The Global Centre for Drawing: Reading the Space: Contemporary Australian Drawing #2, New York Studio School, New York.
Metasenta Publishing: Portraits in Focus, Sopha Errey, Anita Taylor, Irene Barberis, Helen Sturgess, Janet McKenzie. (Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East (Exec.Ed. I Barberis. Ed. J Mckenzie), Tapestry Of Light, (Exec.Ed. I Barberis. Ed. J Mckenzie)).
The Art and Science of Illumination: Tapestry of Light; Intersections Across the Gulf; CI, Dr. I. Barberis, Professor D. Mainwarring, Professor M. Brown, Professor B. Muir.( exhibitions, publication: Apocalypse: Re Looking)
Metaspace International: Gallery, 120 Langford Street, Melbourne. Curator, Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East, Australian component.
The Global Centre for Drawing; The DrawingSpace, Melbourne; 120 Langford Street, Melbourne.
Montana Group (formerly Artists in Leadership Project) Dialogue 2 (TBC)
Metasenta : a new Paradigm in Arts Education © Palgrave Macmillan/Metasenta Publication. 2011
3 small Publications; Metasenta Publications, 2011/2012 ( S.Farthing, T. Trehy, M. Lima)
Contemporary Australian Drawing#1, Metasenta Commission, Palgrave Macmillan Publication; Author; Dr Janet McKenzie, contextualising essay, Dr. Christopher Heathcote, Coda Dr. Irene Barberis
International Chair, Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East, International Drawing Conference. RMIT University collaboration American University in Dubai.
Metaspace International: National and International Curatorial Gallery, 120 Langford Street, Melbourne.
The Global Centre for Drawing; The DrawingSpace, Melbourne; 120 Langford Street, Melbourne.
Montana Group (formerly Artists in Leadership Project) Dialogue 2.
5 Places Project, Bury UK, Finland, Melbourne, Hong Kong.
Curated “ 5 Places – Chinese Artists, Bury Museum and Art Gallery, Manchester, United Kingdom, in tandem with the Asia Triennial, Manchester2.
Collaborative Drawing Project: Global Drawing: Irene Barberis & Stephen Farthing
5 small Publications; Metasenta Publications, 2011/2012
Contemporary Australian Drawing, Macmillan/Metasenta Publication (in process) Metasenta Commissioned, Dr Irene Barberis; Author; Dr Janet McKenzie, contextualising essay, Christopher Heathcote
Metasenta Hong Kong: the DrawingSpace, Hong Kong, The Drawing Space, Dubai.
5 Places Collaboration: Irene Barberis & Tony Trehy; Bury, Melbourne, Hong Kong.
International Centre for Drawing: Directors: Dr Irene Barberis, Melbourne; Professor Stephen Farthing, London: 3 exhibitions.
Across the Gulf, Bahrain, Dubai, Abu Dhabi.
Venice Agendas, 53rd Venice Bienniale, Wimbledon College of Art
Moving Cultures: Intercultural Dialogue, Tibet-Guangzhou – Western Team/10 Eastern team/7.
Across the Gulf : 22 Artists Collaboration with The 2009 Arc Biennale, Brisbane
Across the Gulf 2009 – Publication Metasenta Publishing.
Artists in Leadership – The Montana Group Lucerne Switzerland
2006 - 2008
The Chicago Project, Chicago. Publication; The Chicago Project: Fold-out Futures, Volume 1+2 RMIT Publishing, RMIT University, Edinburgh College of Art, Design Institute, RMIT, University Co -Project Leader, with Professor Karen Forbes, Head ECA Painting and Drawing, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Moving Cultures: 2007 -2009. China, Australia, UK, Ireland, USA. (Twelve Universities, Four Associates) Global Cities Institute RMIT University. Western Project Leader, Eastern Project Leader, Professor Isadora Jiang
The DrawingSpace, Melbourne, International and National Artists, Activating Dormant Spaces, The Design Institute, RMIT University. Instigator and Director: Dr. Irene Barberis
The Centres Project, 2008-2009: Co Curator Irene Barberis and Steven Ball RMIT University, Central Saint Martins, The University of Arts, London.
Across the Gulf: Bahrain, Dubai Abu Dhabi, Metasenta Projects, American University in Dubai.
Current Long Term Project: The Tapestry of Light: The Art and Science of Illumination and the Photon: In collaboration with Professor David Mainwarring, of RMIT University
Intersections: Reading the Space: A discourse into abstractions, faiths and language this proejct developedat the mIllenium change in collaboration with the Jewish Museum of Australia, and traveled to the Contemporary Jewish Museum of San Fransisco in 2003-2005. and was exhibited in Melbourne
Each of the Metasenta projects consists of exhibitions, publications and filmed documentaries, and brings together multiple Universities, and communities with international projects, having many outcomes within the year.
Metasenta Projects: Global Research Satellite/hub - Dr. Irene Barberis 205
Founding Director of Metasenta Projects: Dr Irene Barberis
Founding Benefactor: Mr. Po Chung.
Coordinating Manager: Andre Liew.
Metasenta Projects is a research satellite, which sits in the School of Art, RMIT University and links into the Design Institute and the Global Cities Institute (2005)
Dr Irene Barberis
Senior Lecturer, Drawing. RMIT University, City Campus, Melbourne 2015-2016
Senior Lecturer, Painting, RMIT Offshore program, Hong Kong x2 2014
Senior Lecturer, Expanded Studio Practice, RMIT University, Melbourne
Senior Lecturer, Painting, RMIT Offshore program, Hong Kong x2
International Critic, and International Art Historian Lecture, Rome Program ( New York based), Rome.
International Chair and Curator: Drawing in the Middle East 2, Dubai (GCfD & American University in Dubai)
Senior Lecturer, Expanded Studio Practice, RMIT University, Melbourne
Senior Lecturer, Painting, RMIT Offshore program, Hong Kong x2
International Critic, & International Art Historian Lecture, Rome Program ( New York based), Rome.
“Reading the space: Contemporary Australian Drawing #3, New York Studio School, New York.
Senior Lecturer, Expanded Studio Practice, RMIT University, RMIT University,
Senior Lecturer, Painting, RMIT Offshore program, Hong Kong .
Researcher; International projects.
Drawing Out (2) Conference, University of the Arts, London, Paper: A Parallel Paper: Blurring Edges. Curator: 84 Australian Artists, “Contemporary Australian Drawing2, University of the Arts London, London
International Critic for The Rome Program ( New York Based), Rome. Tapestry of Light Project, Langford120 Lecture.
International Chair; “Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East; Intersections of practice and understanding. Keynote Speaker (one of four).
Curator; ‘Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East’, 22 artist, Australia, UK, Middle East, Tashkeel Gallery, Dubai.
Visiting Lecturer: Discussions; American University of Dubai, Tashkeel, Galleries, Dubai, UAE. Researcher and Senior Lecturer, RMIT SOA Melbourne / The Art School Hong KonG Founding Director; Metasenta International Studio School.
Curator/ Lecture; RMIT Gallery, RMIT University; Contemporary Australian Drawing 1.
Invitation: Steering Committee of the 2010 ‘Drawing Out’ Conference, RMIT/UAL.
Invited Chair Parallel Session Chair: Drawing in / Drawing is a way of Thinking, The Drawing Out Conference, RMIT Storey Hall Auditorium, RMIT University, Melbourne, April 9.
Senior Lecturer, SOA, RMIT University, Melbourne/Hong Kong
Developed Global Drawing through meetings and International Projects between Metasenta, RMIT and the University of the Arts London. Senior Lecturer SOA, RMIT University, Melbourne/Hong Kong.
2008 - 2007
Head and Co- Head Drawing, RMIT SOA, RMIT University, Developed Drawing through meetings and International Projects between Metasenta, RMIT and the University of the Arts London.
Lecturer Hong Kong, Painting and Drawing.
Apocalypse – Tapestry of Light, Artists Talk, VTW, Melbourne 2007 ‘SOLLEWITT: Vignettes’, National Gallery of Victoria, Australia
Co’ Head, Drawing Department, RMIT University, Melbourne Director:Metasenta Projects (International)
Initiator: Duncan of Jordanstone, inaugural ‘Drawing Lab’ Masters Workshop
Initiator / partnership ‘Chicago Project’, RMIT University and Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland, and John David Mooney Foundation, Chicago USA.
Director: Metasenta Projects, RMIT University
Lecturer, RMIT Drawing, Melbourne, RMIT Drawing and Painting, Hong Kong. RMIT University Fine Art Drawing, Melbourne Painting and drawing Program, Hong Kong
Lecture/workshops (for Intersections Exhibition and Education Program), National Gallery Victoria,
Jewish Museum of Australia, Presentation College (working with Year eleven Students from five schools - Jewish,Christian and Muslim for the exhibition 'Young Intersections, concurrent with Intersections - reading the space)
RMIT University, Fine Art Drawing, Melbourne. Painting, Hong Kong 2004 RMIT University, Fine Art Drawing, Melbourne. Painting, Hong Kong 2003 RMIT University, Fine Art Drawing, Melbourne, Hong Kong
RMIT University, Fine Art Drawing, Melbourne, Hong Kong 2001 RMIT University, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne, Hong Kong
RMIT Hong Kong Arts Centre, Drawing and Painting National Gallery of Victoria, Lecture: Education Program
RMIT University, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne. Painting, Hong Kong 1999 RMIT University, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne
RMIT, Hong Kong Lecturer, Painting Department Monash University, Fine Arts, Drawing, Melbourne Launceston University, Lecture: Launceston, Tasmania
Albury Regional Art Gallery, Lecture: Saying it with Flowers. Albury, NSW 1998
Preston Tafe Institute, Lecture, painting, Melbourne
Swinburne Secondary College, and Tafe Lecture; Painting, Melbourne 1997
Monash University, Drawing, Melbourne
La Trobe Street Gallery School of Art and Design, Tutor; Painting and Drawing, Melbourne 1996
RMIT University, Fine Art, Melbourne
Monash University, Drawing and Painting, Melbourne
Geelong Art Gallery, Drawing Workshop, in conjunction with the Alan Davis Exhibition, Geelong, VIC RMIT University, Fine Arts, Painting and Drawing, Melbourne
Monash University, Drawing, Melbourne
National Gallery of Victoria, Artist Talk, Education Services Department. Melbourne
National Gallery of Victoria, Master Drawing Workshop, Education Services Department, Melbourne Monash University Artist Talk, Caulfield campus, Melbourne
Ballarat University, Artist in Residence, Ballarat; Victoria Australian Jewish Museum, Artist Talk, (x2), Melbourne
Australian Jewish Museum, Seminar; The Wandering Jew, Myth and Metaphor, Melbourne Interview; RadioNational. 6.11.1995, The Wandering Jew, Myth and Metaphor, Rachel Cohn with Vic Majzner, Heather Eliard and Irene Barberis
RMIT University, Fine Arts, Painting and Drawing, Melbourne
New Arts Studio School, Co Director / Administrator, Lecturer, in collaboration with Elizabeth Gower and John. R. Neeson, Melbourne
Monash University, Drawing, Caulfield Campus, Melbourne
Co-Director / Administrator, Lecturer, New Arts Studio School, Melbourne
Phillip Institute of Technology, Fine Art, Painting, Bundoora Campus, Melbourne Co-Director / Administrator, Lecturer, New Arts Studio School, Melbourne
Painting and Drawing Courses, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art
Linden Gallery, Art Classes Colour Theory Classes, Intermediate and Advanced, St Kilda, Melbourne Linden Galley, Children's Workshops, St Kilda, Melbourne
Co-Director / Administrator, Lecturer, New Arts Studio School, Melbourne
Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Painting and Drawing Courses, Melbourne 1988 RMIT University, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne
Private Painting and Drawing Classes
Victorian College of the Arts, Painting and Drawing, Melbourne
Victoria College, Tafe, Drawing, Melbourne
Glenhuntly Rehabilitation Centre, Printmaking, Drawing, Painting, Melbourne
Victorian College of the Arts, Painting, Postgraduate and Undergraduate, Melbourne Glenhuntly Rehabilitation Centre, Printmaking, Drawing, Painting, Melbourne Private Classes
1985 Victoria College, Tafe, Drawing, and Melbourne Victoria College, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne
1984 Life Painting Installation, Painting, Victoria College, Melbourne Victoria College, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne
1982 British Embassy Anglican Church, St. Michaels, Painting Classes, Paris, France 1976-1980 Private Classes, Workshops, Folio Development, Painting and Drawing.
Darwin Community College, Guest Lecturer, Northern Territory
Curated /Convenor
International Chair: Crossing the Line: Drawing #3 Global Drawing: Intersections in Firenze, Hosted by the SACI Institute, Florence in Collaboration with the Global Centre for Drawing and The Metasenta® Foundation. Metasenta® Keynote Speaker; Dr. Janet McKenzie, Deputy Editor, Studio International, UK, 8 international papers given, including large contingent from the American University in Dubai, UAE.
The Tapestry of Light: Intersections of Illumination: Symposium, RMIT Design Institute, Melbourne, Australia Metasenta® Keynote speaker; Emerita Professor Michelle P. Brown, University of London, UK. Papers include; Prof. Margaret Manion, Melbourne University, Dr. Irene Barberis, Prof. Bernard Muir, Melbourne University The Tapestry ofLight: Intersections of Illuminations, Symposium, RMIT Design Research Institute, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East #1, American University in Dubai, UAE. Metasenta® Keynote speakers; Prof. Stephen Farthing University of the Arts London, Dr. Irene Barberis, RMIT University Melbourne, 8 international papers given.
International Director: Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East/Firenze Exhibitions and Conferences
International Director and Curator: Contemporary Australian Drawing #1 - #7, Series of Global Drawing Dialogues and Exhibitions.
Critic, Faculty and Visiting Artist, The Rome Art Program, New York/Rome ( 2009 - )
Facilitated over 35 students from Australia into the Rome Art Program I Rome, for 4 – 8 weeks. Visiting Faculty Member, SACI Institute, Florence, Italy/New York (2015-2020)
Invitational Member Artists and designers Council, SACI Institute, Florence, Italy (2014-2020) Director and Curator, Victoria University Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
Co-Director New Arts Studio School (with Elizabeth Gower and John Neeson), Linden, Melbourne, Australia.
2023 Concentric Influences of Sol LeWitt: Foundations, Pivots and Place; Currently in Dialogue with Jewish Museum of Australia including five International Jewish Museums/ ongoing.
2011 ‘5 Places’, Mike Parr and Irene Barberis, Bury Museum and Art Gallery, Bury, Manchester, UK. 2009 ‘Across the Gulf”, 22 Artists from the Gulf, ARC International Biennale Brisbane.
2007 20,000 Colours, The Artistic Gene, Four Generations of Women, Albury City Museum
2005-6 Intersections - reading the space, Jewish Museum of Australia, Melbourne, Australia, San Francisco Jewish Museum, San Francisco, USA
2018 Edge, 40 Artists, Global Centre for Drawing, Langford120, Melbourne
Psychochoreography: A Confluence of Thinking, Langford120, Melbourne
Carole Robb; Venice and Rome Scrolls, Passage Gallery, Langford120, Melbourne
Sarah Dyshart; Drawings From the Royal College of Art, London, Passage Gallery, Langford120, Melbourne Louise Lee; Interlude, Passage Gallery, Langford120, Melbourne
Janet Passehl, New Works, Passage Gallery, Langford120, Melbourne 2017 Contemporary Australian Drawing #7, Langford120, Melbourne
Four Drawings: Barberis, Bradbeer Southall and Tabacco, Langford120, Melbourne
2016 Contemporary Australian Drawing #6: Spatial Kinetics: The body and memory, somatics, transformation and change, The Bury Art Museum, Manchester, United Kingdom.
2016 Passage: Heidi Vanzet and Nick Curnow, Passage Gallery, Langford120, Melbourne The 2016 Langford Associates, Passage Gallery, Langford120, Melbourne
2015 Contemporary Australian Drawing#5: Facsimilies, SACI Gallery, SACI, Florence
Global Drawing Audit#1: Five Countries, 36 students, 6 Regional Editors/Curators, SACI Institute, Florence, Italy
Trajectories: Fifteen: Langford Associates 2015, Langford120, Melbourne
2014 ‘Location’, 32 International Artists, Dubai/Melbourne; Jam Jar Gallery, Dubai, Langford120, Melbourne ‘On Location’, Rome Art Program, American University in Dubai
Fourteen: Trajectories, Associates for 2014, Langford120, Melbourne
Lines of Thought; Tasara Lines, India, GCfD, Langford120, Melbourne
2013 Five Places: A Metasenta Collaboration, with Bury Art Museum, Director; Tony Trehy, UK
Thirteen: 17 Artists: Australia 8, UK 4, USA 2, Hong Kong, GCfD, Langford120, Melbourne, Australia. GeometricAljamia - a visual transliteration, Eight International Artists, Dubai, USA, Langford120, Melbourne Portraiture in Focus: Anita Taylor (UK) Irene Barberis (Australia) Helen Sturgess ( UK), Drawing on Two Worlds: Embarkation, Janet McKenzie. GCfD Langford120, Melbourne, Australia
Contemporary Australian Drawing #4: Reading the Space, GCfD, New York Studio School, Main Gallery, New York, New York, USA
Re the Body #1, Bernhard Sachs, Wendy Stavrianos, Todd Fuller, Carl Scriberras of Flatline Dance Co., Langford120, Melbourne, Australia.
Re: The Body 2: An exploration of the body - anybody, Irene Barberis, Sarina Lirosi, Amie Oliver, Elizabeth Presa, Langford120, Melbourne
2012 Bartlett, Byrt, Dall’Ava, Langford120, Melbourne
A Selection from Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East#1 exhibition,GCfD, Langford120, Melbourne
Contemporary Australian Drawing #3, 80 artists, GCfD, Langford120, Melbourne
2011 Lines Of Thinking: Rick Amor, Irene Barberis, Asher Bilu, Paul Boston, Sam Burke + Domenico de Clario, Richard Dunn, Angela Ellsworth, Mary MacQueen, Jan Murray, Mike Parr, Anita Taylor, Gosia Wlodarczak, Global Centre for Drawing,Langford120, Melbourne
2000 - 2010 -Multiple international exhibitions curated through the Metasenta® Projects
Karen Forbes, Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland; Andre Liew, RMIT University, Melbourne; Tony Trehy, Bury Museum of Art, UK; Stephen Farthing, University of the Arts, London, UK; Hetty Baiz, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA; Anita Taylor, University of the Arts, London, UK; Metasenta® Team, RMIT University, Melbourne; Irene Barberis, RMIT University, Melbourne; Nerma Cridge, University of the Arts, London, UK; Tracy MacKenna and Edwin Janssen, Duncan of Jordanstone, College of Art, Dundee University, Scotland; Keith Winter, Queens University, Belfast, Ireland, Godwin Bradbeer, RMIT University, Melbourne; Julia Townsend and Marcelo Lima, American University in Dubai, UAE;
Kreider and O’Leary, University of the Arts, London; Analogy: Colour Tone and Tint, Kelly Chorpening (UAL), Jeffrey Dennis (UAL), Paul Coldwell (UAL), Wilma Tabacco (RMIT), Sally Cleary (RMIT), Rhett D’Costa (RMIT), Phil Edwards (RMIT); Anne Lydiat, (UAL).
All Exhibitions Curated and Installed by Irene Barberis.
1999 Susan Hewitt and Fran Van Riemsdyke at Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne
Sterographics, John. R. Neeson, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne
Drawing, Central Park, New York. Mary Tonkin, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne
Real Abstraction, Wilma Tabacco, Jan Murray, Robin Kingston, Craig Easton guest curator, Wilma Tabacco ExposureA: Artists Portraits of Artists; Warren Brenninger. In collaboration with Linden Gallery, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne
Exposure B: Artists Portraits of Artists, (38 Artists), Linden Gallery, Curated in collaboration with Anne Harris, Director: Linden Art Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
Star Painting 1999 from the Apocalypse, Abstract and Figurative Elements: Irene Barberis, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne
Melbourne's Marvellous Tapestries, Gareth Sansom, Dale Hickey, Jimmy Pike, Ginger Riley, Victorian Tapestry Workshop at Victoria University Gallery, City, Melbourne.
1998 Notations - 40 Artists, Installation Irene Barberis, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne TheHeart of the Machine: Loy Lichtman & Megan Evans, Victoria University, City, Melbourne
Complicity: A Theorem and its Corollary- Mark Stoner, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne Far Away, Guest Curator, Professor Jenny Zimmer, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne Verisimilitude: Godwin Bradbeer, Victoria University Gallery City ,Melbourne
Hidden and Revealed x 3 Adrian. L. Page, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne
Walk and Wave: Kevin Wilson and Nicole Vevoeden – Cash, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne 1997 Selections From The Victoria University Collection, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne
Line of Thought - Victoria University (96 - 97): Authors, Victoria University Gallery, Melbourne
Lins of Thought Paper Installation Piece,: Irene Barberis, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne DigitalLandscapes, Barbara Grossman, Victoria University - Multi Media - Life, Dept. Electrical Engineering Cuts, Installation, Wilma Tabacco and Irene Barberis, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne
Photoworks; Ponch Hawkes, Women in Science and Engineering, Victoria University Gallery City, Melbourne
Chris Wainwright, Dean University of the Arts London, Irene Barberis, Director Metasenta® Tony Trehy, Director Bury Gallery & Museum, Manchester
Karen Forbes, Head of Painting and Drawing, Edinburgh College of Art Mark Dunhill,Dean of Art, Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design David Garcia, Dean of Chelsea College of Art and Design
Carla Delfos, Executive Director ELIA
Steve Kapelke, Provost/ Senior Vice President at Columbia College Chicago Kevin Thompson, Director Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Klaus Jung, Head of School of Fine Aet, Glasgow School of Art RonBurnett, President Emily Carr University of Art and Design George Blacklock, Dean of Wimbledon College of Art
Richard Noble, Lecturer in Fine Arts at Goldsmiths College, London
Intercultural projects; Methodologies and creative project research: Drawing, Painting, Installation, Faith, Illuminated Manuscripts, (glass, tapestry, mosaic, fresco), specializing in Apocalypse texts and images
Awards and commissions (since 2000)
2025. Artist and Curators Residency, 37PK, Netherlands.
Foundation Grant: $25,000 - LeWitt Tapestry Suite
Artists Residency, Drawing Projects, Scotland, DJCAD, University of Dundee, UK
2024 Artist in Residence (X3), Sol LeWitt Studio, Chester, Connecticut, USA
Vera Moore Foundation Grant $15,000 -The Taprestry of Light; interactive PDF/Short Film
2023 Honorary Research Fellowship, DJCAD, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK – 2023- 2026
2022 Artist in Residence (2) Chester USA, Sol LeWitt Studio Residencies (2), Mahler LeWitt Studios Spoleto, Praiano Studio Amalfi Coast, Italy
Artist’s Studio Residency (studio6) and Scholar’s residency, British School at Rome, Italy
2020 The Tapestry of Light at The Bible Museum, Washington DC. American Curator Amy Van Dyke. Awarded all costs and shipping including Artists fees; approximately, $150,000 USD/ $200,000 AUD.
2019 Inaugural Sol LeWitt Studio Residency (Barberis first artist, apart from Sol LeWitt’s daughter Eva LeWitt, to work in the LeWitt Studio, Chester), Chester USA, Mahler LeWitt Studios Spoleto, Praiano Studio Amalfi Coast, Italy
Artist Studio Residency and Scholar’s residency, British School at Rome, Italy 2019
2019 Commissioned: Development exhibition, The Tapestry of Light, a Twenty-First Century Apocalypse.
2017 The Tapestry of Light Artwork & Project exhibition, film and interviews; All finances including Artist Fees and residencies awarded, St. Michael and St. Gudula, Cathedral, Brussels, Belgium.
2017 Artist in Residence; International Priory of St. Dominic in Brussels, including Barberis’ Assistant and Manager of The Tapestry of Light, Brussels; Belgium International Curator of The Tapestry of Light, Fr Alain OP, Chaplain of Artists of Brussels, Vicar of the Master of the Order of Santa Sabina, Rome, Socius of Northwest Europe and Canada (2017)Residency also for the International Curator of The Tapestry of Light Project, Emerita Professor Michelle P. Brown, University of London, UK (2017)
Artist in Residence and exhibition Canterbury Cathedral, for The Tapestry of Light Project, Chapter House, Canterbury, UK.
Awarded main inclusion in the Canterbury Festival 2017. Awarded by Canterbury Cathedral all costs for The Tapestry of Light Project exhibition, opening and duration; approximately 100,00 BP, $180,000 AUD.
Awarded the Vera Moore Foundation Grant, Melbourne, Australia, $15,000 AUD.
2015 Scholars Residency, British School at Rome, Italy
2014 Artist Residency, Tasara Center, Southern India. Tapestry of Light weaving/thread research.
Scholar’s Residency, British School at Rome, Rome, Italy
2013 Scholars Residency, British School at Rome, Italy
2011 Scholars Residency, British School at Rome, Italy
2009 International Public Art Award, Bury City Centre, “Three in One: the Rock Project” Manchester, UK (not taken up)
RMIT University, Design Research Institute Grant: The Tapestry of Light: history into Futures
Funding; Metasenta Pty. Ltd®
Funding: Metasenta Projects, RMIT University
‘City Centre’, Shortlisted for International Public Art Project. Bury City Centre Manchester, UnitedKingdom
Museums Australia, Jewish Museum – Honourable Mention for Intersections – Reading the Space.
Frankston “new circular lighting Project”
Frankston Bayside, new glass Sculpture work "Ellipse"
Finalist, Arthur Guy Memorial Painting Prize. Bendigo Art Gallery, Australia
Frankston Commission, Eight Works – A Kinaesthetic Experience”, major sculptural work, Pivot
Arts Victoria, New Work Development Grant
Selection- finalist, Docklands Lighting Project, ARM architects (5 shortlist)
Lighting Project, Geelong Arts Precinct, with Brecknock Consulting
Visual Arts and Crafts, Curatorial and Related Studies, Performing Arts and Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, Art Theory and Criticism
2025 South Korea, Netherlands, Italy, France, UK, Scotland, USA.
2024 New York, Chester, CT, USA, Hong Kong/China
2023 Scotland, UK, Italy.
2022 New York, Chester, London, Rome, Florence, Venice, Spoleto, Praiano, Dubai. 2020/2021 Covid19 – no travel.
2019 London, New York, Chester Connecticut, Washington DC
2018 London, Washington DC, New York.
2017 Brussels, London, Canterbury, Rome, Paris
2016 Hong Kong, Brussels, Weilsbeke, Angers, Paris, London, Manchester, Rome,
2015 Rome, Florence, Italy, Hong Kong, Brussels, Flanders, Belgium
2014 Kerala, Southern India, London, Brussels, Rome, Hong Kong, Dubai, UAE.
2013 Hong Kong, Rome, New York, Southern India.
2012 London, Dubai, Rome, Hong Kong
2011 New York, Manchester, London, Rome, Dubai.
2010 Hong Kong, Guangzhou, London.
2009 Bahrain, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, London, Hong Kong, Venice, Rome, Basel, Berlin, London, Guangzhou, China, Tibet. Zurich, Lucerne, London.
2008 Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Bahrain, Dubai, London, Belfast, Ireland, Edinburgh, Manchester, Chicago, New Harmony, New York, Los Angeles, (Metasenta Projects, RMIT University).
2007 Hong Kong, Guangzhou China, London, Belfast, Edinburgh, Dundee, Glasgow, Manchester, United Kingdom. Chicago, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, USA.
2006 Research: Paris (residency), Barcelona, London, Hong Kong, Korea, Tokyo, Japan, Shanghai.
2005 Research, San Francisco, Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris.
2004 Research / Installation. Paris, Germany, United Kingdom, China, Hong Kong.
2003–2004 Residency, Cite Internationale des Arts.
2001 Doctor of Philosophy: Victoria University, Melbourne.
2000–1996 Candidate for Doctor of Philosophy, Victoria University, Melbourne
Research Field Trip: New York, London, Oxford, Cambridge. Belgium, Paris, Chartres, Angers, Bourge, Le Man, Avignon, Ravenna, Venice, Perugia, Spoletto, Florence, Rome.
1992–94 Master of Fine Arts, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne University.
1979–82 Keith and Elizabeth Murdoch Travelling Fellowship, Victorian College of the Arts, Paris, France.
Research, atelier installations, USA, Britain, Europe. Resided Paris – 1980–1983.
1977–78 Postgraduate Diploma of Painting, Victorian College of the Arts. Melbourne.
1975–76 Graduate Diploma of Art and Design, Preston Institute of Technology.
1974 Study tour, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, Edinburgh, Dusseldorfe, Basel, Milan, Rome, Amsterdam (with Australian Artist Robert Hunter).
1972–73 Diploma of Fine Art, Prahran College of Advanced Education.
2001 Abstract and Figurative Elements of the Apocalypse and its Representations,
1996–2001 Doctor of Philosophy, Victoria, University, Melbourne.
1994 The Spiritual and the Mundane: Aspects of Scripture in the Modern World,
1992–94 Master of Fine Art, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne University
1978 Breakdown of Space / Build up of Colour, 1978–79 VCA. PG.Dip, Melbourne University
Acknowledgement of Country
RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.