Dr. Andrew Kilgour
Assistant Associate Dean, Medical Radiations
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|Health and Biomedical Sciences
Bundoora West
Contact me about:
Research supervision
- Talevski, C.,Kilgour, A.,Spuur, K. (2023). Radiographers' decision-making processes in the movement of pain-afflicted adult trauma patients in planar diagnostic imaging In: Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences, 70, 239 - 246
- Arruzza, E.,Chau, M.,Kilgour, A. (2023). Problem-based learning in medical radiation science education: A scoping review In: Radiography, 29, 564 - 572
- Inyang, I.,Barnett, T.,Obamiro, K.,Rogers, M.,Kilgour, A.,Visentin, D. (2023). ‘Growing your own’ a case study of a collaborative training program in medical radiation science In: Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences, 70, 398 - 405
- Kilgour, P.,Northcote, M.,Williams, A.,Kilgour, A. (2020). A plan for the co-construction and collaborative use of rubrics for student learning In: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 45, 140 - 153
- Pollard, N.,Nisbet, G.,Kenny, B.,Sheepway, L.,Jacobson, J.,Tartakover, E.,Kilgour, A.,McAllister, L. (2018). Strategies for Ethics Education with Health Profession Students Before, During, and After Placements In: International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care, 6, 95 - 110
1 PhD Current Supervisions