Master of Communication Design

Master of Communication Design


Develop your skills in strategic design thinking and provide leadership within your discipline.

Student type:
Learning mode:
On campus
Entry score:

Not applicable*

Full-time 2 years
Part-time 4 years
Reduced duration available
Next intake:
February, July
Melbourne City
Learning mode:
On campus
Entry score:

See admissions

Full-time 2 years
Next intake:
February, July
Melbourne City


With the Master of Communication Design you will develop expertise in communication design practice, and focus on design entrepreneurship and strategic design thinking.

Push your creative boundaries and think critically to find design solutions to communication challenges.

Ideal for design professionals looking to start their own studio or expand into management, this course is designed to build your skills in areas such as entrepreneurship, strategic design thinking and global best practice, as well as advanced studies in typography and other specialisations.

Develop expert knowledge and specialised technical and creative skills to prepare for professional roles in multidisciplinary environments, including:

  • communication design studios
  • digital design consultancies
  • advertising agencies
  • design teams within other organisations.

With this qualification, you'll be able to work independently or in teams, and communicate confidently with other design professionals and clients.

RMIT is one of the biggest facilitators of design practice in Melbourne, and RMIT and the design industry are closely tied together. I already had a foundation in design but this degree enables me to nurture it.
Portrait of Cindy Limardiono, Master of Communication Design student at RMIT – Cindy Limardiono, Master of Communication Design student

Why study the Master of Communication Design at RMIT?

Award-winning academics

Learn from a team of internationally renowned and award-winning practitioners and educators.

Professional connections

Develop your network by working with industry partners and clients on real-world briefs and projects.

Dedicated facilities

Study in our dedicated postgraduate studio facilities with state-of-the-art design and printing equipment.

RMIT University is ranked as #1 in Australia and #18 in the world for studies in art and design. [QS rankings by subject 2024]

Enhance your practice

You will strengthen your skills and knowledge through studies in:

  • strategic design thinking
  • best practice in communication design
  • typography
  • theory and criticism
  • research methods.

Under expert guidance from RMIT’s team of nationally and internationally renowned practitioners and educators, you’ll advance your knowledge and practice as a communication design practitioner and will be well prepared to contribute to global industry developments and design innovation.

Portrait of Ming Cao, Master of Communication Design student at RMIT – Ming Cao, Master of Communication Design graduate
RMIT's design program offers a very rich curriculum and technical support for students. This includes different studios that can expose you to commercial projects at an earlier stage, and RISO printing that allows you to experience stunning printing effects to suit every imaginable design.
Design drawing of 3 equally spaced, designed, lowercase "a", in a serif font

Further your design thinking

Renowned design practitioners will lead you through studio-based subjects, where you’ll work on briefs and campaigns with industry partners. 


Learn through lectures, tutorials, workshops, seminars, case studies, studio practice, problem-based learning, reflective techniques (e.g. blogs, journals), online and face-to-face presentations, group-based learning and discussions.

Assessment activities include design projects, research assignments, reports, portfolio production, essays, presentations, and peer or industry review. Projects, reports and presentations will be directly related to current industry practices.

You will have access to online resources through the student portal.

Learning at RMIT

The types of classes you have will depend on the course you’re studying. Classes are offered in various formats designed to provide meaningful engagement with staff, industry and peers and provide for access and use of spaces where learning can be applied and active, including an array of specialised equipment.

Most RMIT courses do not include passive large-scale classes such as lectures, instead the content traditionally provided in lectures is made available online. This may be in the form of readings, videos or other on-demand learning materials. This content will also support the basis of interactive learning that takes place in on-campus classes.

As a Master of Communication Design student, you'll benefit from an academic team of internationally renowned and award-winning design practitioners and educators. 

Staff exhibit internationally, have been nominated in the Victorian Premier’s Design Awards and received awards including the AGDA Pinnacle Award and the ABDA Designer’s Choice Book of the Year.

There will also be a number of opportunities to connect with industry through work-integrated learning and by engaging with visiting industry professionals, who will deliver guest lectures and studio intensives.

Recently, students of the Master of Communication Design contributed to the redesign of the brand identity for programs within Australian Museums and Galleries Association (AMaGA).

Design is an international language, enabling you to produce work for local and global audiences and industries.

This degree attracts a strong international student cohort due to RMIT University’s worldwide reputation as a leader in design education.

You will have the opportunity to take part in postgraduate study tours, which allow you to study with students from other disciplines including advertising, public relations and communications.

Overseas work, exchange and study experiences

RMIT offers a range of opportunities for our students to study abroad through overseas work, exchange and study experiences with over 165 partner universities worldwide.

  • 2 years full-time or 4 years part-time (without advanced standing).
  • 1 - 1.5 years full-time or part-time equivalent (with advanced standing).

For further information about advanced standing see the Pathways section.  

The Graduate Diploma of Communication Design is available an exit award of this degree.  Any advanced standing you receive for the masters degree is not transferrable to an exit award. If you wish to exit early with the Graduate Diploma, you must have completed all subjects specified in the relevant course structure.

The knowledge and skills you will acquire throughout this degree and how they can be applied in your career are described in the learning outcomes.

This degree is structured around a series of major studio subjects that focus on entrepreneurship, strategic design thinking and best practice in communication design with a global focus.

These studio subjects are supported by advanced studies in typography, theory and criticism, research methods, and other specialisations.

In your final year, you will have the opportunity to undertake an individually negotiated professional research project. This will enable you to bring your knowledge and skills together, connect theory and practice, and make a meaningful contribution to the design industries.

The Master of Communication Design consists of 192 credit points. A graduate diploma exit point is also available (upon completion of 96 credit points).

Course structure

Choose a plan below to find out more about the subjects you will study and the course structure.

Master of Communication Design
Program code: MC250

Plan code
Master of Communication Design
City Campus
2 years full-time, 4 years part-time, reduced duration available
City Campus
2 years full-time, 4 years part-time, reduced duration available
Plan code
Master of Communication Design
City Campus
2 years full-time
City Campus
2 years full-time
Plan code


Male student standing in hte middle of the road, outside a Melbourne CBD space

Creative careers for visual strategists

Graduate ready to manage in industry or start your own design studio through a specialised degree that opens career opportunities across the world. 

The Master of Communication Design opens career opportunities across the world.

Design thinking is increasingly important in most organisations, and employers are looking for the advanced knowledge and skills demonstrated by graduates of this degree. Graduates will be able to practise entrepreneurial and collaborative approaches to design, driving the creation of new business enterprises.

Graduates can enter into roles such as:

  • communication designer
  • design manager
  • account manager
  • design strategist.

Graduates of the Master of Communication Design are eligible to become members of:

Association with these bodies provides benefits such as employment information, and prizes and awards that are relevant to career development.

In Australia there are no professional bodies that recognise or accredit programs in communication design.

Entry requirements and admissions

You need to satisfy all of the following entry requirements to be considered for entry into this degree.

You must have:

  • successfully completed an Australian bachelor degree (or equivalent overseas qualification); or
  • at least 3 years professional experience in graphic design, communication design and/or visual communication.

To have your professional experience considered you must submit with your application a CV and a personal statement detailing your experience.

You must also complete and submit a selection task. Please refer to the 'Selection tasks' tab for more details.

There are no prerequisite subjects required for entry into this qualification.

Semester 2, 2025

You must complete and submit the Communication Design selection task. Please click the apply button to submit your direct application. The link to submit your selection task will appear on the applicant dashboard after you have submitted your application.

Entry into this program is competitive and applications are assessed in the order that they are received until the selection task date, if places are still available. For your best chance at admission into this program, you are encouraged to apply as early as possible.

Selection task dates

Applicant type Register and submit the selection task by
All applicants 18 July 2025

Selection task requirements

Outline your perspective of the current state of communication design and the future of the discipline (maximum 500 words).

To prepare this statement, please read, and use as a point of departure, Norman Potter’s essay 'What is a designer?' (2002) (The essay is also available as a PDF within the selection task once you submit your application). Then please watch 'Urgently Patient Designing in an Age of Unsettlement’ where Dr Tristan Schultz discusses design as a respectful and critical articulatory practice, using case studies from his current practice. You may find it helpful to consider the following questions:

  • Are Potter’s ideas still relevant today? 
  • If so, which of his ideas are still relevant, and how?
  • If not, which of his ideas are outdated, and why? 
  • What does this and Schultz say about the future of communication design? 
  • Where do you see communication design taking you in the next 3 years?

You must not use any Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to generate any written statements.    

Provide a statement that details any relevant experience including employment, voluntary work, creative practices, etc., or a description of what you have done, over what periods and how it strengthens your application to this program (maximum 250 words).

You must not use any Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to generate any written statement.    

Provide a folio of 15 to 30 pieces of your work. Your folio should be communication design focused, although it may contain a variety of work including, art, design or media work that demonstrates the breadth of your interests and expertise, as well as your conceptual and technical skills.

For example, your folio may include: drawings, paintings, graphic design, photographs, motion graphics, digital images, models, sculpture, video, interactive media, games, websites, short writing pieces, 2D and 3D animation, and/or reports. In addition to your finished work, you may include your development work.

You should provide an explanation of each work including its purpose and background. If your work is a collaboration, please also detail precisely your role and the role of your collaborator/s (maximum 200 words).

You must not use any Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to generate any written statements. 

If you have used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to generate images in your folio, please describe where this occurs and what AI tools were used (maximum 100 words).  

Submission instructions

Images must be collated in a single PDF (maximum file size 10MB). Flash animation and QuickTime movies are acceptable, however, please ensure that the files are built or exported and open independently of the creator program (maximum file size 10MB).

If your creative work is on YouTube or other websites you must supply the URL. Please provide the username and/or password if applicable.

Semester 1, 2026

Selection task details and submission dates will be available early August 2025.

You must complete and submit the Communication Design selection task. Please click the apply button to submit your direct application. The link to submit your selection task will appear on the applicant dashboard after you have submitted your application.

Entry into this program is competitive and applications are assessed in the order that they are received until the selection task date, if places are still available. For your best chance at admission into this program, you are encouraged to apply as early as possible.

Selection task dates

Applicant type Register and submit the selection task by
All applicants TBC

Selection task requirements

Selection task details and submission dates will be available early August 2025.

You must meet the University's minimum English language requirements to be eligible for a place in this program.


Graduates from the Graduate Certificate in Service Design can continue their studies in this program, subject to the program’s entrance requirements.

Masters advanced standing

If you have successfully completed one of the following qualifications specialising in graphic design, communication design or visual communication, you will be eligible for advanced standing as follows:

Qualification level

Advanced standing

Remaining program duration

Bachelor Degree (AQF level 7)

48 credit points (equivalent to one semester full time study)

144 credit points (equivalent to three semesters full time study)

Bachelor Honours Degree (AQF level 8)

96 credit points (equivalent to two semester full time study)

96 credit points (equivalent to two semesters full time study)

Graduate Certificate (AQF level 8)

48 credit points (equivalent to one semester full time study)

144 credit points (equivalent to three semesters full time study)

Graduate Diploma (AQF level 8)

96 credit points (equivalent to two semesters full time study)

96 credit points (equivalent to two semesters full time study)

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national policy for Australian qualifications in vocational and higher education.

Credit and recognition of prior learning

Applicants with a bachelor degree (honours), graduate certificate, graduate diploma or masters qualification majoring in a different discipline may also be eligible for credit transfer of up to 48 credit points (equivalent to one semester full time study).

Credit and exemptions will be assessed consistent with the principles of the RMIT Credit Policy.

Upon successful completion of this masters degree, you may be eligible to undertake further studies in related programs at RMIT University, including postgraduate research programs, subject to the program's entrance requirements.


2025 indicative fees

  • Full-fee places: AU$32,640 (2025 annual fee)*.

Additional expenses

  • Student services and amenities fee (SSAF): AU$365 maximum fee for 2025*.
  • Other items related to your program, including field trips, textbooks and equipment.

Annual fee adjustment*

Amounts quoted are indicative fees per annum, and are based on a standard year of full-time study (96 credit points). A proportionate fee applies for more or less than the full-time study load.

*Fees are adjusted on an annual basis and these fees should only be used as a guide.

Defer your payment

This program is offered on a full-fee paying basis only. If you are offered a place, you will need to pay the full tuition costs of your program. However, eligible students (such as Australian citizens or holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa) may apply to defer payment of some or all of their tuition fees via the Commonwealth Government’s FEE-HELP loan scheme.

Paying your fees and applying for refunds

For information on how to pay your fees or how to apply for a refund, please see Paying your fees and applying for refunds.

In addition to tuition fees, you will be charged an annual student services and amenities fee (SSAF), which is used to maintain and enhance services and amenities that improve your experience as an RMIT student.

The SSAF is calculated based on your enrolment load and the maximum fee for 2025 is $365.

You may also be required to purchase other items related to your course, including field trips, textbooks and equipment. These additional fees and expenses vary from course to course.

FEE-HELP loans

Eligible students (such as Australian citizens or holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa) may apply to defer payment of some or all of their tuition fees via the Commonwealth Government’s FEE-HELP loan scheme.


You may be eligible to apply to defer payment of the Student services and amenities fee (SSAF) through the SA-HELP loan scheme. If you use SA-HELP, the amount will be added to your accumulated HELP debt.

How does a HELP loan work?

If your FEE-HELP and/or SA-HELP loan application is successful, the Australian Government will pay RMIT, on your behalf, up to 100% of your fees. This amount will become part of your accumulated HELP debt.

You only start repaying your accumulated HELP debt to the Australian Government once you earn above the minimum income threshold for repayment, which is set each year by the Australian Government (this also applies if you are still studying). The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will calculate your compulsory repayment for the year and include this on your income tax notice.

For more information about loan repayment options see Commonwealth assistance (HELP loans) or Study Assist.

You may be eligible to apply for income tax deductions for education expenses linked to your employment.

See the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for more information.

RMIT awards more than 2000 scholarships every year to recognise academic achievement and assist students from a variety of backgrounds.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Looking for answers or more general information?

Use our Frequently Asked Questions to learn about the application process and its equity access schemes, find out how to accept or defer your offer or request a leave of absence, discover information about your fees, refunds and scholarships, and explore the various student support and advocacy services, as well as how to find out more about your preferred program, and more.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.