Master of Physiotherapy

Master of Physiotherapy


Master the art and science of physiotherapy, helping people through movement and exercise. 

Student type:
Learning mode:
On campus
Entry score:

Not applicable*

Full-time 2 years
Next intake:
Learning mode:
On campus
Entry score:

See admissions

Full-time 2 years
Next intake:


The Master of Physiotherapy is a two-year graduate entry to professional practice degree.

This physiotherapy degree, based in Bundoora (Melbourne) produces agile, resilient and enterprising health professionals that are informed by evidence.

Students learn therapeutic communication skills, business and enterprise acumen, skills in technology and digital health, and knowledge of healthcare across the lifespan to drive innovation for responsible practice and enhance health outcomes.

Why choose the Master of Physiotherapy at RMIT?

Experiential learning

The curriculum embeds simulated and clinical experiences to consolidate your learning and launch your physiotherapy career.

Industry partnered

Bridge tertiary education with clinical practice, using industry immersion to innovate health solutions.

Health leadership

Apply leadership and management skills to advance person-centred care and collaborate within multidisciplinary health teams to deliver responsible health care.

Addressing health industry needs

The Master of Physiotherapy is a 16-course program that immerses students in simulated and real-world clinical environments to address healthcare challenges for the Australian and global contexts, inclusive of chronic diseases, disability and individuals with multiple comorbidities across the lifespan. 


Learning and teaching

This is a two-year graduate entry to professional practice full-time program that adopts the blended learning model. The teaching methods include online and face-to-face lectorials, seminars, tutorials/workshops, practicals and laboratory sessions, site visits and provision of online materials. The face-to-face aspect of the program is delivered at the Bundoora campus. Students undertake practically oriented learning through clinical placement and work-integrated learning (WIL) activities (EmpowEEr) to develop their practical capabilities and enhance employability.

Assessment methods

The assessments within the Master of Physiotherapy program are designed to give students the opportunity to demonstrate evidence-informed, industry-relevant knowledge, skills and clinical reasoning. These assessments may include hurdle requirements, quizzes, written reports, oral presentations, group projects, research projects and skill-based practical examinations.

Learning at RMIT

The types of classes you have will depend on the course you’re studying. Classes are offered in various formats designed to provide meaningful engagement with staff, industry and peers and provide for access and use of spaces where learning can be applied and active, including an array of specialised equipment.

Most RMIT courses do not include passive large-scale classes such as lectures, instead the content traditionally provided in lectures is made available online. This may be in the form of readings, videos or other on-demand learning materials. This content will also support the basis of interactive learning that takes place in on-campus classes.

The Master of Physiotherapy embeds EmpowEER WIL activities across four courses over the two-year program.

Students gain practical experience within real-world and simulated environments. Students will undertake structured industry-based assessments to evaluate competence in theoretical knowledge, skill application and clinical reasoning. Students also have the opportunity to co-design and be mentored in industry-partnered research projects.

The Master of Physiotherapy is a two-year, full-time accelerated program.

As such there will be courses that will be delivered flexibly or outside the higher education learning and teaching period, eg. WIL courses. Additionally, there will be a course delivered as six-week intensive.

Throughout this degree, expect to attend face-to-face classes on campus for a minimum of three days, in addition to industry placement.

During specific WIL courses, you have to attend a four-day industry placement, over five weeks. It is expected that physiotherapy students devote 5-7.5 hours of external study per course per week to complete the required preparation for class, such as reading of materials, completing online teaching and learning activities, reflecting and preparing for assessment tasks.

The knowledge and skills you will acquire throughout this diploma and how they can be applied in your career are described in the learning outcomes.

Year 1

In the first year of study, you undertake eight courses that prepare you for your block clinical placement period. The eight courses cover foundational knowledge and practical skills in physiotherapy across lifespan, research and leadership. You also commence your EmpowEEr WIL placement – a one-day-per-week industry placement over two years, delivered during the two semesters.

Year 2

In the second year of study, you delve deeper into aspects of physiotherapy practice that include introduction of complex clinical presentations and clinical reasoning, global healthcare model, and business and management within the context of physiotherapy practice. You attend clinical placement blocks, each of five-week duration, and continue your EmpowEEr WIL placement. 

Course structure

Choose a plan below to find out more about the subjects you will study and the course structure.

Master of Physiotherapy
Program code: MC287

Plan code
Master of Physiotherapy
Bundoora Campus
2 years full-time
Bundoora Campus
2 years full-time
Plan code
Master of Physiotherapy
Bundoora Campus
2 years full-time
Bundoora Campus
2 years full-time
Plan code


Physiotherapy is growing and evolving with increasing healthcare demand in the past decade.

Influenced by advances in both technology and research evidence, physiotherapists are required to continually adapt to the ever-changing healthcare landscape.

The Master of Physiotherapy at RMIT provides graduates with diverse skill sets in critical thinking, hands-on expertise, digital health and business and management, to engage in the profession as innovative practitioners, collaborative lifelong learners and future health leaders. 

Additionally, Master of Physiotherapy graduates are well placed to continue their education into special interest clinical fields, research within the physiotherapy profession or industry-related fields.

The Master of Physiotherapy program is accredited with conditions by the Australian Physiotherapy Council (APC), the accrediting body for the Physiotherapy Board of Australia. Successful completion of the requirements of this program will enable RMIT graduates to apply for registration with the Physiotherapy Board of Australia as a Registered Physiotherapist in Australia. 

Entry requirements and admissions

You need to satisfy all of the following entry requirements to be considered for entry into this degree.

Applicants must have successfully completed an Australian bachelor degree (or international equivalent) within the last 10 years* with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 out of 4.0 in a Science, Biomedical Science, Exercise Science, Health or other discipline, with a major/minor in human anatomy (including musculoskeletal anatomy) and a major/minor in human physiology.

Applicants who have a successfully completed a relevant degree (as above) with a GPA of at least 1.5 out of 4, will be considered if they have at least 2 years (full-time equivalent) of relevant industry experience (e.g. Exercise Science, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Allied Health Assistance, Paramedic, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Chinese Medicine, Psychology,  Myotherapy, Naturopathy, Respiratory Scientist, Aged Care, Counselling, Exercise Physiology, Social Work, Dietetics, Speech Pathology). ^

Applicants must also submit a short video outlining the reason for pursuing a career in Physiotherapy and their potential contribution to the industry. Please refer to the ‘Selection tasks’ tab for further instructions.

Applicants will be selected competitively based on their GPA and video.

International qualifications are assessed according to the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).  

*If this bachelor degree was completed more than 10 years ago, applicants must have completed a postgraduate qualification in health within the last 10 years or have recent, relevant work experience. These applicants will be assessed for eligibility on a case-by-case basis.

^ If you wish to have industry or employment experience assessed as part of meeting the entry requirements you will need to provide a detailed CV/resume listing previous positions, dates of employment and position responsibilities; a statement from your employer confirming these details (or contact details of employer so RMIT can seek confirmation); and evidence of any relevant professional development undertaken.

There are no prerequisite subjects required for entry into this qualification.

You must complete and submit the Master of Physiotherapy selection task. Your application will not be considered until you have completed and submitted this. Please click the Apply button to submit your direct application. The link to submit your selection task will appear on the applicant dashboard after you have submitted your application.

The selection task will require you to provide a URL/link to a video of yourself outlining the reason for pursuing a career in Physiotherapy and your potential contribution to the industry. The video should be no more than 3 minutes long and should just consist of you talking.

Semester 2, 2024

Selection task dates

Applicant type Register and submit the selection task by
Timely applications (given equal consideration)  4 March 2024
Late applications Submissions after the timely applications (equal consideration) deadline will only be considered if places are remaining. Applications may close without notice so you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

You must meet the University's minimum English language requirements to be eligible for a place in this program.

Important dates

  • Friday 29 November 2024: applications for semester 2, 2025 open
  • Monday 28 February 2025: deadline for timely applications (for equal consideration)
  • Wednesday 12 March 2025: first round of offers issued
  • Monday 5 May 2025: deadline for late applications (if places are remaining)
  • Monday 12 May 2025: second round of offers issued (if places are remaining)
  • Mid-June 2025 – July 2025: late offers issued
  • Monday 21 July 2025: classes commence

If you have not received an outcome (offer or deny) by mid-May 2025, it means that while most offers have been issued, you are still on the ranked list and will considered for further offers if additional places become available. 

Selection methodology

Please note that entry to this program is competitive and meeting the minimum academic entry requirements does not guarantee an offer.

This program has full-fee places, with a limited number of Commonwealth supported places (CSP). Applicants are encouraged to add both the CSP and full-fee paying offerings as a preference in their application.

Eligible applicants will receive a score out of 6 for their video submission. This score will be added to their RMIT-equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA out of 4.0) to give them a selection score out of 10. Applicants are ranked and selected in order of merit based on this selection score.

RMIT graduates will be awarded an extra 2 points to their selection score.

3 Commonwealth supported places are guaranteed to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants who meet the entry requirements and provide evidence of their Indigenous eligibility. If there are more than 3 eligible applicants, offers will be issued to the top ranked applicants down. If these 3 places cannot be filled, they will be awarded to other applicants as per the above methodology.

If you receive an offer:

Your offer letter may list conditions that you will need to meet by a specified deadline, such as providing evidence that you have completed your degree and maintained a specific GPA. Please read the conditions listed on your offer letter carefully.

You will also be required to accept your offer by a specified deadline. If you do not accept your offer by this date, your offer will lapse, and the place will be offered to the next ranked applicant. Please ensure you check your emails for additional information carefully. 

Before commencing the program:

Successful applicants must complete any specified immunisation or compliance requirements prior to commencing the clinical component of the program.These processes can be time consuming and should be started once you have accepted your offer. Failure to do so could impact on your clinical component commencement.

Please see the ‘Immunisation and compliance requirements’ heading below for further information.

Additional information

You must meet a number of immunisation and compliance requirements upon commencement of studies in the program and before attempting above WIL courses:

  • Immunisation and vaccination requirements: A full course of immunisations can take up to 7 months to complete, you should contact your medical practitioner prior to entering the program to commence immunisations. It is a requirement that you will have commenced all immunisations and will continue to progress this until completion of the vaccination courses by the deadlines set by the university.
  • Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check: Students must present evidence of a successful Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check prior to undertaking the clinical components of this program (Annual requirement for the duration of your Program). Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks are conducted via fit2work. An account with fit2work will be created using the student’s name and the RMIT issued student email address, once studies in the program have commenced. Further information will be provided once enrolment has been completed.
  • Working with Children Check (valid for 5 years): Students must hold a valid Working with Children Check prior to undertaking the clinical components of this program.
  • NDIS Worker Screening Check: You may be required to apply for and receive an acceptable NDIS Worker Screening Check prior to undertaking professional placement with an NDIS provider as part of this program. Further information will be provided once enrolment has been completed.
  • COVID19 Vaccination: You will be required to undertake COVID19 Vaccination as part of this program. Further information will be provided once enrolment has been completed.

In addition to above immunisation and professional compliance requirement, you must complete and obtain approved WIL agreement and relevant insurance documentation. You will also be required to complete a WIL ready Credentials and/or a WIL Preparation module before commencing any WIL activity

Non-academic abilities you’ll need to complete this program

The following information outlines the tasks you will be required to undertake during professional experience placement and on-campus learning activities.

The non-academic abilities listed are provided for your information only and are not entry requirements.

If there are any activities outlined which may be difficult for you to undertake, there are a range of adjustments to your study conditions available to enable and support you to demonstrate these abilities. Please contact the Equitable Learning Service to discuss any adjustments you may require.

By understanding the types of activities you’ll participate in, you can:

  • understand more about the program
  • determine if you may need support during your studies
  • make an informed decision about whether the program is suitable for you

If you are living with disability, long-term illness and/or a mental health condition, we can support you by making adjustments to activities in your program so that you can participate fully in your studies.

To receive learning adjustments, you need to register with Equitable Learning Service

The University considers the wellbeing and safety of all students, staff and the community to be a priority in academic and professional experience placement settings.


You can gain entry to this masters degree from a range of RMIT undergraduate programs, if you meet the entry requirements.

Credit, recognition of prior learning, professional experience and accreditation from a professional body can reduce the duration of your study by acknowledging your earlier, relevant experience.

Credit and exemptions will be assessed consistent with the principles of the RMIT Credit Policy.

Upon successful completion of this masters degree, you may be eligible to undertake further studies in related programs at RMIT University, including postgraduate research programs, subject to the program's entrance requirements.


This program has full-fee places, with a limited number of Commonwealth supported places (CSP). 

Government financial assistance is available to eligible students regardless of the type of place you enrol in.

2025 indicative fees

Full-fee places

  • Full-fee places: AU$46,080 (2025 annual fee)*.

Commonwealth supported places

  • 2025 Commonwealth supported places (CSP) range from AU$4,627 to AU$16,992*. 

Additional expenses

  • Student services and amenities fee (SSAF): AU$365 maximum fee for 2025*.
  • Other items related to your program, including field trips, textbooks and equipment.

Annual fee adjustment*

Amounts quoted are indicative fees per annum, and are based on a standard year of full-time study (96 credit points). A proportionate fee applies for more or less than the full-time study load.

*Fees are adjusted on an annual basis and these fees should only be used as a guide.

Defer your payment

This program is offered on a full-fee paying basis only. If you are offered a place, you will need to pay the full tuition costs of your program. However, eligible students (such as Australian citizens or holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa) may apply to defer payment of some or all of their tuition fees via the Commonwealth Government’s FEE-HELP loan scheme.

Paying your fees and applying for refunds

For information on how to pay your fees or how to apply for a refund, please see Paying your fees and applying for refunds.

If you are offered a Commonwealth supported place, your tuition fees are subsidised by the Australian Government.

Your share of the fee (student contribution) is set on an annual basis by the government and is determined by the discipline areas (bands) of your individual enrolled courses, not the overall program.

How much can I expect to pay for my Commonwealth supported place?

The Australian Government has introduced changes to university funding and student contribution fees under its Job-ready Graduates Package

The fees in the table below apply to students who commence their program in 2025. Fees for continuing students are available at fees for Commonwealth supported students.

Each course (subject) falls into a band. The band determines the student contribution amount for the course.

Amounts listed in the table below are based on a standard, full-time study load (96 credit points per year) with all courses in the same band. A proportionate fee applies for more or less than the full-time study load or for enrolment in courses (subjects) from a combination of bands.

You can learn how to calculate your exact tuition fees for units from different bands at Fees for Commonwealth supported students.

Maximum student contribution amount for Commonwealth supported places in 2025 for commencing students

Student contribution band by course (subject)

Maximum annual student contribution amount (per EFTSL) in 2025

Education, Postgraduate Clinical Psychology, English, Mathematics, Statistics, Nursing, Indigenous and Foreign Languages, Agriculture $4,627 per standard year
$578 per standard (12 credit point) course
Allied Health, Other Health, Built Environment, Computing, Visual and Performing Arts, Professional Pathway Psychology, Professional Pathway Social Work, Engineering, Surveying, Environmental Studies, Science, Pathology $9,314 per standard year
$1,164 per standard (12 credit point) course
Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Science $13,241 per standard year
$1,655 per standard (12 credit point) course
Law, Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce, Communications, Society and Culture $16,992 per standard year
$2,124 per standard (12 credit point) course

Student Learning Entitlement

On 1 January 2022, the Government implemented the Student Learning Entitlement (SLE).

  • The SLE allows students 7 years of full-time subsidised study in Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP).
  • Your total SLE amount will be reduced in accordance with your overall study load in a CSP. 
  • Once you have utilised all your SLE, you can not longer study in a CSP.

For more information about SLE, visit Study Assist.

If you are offered a full-fee place, you will need to pay the full tuition costs of your program. However, eligible students (such as Australian citizens or holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa) may apply to defer payment of some or all of their tuition fees via the Commonwealth Government’s FEE-HELP loan scheme.

In addition to tuition fees, you will be charged an annual student services and amenities fee (SSAF), which is used to maintain and enhance services and amenities that improve your experience as an RMIT student.

The SSAF is calculated based on your enrolment load and the maximum fee for 2025 is $365.

You may also be required to purchase other items related to your course, including field trips, textbooks and equipment. These additional fees and expenses vary from course to course.

FEE-HELP loans

Eligible students (such as Australian citizens or holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa) may apply to defer payment of some or all of their tuition fees via the Commonwealth Government’s FEE-HELP loan scheme.


You may be eligible to apply to defer payment of the Student services and amenities fee (SSAF) through the SA-HELP loan scheme. If you use SA-HELP, the amount will be added to your accumulated HELP debt.

How does a HELP loan work?

If your FEE-HELP and/or SA-HELP loan application is successful, the Australian Government will pay RMIT, on your behalf, up to 100% of your fees. This amount will become part of your accumulated HELP debt.

You only start repaying your accumulated HELP debt to the Australian Government once you earn above the minimum income threshold for repayment, which is set each year by the Australian Government (this also applies if you are still studying). The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will calculate your compulsory repayment for the year and include this on your income tax notice.

For more information about loan repayment options see Commonwealth assistance (HELP loans) or Study Assist.

This program is approved for income support.

You may be eligible for student income support payments from the Commonwealth Government if you are undertaking a graduate certificate, graduate diploma or an approved professionally oriented masters by coursework program. For more information see Income support for Masters students.

If you are enrolled in an eligible program you will also need to satisfy all other student payment eligibility requirements. You can contact Centrelink or Services Australia for further information about student income support entitlements, your eligibility and how to apply.

You may be eligible to apply for income tax deductions for education expenses linked to your employment.

See the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for more information.

RMIT awards more than 2000 scholarships every year to recognise academic achievement and assist students from a variety of backgrounds.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Looking for answers or more general information?

Use our Frequently Asked Questions to learn about the application process and its equity access schemes, find out how to accept or defer your offer or request a leave of absence, discover information about your fees, refunds and scholarships, and explore the various student support and advocacy services, as well as how to find out more about your preferred program, and more.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.