Master of Clinical Psychology

Master of Clinical Psychology


Become a clinical psychologist. Train in this exciting field. 

Student type:
Learning mode:
On campus
Entry score:

Not applicable*

Full-time 2 years
Next intake:
Learning mode:
On campus
Entry score:

See admissions

Full-time 2 years
Next intake:


The Master of Clinical Psychology provides you with the advanced knowledge and clinical skills that will enable you to function as a professional clinical psychologist in a wide range of health, community and allied settings.

This training encompasses a wide range of theoretical and applied topics, such as knowledge of psychological principles, application of psychological theories and models, design and implementation of psychological interventions, ethical, legal and professional aspects of psychological practice, psychological assessment and measurement, applied research and evaluation, and communication and interpersonal relationships.

Why choose the Master of Clinical Psychology at RMIT?

Hands-on learning

Gain practical experience before you graduate through clinical placements and supervised work in our Health Sciences Clinic.

Strong industry connections

Learn from experts and make professional connections through our established industry partnerships.

APAC accreditation

With accreditation from the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council, this degree puts you on the path to becoming a registered psychologist.

Advanced skills in assessment, diagnosis and treatment are imparted through intensive, small-group face-to-face didactic lectures/seminars, tutorials, case presentations, role plays and workshops. Students receive ample opportunities to develop advanced therapeutic skills within a cognitive-behavioural framework and other contemporary evidence-based theoretical paradigms, utilising the scientist-practitioner model.


You’ll experience a range of learning environments, participating in lectorial seminars, a diverse range of placement duties, and supervised academic research.

Lectorials are used extensively in this degree to communicate knowledge and guide student learning.

A large proportion of time is spent under supervision in the on-campus Health Sciences Clinic treating clients presenting with a variety of psychological, educational and developmental problems.

RMIT’s clinical psychology service offers high-quality support for children, adolescents and adults. It allows postgraduate students, registered as provisional psychologists, the opportunity to treat the general public under the supervision of senior clinical staff, all of whom are registered practitioners.

In addition, you’ll be required to undertake two practicum placements off-campus in supervised psychological practice (minimum of 40 days and 60 days, respectively) in agencies such as hospitals, clinics and other health facilities.

Casework subjects and field placements comprise a minimum of 132 days of practicum experience. You'll also do a supervised research thesis. In addition to this, students complete a supervised research project, reporting their findings in a thesis document at the conclusion of the program.

Clinical practicum training 

Practicum training provides our trainees with opportunities to develop clinical skills through a wide variety of clinical practicum programs and internal and external clinical placements. As a trainee, you’ll undertake four internal practicums (minimum of 40 days each) in the RMIT Health Sciences (Psychology) Clinic, as well as two practicum placements (40 and of 60 days each respectively) in external agencies such as hospitals, clinics and other health facilities.  During the practicum training, you will learn and practice clinical skills under the supervision of experienced clinically-endorsed, AHPRA-registered supervisors.

Learning at RMIT

The types of classes you have will depend on the course you’re studying. Classes are offered in various formats designed to provide meaningful engagement with staff, industry and peers and provide for access and use of spaces where learning can be applied and active, including an array of specialised equipment.

Most RMIT courses do not include passive large-scale classes such as lectures, instead the content traditionally provided in lectures is made available online. This may be in the form of readings, videos or other on-demand learning materials. This content will also support the basis of interactive learning that takes place in on-campus classes.

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice.

Industry input into the curriculum is regularly provided via the program advisory board.

The knowledge and skills you will acquire throughout this degree and how they can be applied in your career are described in the learning outcomes.

The 2-year Master of Clinical Psychology consists of 16 courses, valued at 192 credit points, and includes structured and comprehensive coursework, so that our trainees can acquire in-depth knowledge in the areas outlined below:

  • Ethics and professional practice
  • Psychopathology
  • Psychological assessment 
  • Psychological interventions across the lifespan
  • Biopsychosocial aspects of psychological disorders
  • Advanced statistics and research methods for clinical psychologists
  • Health psychology

As a trainee, you will learn advanced skills in the design and conduct of clinically-relevant research, and how to assess data in a critical and objective manner; attributes that are essential for best-practice as a clinical psychologist. As part of your practical training, you will undertake an original research project in an area applicable to clinical psychology, with example project topics from previous years including:

  • Psychobiology of cognition
  • Neurocognitive disorders
  • Stress, fear and anxiety
  • Wellbeing and resilience
  • Development across the lifespan
  • Psychopathology across the lifespan
  • Health and illness across the lifespan
  • Innovations in psychological assessment and interventions

Course structure

Choose a plan below to find out more about the subjects you will study and the course structure.

Master of Clinical Psychology
Program code: MC002

Plan code
Master of Clinical Psychology
Bundoora Campus
2 years full time or 4 years part time
Bundoora Campus
2 years full time or 4 years part time
Plan code
Master of Clinical Psychology
Bundoora Campus
2 years full time
Bundoora Campus
2 years full time
Plan code


Clinical psychologists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental health problems and mental illness.

They work in a wide range of community settings, including private practices, hospitals, general medical practices, community health services and universities. Clinical psychologists also function as valued members of multi-disciplinary teams where they work alongside practitioners from other health and medical disciplines.

This program is accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC). Find out more about APAC's accreditation program status.

On completion of this program you'll be eligible to apply for registration with the AHPRA (Psychology) as a psychologist. Registration will allow you to practise in any Australian state or territory. Specialist endorsement as a clinical psychologist is possible after 2 years of supervised practice following completion of the Master of Clinical Psychology.  

Entry requirements and admissions

You need to satisfy all of the following entry requirements to be considered for entry into this degree.

You must have:

  • Successfully completed an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) approved fourth year of study in psychology (Honours or Honours-equivalent Graduate/Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology) within the last 10 years with an average of at least 80%. 
    • If the APAC approved fourth year of study in psychology was completed more than 10 years ago, applicants must be currently registered as a psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia and meet the Board's Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements.
    • Applicants with international qualifications must have these assessed by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) as equivalent to a fourth year of study in psychology.
  • AND

  • Demonstrated suitability for the program as evidenced by
    • A professional curriculum vitae/resume; and
    • A personal statement
  • AND

  • Submitted two confidential referee reports.
    • You will need to obtain one academic referee report and one professional or personal referee report.
  • AND

  • Successful completion of a formal admissions interview, if shortlisted.


Please note that entry to this program is competitive and meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee an offer.

Applicants will be ranked and short listed based on their average percentage across their fourth year of study, references, and personal statement. Short listed applicants will be invited for an interview.

The selection interview aims to identify applicants who have a demonstrated interest in clinical psychology, an awareness of clinical issues, and are personally suitable for clinical practice, with sound interpersonal and relational skills. We are looking for applicants who demonstrate the capacity to achieve high levels of scholarship, to be responsive to diversity, and to handle the stress and demands of clinical training.

Offers will be issued subject to the outcome of the interview.

Interim grades will be used for ranking where applicants are still completing their fourth year. Final grades provided after the short-listing process is complete will not be considered as part of the ranking or shortlisting process.

There are no prerequisite subjects required for entry into this qualification.

A selection task is not required for entry into this qualification.

Local applicants who completed an APAC approved fourth year of study in psychology that was taught and assessed entirely in English must meet the University’s minimum English language requirements for local students.

Local applicants who completed an APAC approved fourth year of study in psychology that was taught and assessed in a language other than English must complete an IELTS test achieving a score of 8.0, with no band less than 8.0, or equivalent.

Additional information


  • 29 July 2024: applications open
  • 26 September 2024: applications close
  • 21 October – 4 November 2024: first round of interviews
  • 14 November 2024: first round of offers issued
  • Mid-November 2024 – February 2025: further interviews and late offers made

If you have not received an outcome (offer or deny) by mid-December, it means that while most offers have been issued, you are still on the ranked list and will considered for further offers, if additional places become available.


Submit your application directly to RMIT University by clicking the Apply button.

See the direct applications page for instructions on submitting your application.

Your application cannot be considered until all required information has been correctly submitted.

We may contact you to request additional documentation. Please ensure you check your emails regularly.

Supporting documentation/information

Please attach the following when submitting your application:

Academic transcripts for all relevant study

  • Applicants from institutions other than RMIT University who have completed their Honours year at the time of applying must provide a copy of their official transcripts showing results in all courses (including fail grades) and program completion. Applicants due to complete their study within the current year are also required to submit an academic transcript showing their completed studies to date.
  • Transcripts should include a grading scale (usually found on the back of the official transcript) and the percentage mark achieved for your Honours year. If the percentage mark is not listed on your transcript, please provide a statement from your Honours Coordinator, on an official institution letterhead, that specifies the % mark you achieved.
  • If any of the academic transcripts are in a language other than English, applicants must submit copies of both the original documents and full translations certified by an independent accredited translator.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume

  • Provide a current resume listing any relevant experience.

Personal statement

  • Provide a statement (approximately 500-700 words) which outlines why you wish to be considered for this program and the skills or experience you have that make you suited to the program.

Australian Psychological Society (APS) assessment (if required)

  • Applicants with international qualifications must have these assessed by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) as equivalent to a fourth year of study in psychology. Attach this assessment to your application.

Two referee reports

  • You will need to obtain one academic referee report and one professional or personal referee report. The reports must be submitted online via the Reference Request System. This system allows applicants for Australian postgraduate programs in Psychology to apply for a reference from academic and/or professional referees. Your referees must submit their reports to the Reference Request System no later than the application closing date.

If you receive an offer

Your offer letter may list conditions that you will need to meet by a specified deadline, such as providing evidence that you have completed your degree and maintained an average of 80%. Please read the conditions listed on your offer letter carefully.

You will also be required to accept your offer by a specified deadline. If you do not accept your offer by this date, your offer will lapse, and the place will be offered to the next ranked applicant. Please ensure you check your emails for additional information carefully.

Before commencing the program

Successful applicants must complete any specified immunisation or compliance requirements prior to commencing the clinical component of the program. These processes can be time consuming and should be started once you have accepted your offer. Failure to do so could impact on your clinical component commencement. Please see the ‘Immunisation and compliance requirements’ heading below for further information.

If you are successful in obtaining a place in this program, you must meet a number of professional compliance requirements upon commencement of your studies.


Immunisations may be required by the placement organisation. Students will need to check the immunisation requirements of the placement organisation before commencing their placements.

Compliance requirements

  • Police Check: Students must present evidence of a successful National Police Records Check prior to undertaking the clinical components of this program (Annual requirement for the duration of your Program). National Police records check are conducted via fit2work. An account with fit2work will be created using the student’s name and the RMIT issued student email address, once studies in the program have commenced. Further information will be provided once enrolment has been completed.
  • Working with Children Check (valid for 5 years): Students must hold a valid Working with Children Check prior to undertaking the clinical components of this program.
  • NDIS Worker Screening Check*:  You may be required to apply for and receive an acceptable NDIS Worker Screening Check prior to undertaking professional placement with an NDIS provider as part of this program. Further information will be provided once enrolment has been completed.
  • HAND HYGIENE CERTIFICATE:  Students will be required to undertake Hand Hygiene prior to undertaking professional placement as part of this program.  Further information will be provided once enrolment has been completed.
  • COVID19 Vaccination*:  You will be required to undertake COVID19 Vaccination as part of this program. Further information will be provided once enrolment has been completed.
  • AHPRA REGISTRATION:  students will be required to provide a copy of their AHPRA Registration Letter.

For more information or if you have any questions about these requirements please contact RMIT Connect – Work and Study Opportunities where your enquiry will be dealt with accordingly.

*All relevant screening and compliance check fees are the responsibility of the student. 

Non-academic abilities you’ll need to complete this program

The following information outlines the tasks you will be required to undertake during professional experience placement and on-campus learning activities.

The non-academic abilities listed are provided for your information only and are not entry requirements.

If there are any activities outlined which may be difficult for you to undertake, there are a range of adjustments to your study conditions available to enable and support you to demonstrate these abilities. Please contact the Equitable Learning Service to discuss any adjustments you may require.

By understanding the types of activities you’ll participate in, you can:

  • understand more about the program
  • determine if you may need support during your studies
  • make an informed decision about whether the program is suitable for you

If you are living with disability, long-term illness and/or a mental health condition, we can support you by making adjustments to activities in your program so that you can participate fully in your studies.

To receive learning adjustments, you need to register with Equitable Learning Service

The University considers the wellbeing and safety of all students, staff and the community to be a priority in academic and professional experience placement settings.


You can gain entry to this masters degree from a range of RMIT undergraduate programs, if you meet the entry requirements.

Credit, recognition of prior learning, professional experience and accreditation from a professional body can reduce the duration of your study by acknowledging your earlier, relevant experience.

Credit and exemptions will be assessed consistent with the principles of the RMIT Credit Policy.

Upon successful completion of this degree, you may be eligible for entry into an RMIT Masters by Research or Doctoral (PhD) program.


Entry for this program is primarily through Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs).

Government financial assistance is available to eligible students regardless of the type of place you enrol in.

2025 indicative fees

Commonwealth supported places

  • 2025 Commonwealth supported places (CSP) range from AU$4,627 to AU$16,992*. 

Full-fee places

  • AU$33,600 (2025 annual fee)*.

Additional expenses

  • Student services and amenities fee (SSAF): AU$365 maximum fee for 2025*.
  • Other items related to your program, including field trips, textbooks and equipment.

Annual fee adjustment*

Amounts quoted are indicative fees per annum, and are based on a standard year of full-time study (96 credit points). A proportionate fee applies for more or less than the full-time study load.

*Fees are adjusted on an annual basis and these fees should only be used as a guide.

Defer your payment

  • You may be eligible to apply for a HELP loan, which can be used to defer payment of up to the full amount of your student contribution fees. You may also be eligible to apply to defer payment of your SSAF through the SA-HELP loan scheme.
  • For more information and to learn how to calculate your exact tuition fees see postgraduate study fees.

Paying your fees and applying for refunds

For information on how to pay your fees or how to apply for a refund, please see Paying your fees and applying for refunds.

If you are offered a Commonwealth supported place, your tuition fees are subsidised by the Australian Government.

Your share of the fee (student contribution) is set on an annual basis by the government and is determined by the discipline areas (bands) of your individual enrolled courses, not the overall program.

How much can I expect to pay for my Commonwealth supported place?

The Australian Government has introduced changes to university funding and student contribution fees under its Job-ready Graduates Package

The fees in the table below apply to students who commence their program in 2025. Fees for continuing students are available at fees for Commonwealth supported students.

Each course (subject) falls into a band. The band determines the student contribution amount for the course.

Amounts listed in the table below are based on a standard, full-time study load (96 credit points per year) with all courses in the same band. A proportionate fee applies for more or less than the full-time study load or for enrolment in courses (subjects) from a combination of bands.

You can learn how to calculate your exact tuition fees for units from different bands at Fees for Commonwealth supported students.

Maximum student contribution amount for Commonwealth supported places in 2025 for commencing students

Student contribution band by course (subject)

Maximum annual student contribution amount (per EFTSL) in 2025

Education, Postgraduate Clinical Psychology, English, Mathematics, Statistics, Nursing, Indigenous and Foreign Languages, Agriculture $4,627 per standard year
$578 per standard (12 credit point) course
Allied Health, Other Health, Built Environment, Computing, Visual and Performing Arts, Professional Pathway Psychology, Professional Pathway Social Work, Engineering, Surveying, Environmental Studies, Science, Pathology $9,314 per standard year
$1,164 per standard (12 credit point) course
Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Science $13,241 per standard year
$1,655 per standard (12 credit point) course
Law, Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce, Communications, Society and Culture $16,992 per standard year
$2,124 per standard (12 credit point) course

Student Learning Entitlement

On 1 January 2022, the Government implemented the Student Learning Entitlement (SLE).

  • The SLE allows students 7 years of full-time subsidised study in Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP).
  • Your total SLE amount will be reduced in accordance with your overall study load in a CSP. 
  • Once you have utilised all your SLE, you can not longer study in a CSP.

For more information about SLE, visit Study Assist.

If you are offered a full-fee place, you will need to pay the full tuition costs of your program. However, eligible students (such as Australian citizens or holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa) may apply to defer payment of some or all of their tuition fees via the Commonwealth Government’s FEE-HELP loan scheme.

In addition to tuition fees, you will be charged an annual student services and amenities fee (SSAF), which is used to maintain and enhance services and amenities that improve your experience as an RMIT student.

The SSAF is calculated based on your enrolment load and the maximum fee for 2025 is $365.

You may also be required to purchase other items related to your course, including field trips, textbooks and equipment. These additional fees and expenses vary from course to course.


The Australian Government provides financial assistance via the HECS-HELP loan scheme, which allows eligible students (such as Australian citizens or holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa) to defer payment of up to the full amount of their student contribution.

FEE-HELP loans

Eligible students (such as Australian citizens or holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa) may apply to defer payment of some or all of their tuition fees via the Commonwealth Government’s FEE-HELP loan scheme.


You may be eligible to apply to defer payment of the Student services and amenities fee (SSAF) through the SA-HELP loan scheme. If you use SA-HELP, the amount will be added to your accumulated HELP debt.

How does a HELP loan work?

If your HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP and/or SA-HELP loan application is successful, the Australian Government will pay RMIT, on your behalf, up to 100% of your fees. This amount will become part of your accumulated HELP debt.

You only start repaying your accumulated HELP debt to the Australian Government once you earn above the minimum income threshold for repayment, which is set each year by the Australian Government (this also applies if you are still studying). The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will calculate your compulsory repayment for the year and include this on your income tax notice.

For more information about loan repayment options see Commonwealth assistance (HELP loans) or Study Assist.

This program is approved for income support.

You may be eligible for student income support payments from the Commonwealth Government if you are undertaking a graduate certificate, graduate diploma or an approved professionally oriented masters by coursework program. For more information see Income support for Masters students.

If you are enrolled in an eligible program you will also need to satisfy all other student payment eligibility requirements. You can contact Centrelink or Services Australia for further information about student income support entitlements, your eligibility and how to apply.

You may be eligible to apply for income tax deductions for education expenses linked to your employment.

See the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for more information.

RMIT awards more than 2000 scholarships every year to recognise academic achievement and assist students from a variety of backgrounds.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Looking for answers or more general information?

Use our Frequently Asked Questions to learn about the application process and its equity access schemes, find out how to accept or defer your offer or request a leave of absence, discover information about your fees, refunds and scholarships, and explore the various student support and advocacy services, as well as how to find out more about your preferred program, and more.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.