Research interests
Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Manufacturing Engineering, Numerical and Computational Mathematics, Other Mathematical Sciences, Information Systems
Current research projects
Application of Multivariate quality control in clinical area.
Performance Analysis/Process Capability estimation for Clinical data.
Performance Analysis/Process Capability estimation for linear and non-linear profiles.
Performance Analysis/Process Capability estimation for multivariate non-normal processes.
Statistical process control for multistream processes monitoring variability.
Developing multivariate process control models for air pollution monitoring.
Developing multivariate performance control models for cancer prevention.
Developing multivariate process control models for medical data.
Past research projects
Statistical Quality Assurance for Air Monitoring Data.
Statistical Quality Control for Food Manufacturing.
Application of Statistical Quality Control in banking system and steel industry.
Modelling water pollution.
Developing statistical Forecasting models for air pollution and Ozone control.
Application of Multivariate quality control in clinical area.
Optimal Statistical Models for Forecasting Pollution Ozone Modelling and Forecasting.
Improved Output Control.
Cost-Effective Sampling Plans.
New Ways of Learning–Teaching and Assessment in large classes.
Building Leadership Capacity in the use of Student Feedback to Enhance Student Learning and Teaching Practices in Large Classes.
Developing univariate and multivariate time series models for forecasting ground level Ozone